My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 953: Burning Yokosuka

Don't say it, these gangsters can't do business, but they really have a good hand in sneaking around!

He was born to be a gangster...

Pete sat in the car behind, speculating secretly.

The Ninth Lab is too careless!

They obviously have no protection against this kind of thing!

They may not have thought that someone will steal their equipment.

These guys really stayed in China for too long.

Because the world is as peaceful as China.

And I didn't even expect that someone would be so brave enough to steal their equipment in the mainland.

Thinking about this in several ways, Pete was still very worried.

At this time, the mood quickly calmed down.

The car went all the way to the west and soon left the urban area of ​​Pengcheng.

First, I changed cars in a factory area.

Then all the way northward to detour Yangcheng, planning to go to Haizhu.

From there, enter the port of Austria by transhipment, and then load the ship from the port of Austria.

This route is also a retreat route that Pete has studied for a long time.

Although it is a waste of time, in his opinion this road is the safest.

Even if the Ninth Laboratory detects that its equipment has been stolen, it is estimated that it will only notify the police.

They blocked the port and seaport of Pengcheng, but they never thought that they were taking the line of Haizhu and Austrian Harbor.

This bridge was also ill-fated, and it took many years to repair it.

But what makes people embarrassed is that the bridge does not pass through Pengcheng.

It took hundreds of billions of projects, but in the end...

I really don’t know what some people think when building the bridge.

When the people on Hong Kong Island make a noise, they become soft and coax.

The results of it? Coaxing, coaxing the people over there now will turn back every time.

Pete and his party arrived in Yangcheng more than an hour later, but they did not enter the city.

Instead, he chose to bypass the city and head south directly.

Finally, before dawn, they arrived at the Olympic port and cleared the customs.

Pete had contacted GE before and had helped them clear the customs.

Soon they were released and passed.

After passing the customs, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally arrived at Olympic Harbor, and when they arrived at this boundary, they all felt safe.

Even Pete agreed that He Haoming got off the car and bought a few meal packs to distribute to everyone.

After a busy night, everyone was hungry.

But now is not the time to stop, a few people simply ate breakfast.

Under the command of Pete, he drove straight to the Newport Terminal.

In Hong Kong and Macau, it is not only Hong Kong Island that has piers.

The Port of Austria also has a wharf. Although the throughput is not as good as that of Hong Kong Island, it is not a small wharf either.

Canon’s Ryuguchi, a freighter who helped contact, was already waiting at the port.

As soon as their truck entered the port, someone immediately arranged for unloading and loading.

At noon, the containers were loaded on the cargo ship named Gide.

On the surface, this cargo ship is a Panamanian cargo ship, returning from Thailand.

But in fact, the ship owner behind it is a Japanese company.

This time I happened to be back from Africa, and I originally did not stop at Port Olympia.

However, for this mission, Ryuguchi still arranged for them to stop here for a day through relationships.

The container was loaded at noon, and the Gide hurriedly left the port.

Pete also boarded the freighter and finally got the equipment.

He must personally follow to rest assured that he will follow the ship to Japan.

Guarding the goods and finally unloading them, and then sending them to Yokosuka base before he has completed the task.

From beginning to end, these devices must be controlled by the Americans.

For the so-called allies, the Japanese and the Dutch, Pete is not at ease.

After the equipment is shipped to the Yokosuka base, let those Japanese and Dutch experts come to work as coolies.

Considering that there might be risks on the road, Pete also let He Zhifeng and He Haoming get on the boat.

As for Chiling Kuramura, she was not so lucky.

Tired of this toilet, Pete proposed to break up with her at the dock.

When Zhiling Kuromura learned that she was just like a piece of used toilet paper, when she was thrown away, she was stunned.

American dad, how can you pull out the ruthlessness like this?

Don't even give me a hundred dollars?

Before she could use Sapo to roll around, people had already boarded the ship and had some trouble with her.

Pete, who was still worried about what would happen on the road, finally put his heart in his stomach after a few hours.

He was also worried before that whether the Chinese would send a navy to investigate.

But later, after the Gide reached the high seas.

He understood, it seemed that he was thinking too much.

Even if the ninth laboratory has a great reputation, it has not yet been able to order the Chinese Navy to do things for them, right?

This is different from the United States.

If such a thing happened in the United States.

If a U.S. company discovers that its core technical secrets have been stolen, just report it to the FBI.

Then the FBI will definitely attach great importance to it, even if someone installs equipment on a ship like they do.

