My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 900: Beneficial to others

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Gege is a new generation of national florets. It looks pretty and is famous for its long legs.

Xiaoshuai is a new generation of Xiaoxianrou. He was born in the Youth League and has a very high nationality. Now he is studying at the Film Academy.

Both of these are very well-known in the country, especially in youth groups.

Considering the growth of the brand in the future, we must pay particular attention to cultivating and developing customers in the youth group. Therefore, Tian Qing chose these two individuals as the image endorsement. Xiao Feng thinks it is very good.

Because nowadays, elderly parents and adults over 30 years old rarely watch advertisements, and because of family life pressure and other reasons, they rarely choose to eat out.

On the contrary, young people are more willing to consume.

So choosing these two people as endorsements, Xiao Feng feels that the positioning is very accurate.

He nodded in agreement, and Tian Qing was relieved. After all, it was like brand image endorsement, but the boss had to make the decision.

If you choose someone that the boss doesn't like, it will be a hassle.

And there is generally no reason to talk about this. The boss likes it if he likes it, and he doesn't like it if he doesn't like it.

The most important thing is that the team of these two people promised to give her a lot of benefits.

The reason why the team of these two people is so eager to create endorsements for celebrity chefs is because they recognize and even value the influence of celebrity chefs.

Nowadays, celebrity chefs make fast food and have gone overseas, even entering the European and American markets.

This is the first domestic fast food chain to make such an achievement, so many people have heard of this company even if they have never tried it.

Even professors in many schools and colleagues in the business world follow them as examples.

It is not an honor for these two people to be able to endorse such a company?

The relationship between everyone can be said to be complementary.

"Don't limit the target to only these two people. Others should also look for more. For example, comedians should also find some. We also do some characteristic advertisements."

"Okay, I know Mr. Xiao."

Tian Qing nodded. She naturally understood what Xiao Feng meant. Mr. Xiao is going to take the advanced route!

The endorsements of ordinary celebrities who look at their faces can no longer satisfy him.

And characteristic advertisements, such as the Golden Arches and Burger King's history of grievances, are naturally more advanced and easier to remember.

In fact, it is precisely this so-called high-level management that accumulates brand power over time.

For example, Toyota, Honda, and these Japanese cars have slowly accumulated their current brand power by relying on such quiet word-of-mouth accumulation and advertising.

Some of their products, such as domineering and performance, are really better than Haval's H9?

The Internet is overbearing in the past, but the H9 can easily pass.

And in terms of body rigidity, safety, etc., the H9 is not bad.

It can be sold at a price that is several times more expensive than you, and the value retention rate is still several times that of you.

Why? This is the brand power that supports the beliefs of consumers!

That's why it has only been a few years since celebrity chef manufacturing was born. Although it is now famous all over the country, it is still early to form such a brand!

So this kind of subtle propaganda is naturally needed. It is far from enough in Xiao Feng's opinion to rely on the kind of brainless handsome men and beauties.

"By the way, how did the celebrity chef send it there to build it?"

Xiao Feng suddenly remembered the takeaway delivery problem, so he turned around and asked about Xia Hongtao.

This project was proposed by Xia Hongtao before, so he is also in charge.

"Well, the team has now been set up, and we have started trial operation in Bencheng and the provincial capital. In the next three months, we will expand to the whole country."

Xiao Feng was very satisfied with Xia Hongtao's words.

With the opening of celebrity chef manufacturing branches all over the country, this takeaway delivery has become a headache for them.

They have been working with Liang Tuan before, are they still full? These two food delivery companies have worked together.

Among them, Liangtuan has the most orders, after all, they are the company with the largest share of the takeaway market.

But with the deepening of cooperation, more and more franchisees, as they reacted, this company is not authentic.

The delivery fee used to be not high, but now it will cost about 30% of the delivery fee.

In addition, they always force merchants to engage in promotional activities. In fact, they are asking merchants to pay to help them retain customers.

This Nima is simply perverse!

When they used to rob the market, they paid crazy subsidies, and now they have become the market brothers, wanting to make money back.

Everyone can understand this, but you can't be unrestrained and **** blood from the merchants without a bottom line!

How can you let the majority of merchants play like this?

When Xiao Feng was in South America before, he also followed domestic news and heard that many local catering associations held meetings.

Call on merchants in the association to boycott this enterprise.

Later, Xiao Feng also learned about some of the actions of this company, and after learning about it, his impression of this company quickly collapsed.

You said that you scam so much money from the restaurant. It's okay if you treat a little takeaway.

