George has already told him over there, no matter what means he uses.

He must see the self-service medical examination center next week, because he has already contacted domestic experts, as well as Japanese and Dutch people.

If Pete loses the chain on this side, it's hitting him in the face.

So Pete's side can now be called tight on time and heavy tasks.

But who made him not have a suitable candidate under his hand now.

As a commercial spy, Pete has visited China many times before.

At that time, there were still a few guys under his hand who worked together, but after completing the last task.

A few of them broke up, and the reason was simple: everyone disliked the uneven distribution of profits.

They all felt that they should divide more points, but in the end they disagreed with each other and could only part ways.

After Pitt took over this task this time, he also thought about recruiting two good players in the country.

After all, his comrades-in-arms in the former army really have some leisurely at home.

But considering that the gang of guys were too obvious, he gave up his plan to recruit those guys.

And another point is that the asking prices of those guys are very expensive.

I dare to ask him for one hundred thousand if I can't move a project.

Special code, how much can he earn on this project?

After the incident is done, I still have to give George a rebate, so as to ensure that the guy can think of himself next time he has an incident.

So after thinking for a while, Pete finally decided to come to Asia to recruit people.

Fortunately, he was in Asia and he also knew Zhiling Kuromura. With her help, he found He Zhifeng by himself.

Although this guy has an ugly face and a thin face, the key is a good licking dog.

So Pete is basically satisfied with He Zhifeng.

But now seeing the group of people that He Zhifeng found, he finally understands why Chinese people like to say that things are gathered together and people are divided into groups.

A bunch of guys, the highest height is only one meter seven.

The typical South Asians are taller, and their faces look more like South Vietnamese than XX people.

The strongest body is the one who claims to have been a policeman.

Looking at his physique, Pete finally understood a little bit, why those guys can make trouble for so long.

With this physique, it seems that there is no deterrent at all!

However, this group of South Vietnamese dwarfs will mess up G Island as much as possible.

Although the Americans don't get any benefits, they like to look at these guys and disgusting people from above.

"Okay, did Afeng tell you what is our mission for this operation?"

Pete resisted his dissatisfaction and let go of He Zhifeng's neckline.

He turned around and came to these cockroaches and asked.

Several people nodded awkwardly: "Isn't that just here to steal it? Don't worry, we are very good at this."

He Zhifeng's old watch, He Haoming, stood up and said.

Pete glanced at this guy, who was about the same height as He Zhifeng, less than one meter seven.

He also looks the same crooked melon, but his body looks a bit stouter than his thin brother who is as thin as a bamboo stalk.

Seeing such a guy finally made him feel a little confident.

"That's good, who of you knows how to drive a truck..."


Ade raised his hand...

Pete called him to his side, then took out a printed map of Pengcheng and hung it on the whiteboard in front.

He took the pen and drew a stroke on it to explain to the cockroach special team.

Several Xun Ling listened very carefully, after all, this was the big boss He Zhifeng had introduced to them.

If the task is done beautifully this time, no one will be able to divide it into hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

Although this little money is not enough to buy a house on G Island, it is enough for them to spend some time.

So everyone is very attentive to this task, and there will be new tasks after you have done well.

In the evening, Chiling Kuramura also came back, bringing with Pete and the others the most urgently needed information.

Tomorrow night, the fourth self-service medical examination center from the ninth laboratory will arrive in Pengcheng.

Then it was directly transported to the Yida Mall in Pingshan District for installation.

As for the equipment, it was transported by land in large trucks.

Everyone didn't want to understand why they didn't go sea and land.

Pengcheng is a city that prohibits large trucks from entering the city.

In the past, after all kinds of goods were shipped to Pengcheng, they would be shipped to the designated cargo yard in accordance with the requirements.

Then the small truck company in the city will go to the sub-assembly and transfer back to the city.

But because the equipment shipped this time is special and large in size.

Therefore, the Ninth Laboratory and Pengcheng have applied for a special transportation permit.

In such a special situation, the managers of Pengcheng will naturally treat it specially.

What's more, this self-service medical examination center was on the news bulletin some time ago.

Being positioned above is a benchmark for overtaking on a curve!

Such products are shipped to Pengcheng for installation, and they are naturally welcome with their hands.

Therefore, the better with the Ninth Laboratory, after 12 o'clock in the evening, the truck will be released into the city.

Transport the equipment directly to the mall, but it is best to be able to press it before dawn in the morning.

