My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 267 Vol. Six- Eighteen: The Soul Wedding Ritual

"I love you…"

Are the words kept echoing inside her head... Now that she is feeling more like a mere mortal, those feelings from a long time ago were like a fresh one for her.

The headmistress of her mansion noticing her bubbliness this morning and even wearing a smile. The maids were on their morning chores and were feeling astounded seeing her smile.

"Good morning, Rebecca!"

"Good morning, milady." Rebecca bowed, then she served the coffee for the lady.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Thank you, Rebecca. I am expecting the phone calls later. Please, write the messages if I can't attend the call."

"Understood, milady. Shall I serve your breakfast here? Or you prefer in the Gazebo garden?" asked Rebecca.

"Ah. I made a request from Allison to bring my breakfast here. Thank you." Isabella said, then smiled.

The headmistress somewhat surprises this kind of mood from her. Isabella was known; as a moody lady and difficult to deal with. But through time, she is getting softer and calm.

Allison arrives later on to deliver her breakfast. "Good morning, milady."

"Good morning, Allison!" Isabella greeted back.

Allison glanced at the headmistress and her eyes seeking answer if she was seeing correctly. Rebecca nodded and wink. It must be Lord Edward Montfort, Allison thought. He has been visiting often. Now there's no surprise if the lady was this happy.

"Lady Isabella, Madison called me earlier this morning that she is coming home for a weekend," Allison told the lady.

"Oh. That's great! Perfect. I have a few things to talk with her regarding the mission."


Isabella looks up and stares at Allison's troubled face. "Are you still this worried? Madison will turn twenty-two soon… she is a grown-up lady now."

"Why did you not inform me ahead?" Allison accused the lady, but not angrily tone.

"Because I know you will give me that long face," Isabella gives Allison a gentle smile.


"She will be fine," Isabella sat up from the sofa and seated next to Allison, she reaches for her hand.

She is wearing her red gloves the usual, Allison thought while staring at Isabella's hand to hers. "Did you truly foresee that she will become happy?"

Isabella stared at Allison and quoted. "You should have faith in her."

"I do. I am her mother on this lifetime and such an honor for me."

Isabella nodded and that warm smile stayed on her lips. "Have I already told you she is special?"

"Yes. But never the reason she was…" eagerly, Allison listened to the lady.

"Madison, or Carlene in her past life; She was a daughter of two souls that bound by Heaven. Carlisle and Marivella, their soul receive the blessing from Spirit World when the Soul Wedding Ritual by a Shaman performing this."

"Carlene must be made after the ritual, and that's made her special. She is partly immortal. I was just created through my greed. But Carlene bound by the love of two souls; and so, she still a pure one."

Allison was astounded while listening to Isabella. It is not about how Madison is immortal, like her grandma Alesia who lives for so long already. What made Allison amazes is because Isabella completely forgave her past.

The Isabella who once enrage after she learned about this ritual and immortality thing. She then seeks how to become one to meddle with her sister's happiness whenever she will bear again.

Instead, Isabella shows so much love to her daughter, Madison. Sometimes, she wanted to get jealous. But maybe Isabella also longed for someone to love her dearly. As for paying her sins, she takes care of all Carlene's family down to her descendants.

And she saw overbearing fondness toward Madison; as she resembles a lot to her sister Marivella.

Madison was also born by two souls after the Soul Wedding Ritual. She and Marco wedded through it, and she raises this thought to Isabella.

"Does Carlene reincarnated, because I wed through the same ritual Carlisle and Marivella received?" she curiously asked the lady.

"It must be the only way that Carlene will grant a reincarnation. Since you are her descendants, it was a huge possibility, and you are chosen to bear Carlene's reincarnation," Isabella affirmed.

Allison smiled. One thing she was happy about is; she will be part of her husband to eternity. "Thank you, milady."

"You are very welcome, dear Allison."

"I'll start packing your things, milady," she told Isabella.

"Thank you, Allison."

After Allison left, Isabella began having her breakfast. She needed the strength for the coming of the Blue Moon, and that she needed the Old Shaman's guidance.

Somewhere, on this crazy world, lays the Council of Shaman. . .

* * *

Later in the afternoon.....

Isabella heard a knock on her office door, then her mansion's Headmistress entered the room carrying a platter.

"Lady Isabella, a message arrives for you." The headmistress places the platter next to her teacup.

Isabella picks up the note and then reads what written on the paper. Later on, she began sobbing and holds her chest. It throbs painfully. Once again, her love gone once again, while she continues living in this world. She grew tired now.

"Milady? What happens?" Madison just arrives from Paris, and she witnesses this.

"Madison!" Isabella stretches her hand toward Madison. She runs to the lady and takes her hand.

"What's wrong?"

"Madison, what omen is this?"

It confused Madison. The lady is often a riddle to her. "What happens?" She curiously asked.

"I cannot foresee anything anymore. And the death of Edward is the proof that I don't have the capability of any longer."

"What that means, milady?"

"I am afraid, Madison. Yet, I haven't fulfilled the promises of Carlisle and Marivella. However, I no longer hold any permission to meddle in their fate or anyone's at the present."

"Help me, Madison. I want you to do something before I die. Because I don't have a hold anything anymore of what will happen next. This world is on its own."

Madison completely lost from Isabella's words, but she was prepared to do anything for her family. What is about to happen?

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