My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 899: Build a 0-year old store

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When returning home, Xiao Feng chose a chartered flight.

Three hundred thousand dollars a time, a voyage of more than ten thousand kilometers is definitely more comfortable than flying in first class.

With his current wealth, this little money is naturally a matter of course.

But when he goes to the United States this time, he plans to buy a plane. After all, with his net worth, he definitely can afford it.

The reason I didn't buy it before was mainly because it was expensive to stop at the airport and the maintenance was also very troublesome.

In this regard, Xiao Feng is unwilling to be slaughtered as a fat pig.

Buying a Gulfstream only costs more than 50 million U.S. dollars, but the real big part of the domestic expenditure is in parking the aircraft.

Renting a hangar at the airport costs millions of dollars a year. For refueling, maintenance, etc., it costs 10 million yuan a year for all of these.

Xiao Feng didn't want to be slaughtered, but now that he has his own territory in Karapag, this private jet will naturally be equipped.

The big deal is that the plane usually parks here, and when it is used, it is more cost-effective than renting a hangar in China.

Moreover, with these security personnel and mechanical experts coming from other worlds, Xiao Feng was most relieved by entrusting the maintenance and driving of the aircraft to them.

He couldn't be trusted to hire crew members from the outside.

Thinking of Kobe, Xiao Feng couldn't help but feel sad. To be honest, he really doubted for a while whether the death of Black Mamba was a conspiracy by a certain K organization in the United States.

And as a billionaire, he still has so many unlisted potential stocks in his hands. Who knows if anyone is thinking about it?

Therefore, Xiao Feng has never bought an airplane before. Many people say that the thing is safe, but in Xiao Feng's opinion, it is the most insecure.

The probability of an accident is low, but once an accident occurs, it is terrible.

But now it's different. There are clone security experts who are proficient in various skills and flying a plane is a piece of cake.

There are cloning machinery experts who specialize in maintenance and eliminate the potential safety hazards without outsiders' intervention, which makes Xiao Feng more at ease.

The plane landed in Bincheng, this time Zhu Ziqi came to pick him up in person.

He has been here for more than three months, but he can't think of women enough.

Xiao Feng was also taken aback when he saw the woman's lower abdomen that had begun to bulge.

"A few months? Why didn't I hear you mention it before I left?"

"Humph! You are so busy, how can you have time to listen to me?"

"Sao Rui, it's me who is wrong, here, this is the gift I brought you back."

Xiao Feng smiled and took out a string of emeralds made of emeralds. There were only three emeralds with large fingernails on it.

"Wow! This is..."

Zhu Ziqi's eyes straightened at once, and as expected, no matter how old a woman was, she couldn't stand the temptation of this shining stone.

"The necklace made of emeralds from Columbia Muzukeng, I made it for you."

Xiao Feng said with a smile, these emeralds were copied from Li Fei, and he still has a bag.

Zhu Ziqi's eyes brightened after hearing this. She is not an unseen girl, she is from a well-to-do family, and her parents also know a lot of local rich in Greentown.

She naturally heard the news about Colombian emeralds.

There are actually only two kinds of emeralds recognized internationally. One is emerald, among which the most sought after from Colombia's Muzuo mine.

The other one is tourmaline!

As for things like jasper and jade, they are also circulating in the Chinese circle and in East Asia, even going abroad, and they don't even recognize the foot basin and the southern kingdom.

So you look at the high prices of jasper and jadeite in the past few years, but now? All fell to the price of cabbage.

Even the price of jade has dropped a lot from before.

And this Colombian emeralds will not, especially the emeralds produced in the Muzuo mine, have been sought after by the royal family and the rich in Europe and the United States, and the price can be said to be higher year by year.

It has even surpassed diamonds to become the top gem in the international jewelry industry.

This time Xiao Feng took out such a lavish gift in one breath, she naturally forgave him.

In fact, did she know that he hid a woman in South America...

It's just a smart woman who will never take the initiative to break.

Especially now that Xiao Feng's family business is getting bigger and bigger, and men in this class are surrounded by a few fixed confidantes.

It's better than changing women every day and frying lace.

After returning home to comfort the woman, Xiao Feng returned to the President's Office of the Twin Towers early the next morning.

All the executives of the celebrity chef group are naturally there.

When he was not at home, Katya was the chief butler of the celebrity chef group, but she usually spends most of her time on the door island.

Mainly responsible for the production of the factory's ingredient packages, and now it has added the production of other products such as canned fish. In addition, it supervises the production of fast food by famous chefs and the accounting of the hospital.

As for the operations of celebrity chefs, Zhou Jing, Xiaolin, and Zhu Ziqi are usually responsible for them.

