My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 901: Based on the European and American markets

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Speaking of Fat Donglai, this is a very famous business recently.

Greentown Ma mentioned him, and the rice boss also admired him, and even once made him a benchmark in the domestic retail industry.

Xiao Feng has also known about this company. To put it bluntly, what they implement is nothing more than the standards of American companies. Most of the rules are actually copied from fasteners.

Especially their well-known unlimited return system, as long as you buy something from his house, you can take it back if you don’t use it well, even if you have opened it, you can still return it.

This is actually a kind of trust in customers, the quality of trusting customers.

In addition, the company also gave up part of the profits to bear the cost of the return and exchange.

In addition, coupled with the creation of a first-class environment, providing customers with top-notch shopping services, and absolute treatment of employees, this has created the miracle of today's fat Donglai.

Although only a few stores have been opened in Henan province, their reputation has spread all over the country.

He defeated several opponents in the same city, and even the international chain giants Carrefour and Wal-Mart were his defeated opponents.

Even in order to keep their competitors alive, they actually only operate six days a week and one day off.

Do you dare to think about this in the domestic supermarket industry?

In other parts of the country, all major supermarkets have been beaten by e-commerce companies. However, there is never a shortage of people in the stores where people come to the east. Why?

Just because they provide customers with the ultimate user experience, this ensures a high customer viscosity.

The people are willing to go shopping in their stores, even if the prices of the items in the store are more expensive than other places, they are also willing to go.

This is the word-of-mouth that achieves the ultimate humanization.

And to do this, in the final analysis, the big boss has to be willing!

Be willing to give up your own interests to employees and consumers.

But this is something most bosses can't do in China.

While the business is at the level of Xiao Feng, he admires Fat Donglai's business ideas and style, so he can do what Fat Donglai can do.

When it comes to customer resources, he has never lacked.

The merchants who supply him now don't know how many things are complicated, because the factory made by his celebrity chefs now focuses on self-sufficient production of expensive raw materials, such as beef and fish, as well as seasonings.

As for pork, lamb, and other side dishes, they are all provided by suppliers.

The integration of these resources will provide those small, medium and micro catering companies joining his celebrity chef delivery platform to help them save costs while also finding more customers for these suppliers.

This is what Xiao Feng hopes to see, anyway, he doesn't expect much money from this.

Everyone agreed with Xiao Feng's proposal.

So this plan was quickly passed.

"By the way, how is the situation of our overseas franchise stores?"

"Our overseas franchise stores currently total about 1,600. Among them, there are 500 new and old franchise stores in Europe, 300 stores in North America, and 300 stores in Japan and Southern Korea. , There are also 200 stores in South America this time, and there are about 300 franchise in Southeast Asia and Australia! At present, these stores have been opened for business, and the operating efficiency is very good. Most of the stores’ daily net income , They are all higher than the domestic..."

Xiaolin also reported to Xiao Feng about the situation of overseas franchise stores.

His supervision department is more than just checking the operation of famous chef manufacturing franchise stores in the country.

They are also required to supervise and manage the operation of these overseas stores.

So now he has a lot of people in his team, and he often flies all over the world, going to various branches to conduct inspections.

Famous chefs were first based in Europe, relying on Chinese fast food flavored with mushroom powder. The taste of this fast food is really peculiar. Not only Chinese people like it, but Europeans and Americans also like it.

In the previous year, Xiao Feng had arranged for Tian Qing and Katja to organize a food research and development department on Waitemen Island.

One of the jobs of this department is to study western fast food, such as pizza, burgers, etc.

After all, they can buy rice bowls in the Golden Arches of Kaifeng cuisine in China. Then you are a celebrity chef. Why can't you sell hamburger pizza when you go abroad?

And after all, in other people's turf, you have to know how to do what you like in your hometown.

Even if the Chinese food is delicious, it is not traditional food of other people after all. It is still fresh to eat a few meals occasionally, but people always think of hamburger pizza.

Therefore, the localization of various foods has become a top priority.

Xiao Feng has heard Tian Qing say that why Golden Arches are famous all over the world, and they are absolutely top-notch in terms of food localization.

Their menu alone has more than 40,000 dishes, which contain a variety of foods adapted to the tastes of the region around the world.

Therefore, the internationalization of celebrity chef manufacturing naturally starts from the internationalization of menus.

What's more, burgers and pizzas are not difficult at first, and what celebrity chefs do best is seasoning.