Pete didn't expect that this Black Village Zhiling actually had such an ability, so he inquired about the whole thing so carefully.


This saved him a lot of trouble.

"So dear, have you inquired about the transportation route?"

"Not yet, I have to see that dead ghost again tomorrow..."

Black Village Zhiling complained.

She also paid a lot for this operation. The other party is a little boss in charge of transportation.

I used to have some friendship with her dad.

But the other party is also an old pervert, and it's not a day or two to greet her.

But Zhiling Heimura didn't care about this, anyway, she had done a lot of betraying herself for his father before.

Just like her senior Frog Frog with the same name...

This time making a little sacrifice for her lover, in the eyes of Kuromura Chiling, is not a big deal.

That night, Pete stayed with the Xunqing Special Team and worked out the battle plan.

And he explained to the other party in detail that the next day he let He Zhifeng wait for those tongs to step on.

And Chiling Kuramura went out early in the morning.

He didn't come back until it was getting dark in the afternoon.

When she came back, she looked very tired, and apparently she made many trades this day.

She came to Pete: "The news has been done for you. The other party will take the XXX road, and will enter the city at about 12:30..."

Pete actually felt a little sick in his heart. He felt that Chiling Black Village was a public toilet at this time.

Although it was also to help him, it became a public car for those people.

But he still felt a little sick, anyway, he suddenly got tired of this disposable tool.

Because he doesn't want to share a toilet with others.

Chiling Kuromura didn't know Pete's inner thoughts at this time.

She is still working tirelessly, feeding back the information she collected today to Pete and the others.

I hope that today these people will be able to succeed and steal that piece of equipment.

I believe that the experts of DADY in the United States and the experts in Japan should be able to crack the mystery of this machine soon.

At that time, let's see what you guys are so proud of.

Soon such equipment will be spread all over New York and Tokyo.

It is even more advanced than the original equipment invented by your mainlanders.

Until then, Dady from the United States and Dady from Japan will still think of me, a frogman who has made a great contribution.

But she didn't know that at this time, in Pete's heart, she had become a piece of paper that wiped her buttocks.

It can be thrown into the toilet and flushed with the poop...

At ten o'clock in the evening, the well-reserved Pete left their residence with the Xunqing special team.

He Zhifeng drove the car and took Pete to the checkpoint at Pengcheng.

Generally, large trucks coming from outside will enter the customs from here, and then undergo inspection.

He Zhifeng drove the van and parked it on the side of the road in the distance.

Pretending to be a migrant worker who rests here overnight.

There are many such vans here.

They are all small trucks that usually pull goods in nearby yards.

By half past twelve in the evening, a large truck finally rumbling through.

Pete immediately picked up the binoculars and looked over.

It was quickly determined that the truck was the target vehicle they were waiting for.

After the truck passed the customs, I made a simple stop here and exchanged a few words with the clerks at the checkpoint.

Then rumbling on the road, drove straight to Pingshan District.

However, during this period, there is a section of mountain road, which was newly opened recently.

So not many people left, because it was already wee hours.

There are very few vehicles on the Pete, they have been stuck behind this car.

The car quickly came to the mountain road and suddenly slowed down.

Because there was a car parked sideways on the road ahead, and there was a person lying on the ground in front of the car.

Judging from the car, the man was bloody. It should have been a car accident.

The driver of the minivan was standing in the middle of the mainland, waving for help.

The driver of the big truck slowed down and stopped in front of the small truck.

Opened the door and jumped out of the car: "What happened?"

I just said it, and suddenly I felt a stick in the back of my head.

Then it went dark and fell to the ground.

Ade, with a fierce complexion, quietly touched it out of the darkness at this time.

Shaking the rubber baton in his hand, he just wanted to do it again on the driver's head.

But he was pulled by Alian next to him.

"Are you crazy? We are here to steal things, not to kill people!"

Although it is not a good product, after all, he has been a policeman before, and he still has a little conscience.

Ade spat angrily on the ground.

He quickly **** the driver with He Haoming, who came over, and threw it into the grass on the side of the road.

He Haoming and A Liang climbed into the truck.

He Haoming had worked as a truck driver before, so this big guy couldn't help him.

He drove the large truck on the road, and Afang and Ade drove behind him in the van.

Pete and He Zhifeng's car followed behind.

Seeing how things went so smoothly, Pete even felt a little unbelievable.

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