My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 268 Vol. Six- Nineteen: Truth To Unveil

Madison is walking back and forth inside her bedroom. She was thinking if she should call Levi this time. She doesn't know this will going to happen; like no one can predict what will happen to a person the next day or later; that is a reality.

She was just having a dream of Lord Edward Montfort, as Howard Williams, then this? But her dreams weren't telling of someone's death. It is just simply traveling back in time. Then, she won't have a full capability like Lady Isabella yet? But according to the lady, she is losing immortality and cannot foresee anything anymore.

It could be possible that Lady Isabella's ability could pass on her? Then how and when? She forgot to ask her after what happened, the lady was mourning right now as the woods acting strange again. The last time she witnesses this is when she was younger, and Lord Edward almost died in a car crash.

She feels pity toward the lady, but something that no one can undo her suffering, but through a time when everything finally fulfills.

Her thoughts went back to Levi. Then it is right she argues with him to not accompany her. She made the excuse that she needed to see her grandma instead; who was not feeling well. Gladly, Levi believes in her and did not insist anymore which usual of him.

But she wanted to know if Levi was fine. He mentioned already before; that Lord Edward is like a second father to him. He stood like a father; he was always there for him; all the time than his own parents.

Madison dialed Levi's phone number in the end, and then an exhausted Levi answered the phone. She could sense the sadness in his voice.

"Hi! How are you? I heard the bad news. I am sorry," she whispered, it was actually more like a sweet voice and Madison realized; It sounded her like one... "Accept my condolences to your family, Levi." she gulped. It's not like she was having trouble to say his name; it is just somewhat familiar to her.

"Thank you," Levi responded weakly.

"I am thinking to go back," she told Levi. She wanted to do that, but she is wondering... How if she will meet the people she shouldn't see for now? If she will question, she doesn't know what to answer.

"It's okay," Levi answered. "My parents are on their way to France. Also, my relatives and a few friends were here now. Others will be here soon, including brother Quinn; my closest cousin, and the Elders sending their condolences."

"Hum... Glad to hear that The Pillars will be there. Everyone will pay respect including--" Madison remembered that Levi did not meet Lady Isabella yet, and all the Elders who stood as the Pillars of this world. And she wonders if Lady Isabella will show up; when she looks exactly like Quinn's sister.

And as for her, there is someone she looks exactly a lot.

That's right... Her father from the past life will be there, Quinn Williams. So, she wonders if her mother, Cassandra, would be there as well. Landon Young is one of the Elders, and the Young family is among the Pillars.

Above all, she just pretended to be Levi's girlfriend. And so Madison was not sure if she should be there to show sympathy. Everyone in the main company knew about them having a relationship, however, his parents and relatives don't know yet. Would they agree or accept her? Levi even denies her to his mother. Most of all, does Levi want her to be there? How the people would react if they will notice how she resembled Cassandra Young?

"I'll fly back tomorrow to go to work. There are important documents I have to finish. The sales needed them and your approval on it. I will ask Drew to bring the documents to you once it was done for you to review them."

Madison is waiting for Levi to answer. She is correct; he doesn't want her to be there. Although she knew that everything is just a part of her mission. But she hated herself now to feel disappointment inside her heart. Besides, even if Levi wanted her to be by his side, she cannot really do that.

However, Levi does not know how to answer her; whether let Madison comes to work while his family was mourning. Madison supposed to be by his side right now; he badly needed her. He can't explain why he feels at ease around her. It was like, he never been comfortable with anyone, but she made him feel anew with this strange feeling; as she completes him. Those feelings of emptiness through the years, he could feel that there is a kind of energy surrounds him when he is with Madison; like the two of them were connected.

As of now, slowly things have answered, but not enough for him. He wants to know more. Levi rested his back to the couch and read his uncle Edward's diary, then the book he left for him. Now he was staring at the old photos, the people from the past. And one photo is very intriguing. He could see an older version of him, and a girl who look Madison and Cassie alike... but her eyes were blue like him, or Quinn? It could be possible that she was the daughter of Carlisle and Marivella. Now it disturbs him greatly.

He doesn't know if he should believe it; seeing himself in one of these old photos and his uncle's diary? He needs to meet Lady Isabella soon. According to his uncle's letter, Lady Isabella could reveal everything if Book 2 is true.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

This story about Carlisle and Marivella, and their daughter Carlene; who was taken care of by Charles Montfort... No wonder that his family has displayed no photos of him, it is all because he was exactly look like him.

So Madison and he were both reincarnated? If he is Charles, and Carlene was Madison, then Howard Williams reincarnated as his uncle Edward? Then how about Lady Isabella? Is she reincarnated also? He needs to meet her and he needed Madison as she knew her.

"Hey, how about if, you just wait for me there? I'll fly to Hungary very first thing in the morning tomorrow. Can you pick me up at the airport?" he told Madison on the other line.

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