Adding mushroom powder to various sauces of Western-style fast food, such as all-purpose mayonnaise, or tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, will naturally get a variety of sauces that are similar to Western traditional sauces but have different tastes.

The most important thing is that these sauces are also full of appeal to Europeans and Americans.

After all, the food engineers of the celebrity chef group have worked **** the basic taste of sweetness and sourness.

Don't underestimate everyone. Those food manufacturing companies think they just make snacks and don't have much technical content.

In fact, it is not that simple. Every kind of snack we see on supermarket shelves has various menus prepared by food engineers from major companies after thousands of attempts.

The seasonings used are more accurate to the gram. The function of each seasoning, the time of adding, the quantity, etc., are all carefully calculated.

And the engineers in the research institute of the celebrity chef group are naturally not eating rice.

With the magical seasoning of mushroom powder, they can concoct a variety of sauces.

The Western-style fast food they developed, once launched in Europe and the United States, immediately detonated the market.

After all, foods like burgers and pizza are more appetizing for Europeans and Americans than rice-fried dishes.

Originally, the business of celebrity chefs in Europe and the United States was very hot, but as soon as their Western-style food was launched, it immediately brought a peak in sales to European and American franchisees.

Not only did the franchisees earn a lot of money, but they also made themselves for celebrity chefs and earned a lot of reputation.

With such benefits, celebrity chef manufacturing can be considered to have a firm foothold in the European and American markets!

Even in some first-tier cities in China, their Western-style fast food is also quite good.

After all, the tastes of the Chinese people are also very diverse nowadays, some people like rice-fried dishes, and some people like burgers and fried chicken.

However, the more the franchisees earn, the more Xiao Feng will earn.

After all, all the main materials sold in their restaurant are purchased from the factory on Maimen Island.

For example, meatloaf for burgers, cooking buns for Chinese food and so on.

Even the napkins used in the restaurant are made and purchased by celebrity chefs.

"Well, it's very good. We build our word of mouth so that the next time we hold an investment promotion conference, it will be specifically aimed at overseas markets."

Xiao Feng nodded to Tian Qing and said.

In China, celebrity chefs have opened more than 5,500 stores, and Xiao Feng estimates that this is already the limit.

In fact, some places can be opened up, but Xiao Feng doesn't plan to release it so soon.

If you open too many stores, it will also affect the profits of each branch.

When the consumption of Chinese people is upgrading, he plans to open more branches.

Now, it's time to focus our main energy on developing overseas markets.

Compared with the domestic market, the profits in overseas markets are higher, especially in the North American market.

You must know that the United States is the country that advocates both enjoyment, so many people in the United States have the habit of not cooking at home.

The well-developed food processing industry in the United States also lets consumers know that cooking at home and having a meal outside are actually not much difference.

Therefore, most American families have the habit of eating out every day.

So the US market has great potential to be tapped.

In that market, he had handed it to Helen's agent before, and Helen tested the water in the early stage and opened more than 300 branches in the United States.

I heard from Kobayashi just now that the effect is very profitability of a single store is even higher than that in Europe.

What does this show? The consumption power of the US market is indeed strong enough!

In the next step, Xiao Feng naturally intends to open more stores in the United States, and these are the decisions he intends to discuss with Helen next time he goes to the United States.

After all, the United States is also a golden archway, the home of international giants such as Kaifeng cuisine.

In addition to these international giants, they also have many local snake chains.

It may not be famous internationally, but it is still very popular with consumers locally.

To compete with those local snakes, one must understand strategy, or else they can do anything with the Americans' shameless virtue at every turn.

"By the way, how is our seasoning done?"

Xiao Feng also remembered the condiment factory on Tomen Island. Katya had been doing it before. The first batch of products mainly made soy sauce, fuel consumption, and sauces for Western-style fast food.

"The first batch of products has already gone offline, and they are mainly used internally at present. They are very popular. The output can't keep up. If we want to export, we need to further expand our production capacity."

Katya smiled and said to Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng was also very happy to hear it.

Indeed, with the Western-style fast food made by their celebrity chefs, there are several kinds of Western-style fast-food sauces that they originally planned to send to the supermarket shelves for their own use.

In addition, the soy sauce was basically digested internally by them.

I am afraid it will take a while to get sales in the supermarket.

"How about the pricing?"

"We are not going to take the low-end route. Our main target is the European and American markets, but the domestic market? After all, we have to leave other companies alive..."

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