But their attitude towards the delivery staff is also extremely harsh, and they deduct bonuses at every turn, which is very excessive.

It can be said that they are takeaways and eat at both ends of the business, and all the benefits are taken up by them.

Many of the merchants that do takeaways are actually the most typical small and micro enterprises, but you are also stuck with their oil and drinking their blood, which is too much.

Therefore, Xiao Feng has a new idea for giving away to celebrity chefs this time.

"Very well, during the trial operation stage, we will make our own takeaway first. During this period, we will try to send our celebrity chefs to the applet to exit. In the future, we will also start the business of other catering companies."

After hearing what Xiao Feng said, Xia Hongtao's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you mean?"

"Yes, our celebrity chefs are definitely not limited to only delivering our own takeaways. We also have to go out and deliver takeaways to other companies."

"Then... I know what to do."

Xia Hongtao patted his chest confidently. In fact, the delivery staff sent by their celebrity chefs, but many people rushed to do it.

Unlike the takeaways who do Liang Tuan, are you full, they have a basic salary.

It's similar to the takeaway system in Golden Arches and Kaifeng dishes. It's not like Liang Tuan and full, it all depends on commission.

Moreover, the daily volume of their own business is quite astonishing. If you add orders from other companies, you will definitely make more money.

As far as Xia Hongtao is concerned, if the celebrity chef can go out, it will have an absolute advantage over Liang Tuan, He is full.

How does the bright group and fullness work?

Completely asset-light operations rely on the two Internet giants to inject capital and burn money for them to grab the market.

Celebrity chefs have a natural advantage over them. They have more than 5,000 physical stores across the country, and they can make blood on their own.

Coupled with the backing of the group, it is not afraid of burning money.

In addition, now Liang Tuan, are you full? Because of the increase in prices in the industry, the reputation has been completely tarnished.

At this time, if the celebrity chef came out and shouted, hehe, which side the merchants would go to, it is natural to imagine.

"...In this respect, we have a natural advantage over them. Our customers themselves are highly viscous. Now our ordering applet and APP have more than 100 million registered users. We will burn some money in the future, and users will definitely continue More. At that time, you can just add the takeaway program directly to it. Unlike them, in order to let people download the APP, they burned billions of dollars just by burning money..."

When Xia Hongtao talked about promotion, his eyes were bright. In fact, he had thought about this before.

But he has never found an opportunity to tell Xiao Feng that now the big boss is taking the initiative to make a decision, and if he wants to take the initiative, he will naturally speak out some of the plans he has already thought of.

"...And not to mention customer stickiness. They have to force merchants to cut prices and promote activities to ensure customer stickiness. As long as we are made by famous chefs, we can guarantee customer stickiness. At that time, we will cooperate with other merchants to make some food. This one, send another drink, or eat this one, send another coupon, and other joint actions, naturally, the daily life of customers will increase. It is estimated that other businesses are also eager to log on to our takeaway platform."

In many cases, Xia Hongtao has already thought about it. At this time, it is even more These are the advantages made by celebrity chefs, and the bright group and fullness are not available.

"Well, very good. If the celebrity chefs are given away, then we must formulate more flexible charging methods for merchants. Especially for small, medium and micro merchants, we must minimize their costs so that everyone earns. It is really earning."

Xiao Feng has never forgotten his original intention of doing business in China.

When money has accumulated to a certain level, his pursuit of wealth is no longer as hungry as he was at first, and he values ​​the social responsibility of an entrepreneur more.

"In addition, we have to contact more suppliers to form a platform to reduce the cost of supply as much as possible. Once these small, medium and micro enterprises enter our takeaway platform, we will also help them connect those who purchase goods. Resources, reduce their operating costs, and at the same time allow vegetable farmers to make money."

Xiao Feng said his new idea again, but Xia Hongtao slapped his thigh with joy.

"Mr. Xiao, this is a good idea! Now everyone can often see that the vegetables of vegetable farmers are rotten in the ground, but the vegetables in the city are easily priced at seven or eight yuan, which the ordinary people can't afford. This price is let the middle link raise the price. Going up, if we can support several large-scale suppliers and open up downstream channels, the cost of this dish will naturally come down. As long as the merchants stationed on our platform, they can get benefits, and the people can get benefits. Okay."

Following Xiao Feng's time for a long time, Xia Hongtao also gradually began to understand Xiao Feng's feelings.

Xiao Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, what we have to do is to benefit others while benefiting ourselves. Think about it, the fat Donglai, the price of things is so low, the service is so in place, but people still have money. Earn, there is so much for us to learn."

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