The FBI will definitely notify the Coast Guard, even if it is chased thousands of miles away, it will **** things back.

It seems that the Chinese have not yet adapted to the changing role.

In the past, they were just chasers of technology, but when they became the leader.

They still don't know how to protect their technology.

The cargo ship was very fast, and they finally reached Tokyo Bay three days later.

As soon as the Gide was docked, someone came up and arranged for them to unload the cargo first.

The gantry crane hung a few containers down from the ship and put them on the truck that had been waiting a long time ago.

Pete also took He Zhifeng, He Haoming and his party off the ship.

He took He Zhifeng himself and got into the truck with the car.

Several other people got into a car and followed behind to avoid accidents.

Although I have arrived in Tokyo, it can be regarded as an old world.

Pete still felt that he couldn't take it lightly, because he had seen too many tasks.

If you fail at the end, you lose at the last step.

Now that they have taken ninety-nine steps, they are just the last one.

As long as the goods are safely delivered to the Yokosuka base, their mission will be completely completed.

The Yokosuka base is in Tokyo Port, but because it is a military port, their cargo ships cannot enter.

Although General Electric has a strong eye in the United States, it is not strong enough to clear the relationship.

Let the Jidd drive directly into the port to unload the cargo.

Therefore, they can only take a turn, unload the cargo in the general cargo port area, and then transfer it to the Yokosuka base by truck.

Where, GE has rented a warehouse to store equipment.

And the military is also very interested in this equipment, they also want to know.

How did the Chinese research this kind of fluoroscopy device?

If this kind of equipment can be developed in reverse, it will be more useful.

It can be used not only in medicine, but also in machinery manufacturing.

For example, it can be used to detect metal fatigue of large equipment such as rockets and airplanes, and equipment safety.

Pete escorted the car and drove for more than an hour before arriving at the Yokosuka base.

The military personnel at the gate first came to verify the information, and then inspected the vehicle.

After confirming that there is no problem, let them pass.

Pete directed the driver to drive the car to the warehouse the company told him.

It was only after getting out of the car that George had been waiting for him at the door.

Seeing him get out of the car, George laughed and gave him a bear hug.

"Good job, my brother."

"Ha, thank you."

Pete replied lightly.

Although the Americans are not as humble as the Chinese, this kind of thing is not too boastful.

After all, Pete is just a business spy, and a lot of what he does is not visible.

The truck fell into the warehouse, and soon someone came over to unpack and inspect the goods.

These people are experts that George brought from the United States.

They first took photos and measured the size of those devices.

Not only measured the external dimensions, but also measured the internal dimensions.

Several GE experts have not yet gone to the scanning fluoroscopy cabin behind.

Only in the front, the cabin that automatically draws blood was shocked.

You know, it seems very simple to draw blood from a patient for blood testing.

But in fact, it is not so easy for the staff in any hospital.

Ordinary nurses, who have not had hundreds or thousands of needle-rolling experiences, can't find blood vessels at all.

In addition, some patients with narrow blood vessels and infants are nightmare for blood drawing nurses.

Now, a device developed by Chinese people can draw blood from people without relying on manpower

The technical content here is too high.

Fix the limbs, pressurize the blood vessels to ensure blood supply, and then operate the needle tube to accurately penetrate the blood vessels.

This series of actions, no matter which one, can be completed by extremely high-tech equipment.

Several experts from General Electric first started using this machine.

I was fascinated by this device.

Pete and George had been guarding the other side of the warehouse, watching the experts inspect these machines.

On the other side, He Zhifeng and He Haoming were arranged to start eating in the distance.

Less than an hour later, Ryuguchi also arrived with a Japanese expert with a ticket.

Ten minutes later, Dennis also rushed to the scene with Dutch experts.

The Americans generously shared their own measurement data.

Then everyone began to check the internal and external structure of the equipment, and finally decided on the reverse disassembly and research and development plan.

A group of people had a clear division of labor, and they immediately started to do it.

Equipment the size of a container was unloaded from the truck.

Then put them together, and then the power-on self-test.

But when the electricity was turned on, the experts from the three countries were dumbfounded.

"Please enter the password and the coordinates of this device..."

A bunch of experts have changed their faces, and still need password verification?

And what the **** is the coordinates?

"...I'm sorry to wait until it takes too long. After passing the inspection, the device is not within the original set coordinate range."

"The device will enter self-destruct mode. The countdown starts, 3, 2, 1..."

'boom! ’

Before Pete was dying, the last thought was, you play Lai, how can the countdown be so fast?

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