As for the Sunshine Burns Hospital, Guan Zhenhai has always been in charge of operations.

The boss often shakes his hands out to be chic, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

But every time the boss comes back, everyone has to report on their work, which is also a normal operation.

This is an opportunity to take credit for the boss in front of the boss, so everyone reported very enthusiastically.

"Mr. Xiao, in the past three months or so, our newly joined stores in China have basically opened. Among them, Jintai City, and Da Le City, the 1,100 stores they joined, opened first, and the others More than 2,000 have been renovated and opened one after another. At present, we have more than 5,500 branches in China, and their operations are pretty good..."

In the past few months, Xiaolin has been running around the country.

As the person in charge of store supervision at the headquarters, his current rights are not ordinary.

Regardless of whether you are Jintai City or Dale City, such a large business, or an individual small business.

As long as you join our famous chef to make fast food, you must follow our rules.

The decoration drawings must be selected from the several plans we have made, and the decoration materials and construction team must be specified by us.

It was okay when Yida joined in the past, Yilai Wan Gongzi and Xiao are always friends, and Yida has its own construction team.

So give them the drawings, let them go back and buy the materials by themselves, and just build and decorate them.

But now Jintai City and Dale City do not enjoy the same conditions as Yida.

No way, who made you and Mr. Xiao not friends?

At that time, the reason why Yida agreed to operate on its own was because the celebrity chefs at that time were not strong enough and the brand was not strong enough.

It even needs to rub the popularity of other people's Yida reputation.

But now made by famous chefs, he is a domestic Chinese fast food, a big brother, and a popular fried chicken in the international fast food industry.

There is no need to rub your enthusiasm between Dale City and Jintai City. In terms of economic strength, the cash flow created by other famous chefs is even better than your Dale City or Jintai City.

So this time, when Xiao Lin faced Jintai City and Dale City, he was extremely strong.

Anyway, we issue the drawings. The construction materials and the construction team must be specified by us. If you accept it, then it’s okay for everyone to cooperate.

If you don't want to, then shoot two shots and separate them.

Anyway, the number of people who want to join the famous chef is gone. If you don't do it, countless people immediately jump out and rush to do it.

So just this time, Kobayashi helped the group earn a lot in terms of renovation costs.

Now domestic franchise stores have opened business. According to statistics, the average daily net profit of these branches can be between 5,000 and 10,000.

This is just opening, and after a while, advertising and publicity are in place one after another.

The distribution of these stores is done, and the business of these stores will be on a higher level.

According to their previous big data analysis of single store marketing, the average daily net profit of these stores exceeds 10,000, which is absolutely not a problem.

What Xiao Feng likes most is that everyone makes money together, just like a green city horse.

Why is my old man in high position in the business world? It is because while he is making money, he also allows the people and companies around him to make money.

That's how Xiao Feng's original purpose of setting up a celebrity chef manufacturing is.

These stores have a net profit of more than 10,000 yuan per store, and they can earn back their investment in basically three years.

This year, if you look at another industry, what kind of business can guarantee such a stable cash flow?

And three years can make you pay back!

This celebrity chef made Xiao Feng intends to operate it as a century-old store, and he even plans to make this store a thousand-year-old store.

He wants to make the sign of this store a golden sign.

Just like Coca-Cola!

The CEO of Coca-Cola once said that even if a fire one day burns all Coca-Cola factories in the world.

But as long as they still have this sign, they can make a comeback!

This is the power of brand power and goodwill!

He is made by this celebrity chef, even as long as he achieves the same brand power as others, then he doesn't have to worry about his future operations.

With the urinary nature of the Chinese, the franchise qualification of his chef after manufacturing can definitely become a financial product!

Just like fried garlic, fried license plates, and fried uncompleted flats, the signatures made by his chef will be given financial attributes by those guys.

This is not an exaggeration at all, domestic capital has done just that.

"Well, that's good. Now that we have received the money from others, we have to make the store well. How about the advertising investment?"

Xiao Feng glanced at Tian Qing again. Tian Qing has always been in charge of this aspect.

The store is getting bigger and bigger, and the reputation of celebrity chefs has spread throughout the country, but the more such advertising, the more you can’t relax.

Brand power has been promoted from generation to generation in this way.

Look at the Golden Arches, Kaifeng cuisine, do people lack reputation?

No shortage! Isn't it the same, advertising on TV regardless of the cost?

Therefore, advertising is still to be done.

"We have already prepared the new advertising budget. We plan to invest a total of 300 million yuan this year. In addition, we have invited Gege and Xiaoshuai as our brand image endorsements this year."

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