My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 55 No Sense of Romance

Hiryuu Island:

Small Scene at Senior High Building...

It was in the middle of Math subject and Miss Lindsay was writing on the board when Joanna suddenly rose up from her desk.


"Miss Chang, what's the matter?"

"Can I go to the comfort room?" She acted like her stomach was aching.

"What happen to you?"

"Looks the dinner I eat last night did not digest well..." she answered.

"Alright. Come back as soon as you're done. And go to the Clinic to get stomach medicine."

"Okay, miss!" Joanna attempted to run outside when Miss Lindsay hold her up.

"Why are you bringing a pen and your notes?"

"Ah, I will answer the equation while I am laboring, Miss Lindsay!"

It sounded a joke that's why her classmates burst out in laughter.

"What's wrong!? Why you did not copy the equation yet? I will check your notes after!

"Eh? We are not in Prep-school anymore, Miss!"

"Then eyes on the board!"

There are still a few students mumbling that made Miss Lindsay worked up. On the other hand, it made Cassie worried wondering might the food she cooked what causes it.

The truth is, Joanna received a text message from someone asking about all the ingredients, spices and seasonings that Cassie needed.

She made up an excuse to their teacher to go to the comfort room to browse the internet and listed down the spices and seasonings Cassie mentioning about last night.

It took a little while before she was done and sent to Shun the screenshot photos she took.


Now, exactly 9:30 of the night. Joanna and Cassie are preparing to bed when Auntie Ling knocks on the door and hurried them to come down.

They saw Mr. Jing entered the house with five other people carrying huge boxes. He guided the men towards the kitchen.

"Good evening, Miss Young." Thomas greeted.

"Good evening, Mr. Thomas... What is all this?"

"Ah... Master Shun bought these few things."

"Really? What's the occasion?" For Cassie, these are too many boxes.

"I don't know, Miss... the Master did not tell me anything. We are just asked to bring them and give it to you."

"Okay. What are they?" She curiously asked them.

"Wow. That was a huge box! Open it now Cassie!" Joanna is more than excited than her.

"Okay..." Cassie glance at Mr. Jing. The bodyguard nodded then went to the counter to get a knife.

Jing opens the box with the help of Thomas. The other guy also opens the other box that smaller than the first one.

Joanna dropped her mouth after seeing the giant 3-door Refrigerator. Auntie Ling almost passes out seeing it.

"Oh my! I thought it was just on TV!? Where we should put this huge!" Auntie Ling happily blurts out.

"Cassie! A new stove!" Joanna shouted.

Cassie who in great surprise is just a nod she could answer.

"We could finally try to bake those recipes we found!"

She nodded again. How did brother Shun know that the oven is broken? She tried to remember if she ever mentions it but she was sure she did not tell him. And Joanna was right. It was so amazing. The kitchen stove is huge as well and it has two ovens and a grilling top. She could make some burger patties then grilled them. That's right. They should do that during the Bella Collections Fashion Show live streaming.

The last time, Rudolf sent an HDTVnet Home Theater set where Cassie watches all the food channel and YouTube tutorials. She should thank brother Rudolf soon. And the internet of this Villa is faster than the rest of the island. That is why Joanna told her that she'll request brother Shun to adopted her because she could play her online games smoothly. This girl just wanted the food and the internet. Cassie giggles.

"What happen to you?"

"Huh? Ah, no." She smiled. She was lost in thoughts.

"My, look at this! What a wedding gift!"

"Weeding gift???"

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. This is what could do for a man who wants to move a mountain and dry out a sea." Joanna quoted at her.

"Huh? What's the connection with these new appliances?" Cassie asked as she is a bit confused. Joanna seems was greatly influences with all the comics and manga she reads.

"Miss Young!" Joanna looks at her in disbelief.


"You don't understand when a man would move a mountain???"

Cassie did not respond quickly. She takes another moment then said, "Of course I know... when a man moves a mountain, it only means he is a miner. They are mining the mountain."

Joanna's mouth dropped in the floor. She holds Cassie's shoulder with both of her hands. "Miss Young. Now I worry if I die first."

"What? What are you talking about now?"

"Because I can't leave you! I'll definitely stay by your side. My spirit will be restless leaving you."

"You are creepy."

"Because you are dumb!"

"Why you are insulting me now?"

"Because you are slow!"

"And what that means?"

"Argh! I give up!"


"Forget it. You're killing me with your innocence! I wonder how did you survive in Paris?"

"Huh. I just stayed at home, go to school then to Miss Bennett's class, that's all," she answered her.

"And haven't you stroll the City of Lovers?"

"City of Lovers?"

"Agh! Don't tell me even that you don't know? Lovers just go to Paris for a vacation, honeymoon or making a proposal!"

"They just travel to do that? Like the tourist coming here waiting for a sunset? Can't they do just at home?"

Joanna knocks her head. "Ouch, that hurts."

"You are smart in other things but you are too slow with this.

"Hey, why I am feeling that you keep insulting me?"

"It's not insulting sister. I am educating you."

"Okay, fine then. You just reading too much novel."

"You should too! I'll lend you my books!"

"Okay. I'll try. I still have brother Daichi's book."

"My goodness! That is all action and adventure! There's no romance on it!" Joanna is hysterical this time.

"Is it necessary for that?"

"Ugh..." Joanna slaps her forehead. "Am going to die young with you. I wonder if what's running inside that mind of yours."

"What's in my mind? Of course, am thinking what to cook next and how I could get those spices and seasonings."

"Ugh, you don't have a sense of romance. But at least, there is something I could expect, Romance in the Kitchen! But sounds weird, maybe Love in the Food? Looks sounds better." Joanna talks to herself.

"Ro-- what?" Cassie is clueless.

"Argh... I give up!We better to check these small boxes."

"Okay." Cassie agreed completely doesn't understand her friend. "What are these?"

Joanna takes the knife and opens the smaller boxes even she already guess what's inside.

Cassie's eyes widen after saw the seasoning in bottles inside the box.

"How?" she looks up at Joanna.

"You should thank me. Best friend in the world!" She's very proud of herself.

"Did you told brother Shun?" Cassie may be mentioned to Shun but she knew she did not give him a list of what she needed.

"No. He asked me! So I sent him the lists of the spices and seasonings you wanted. I didn't know he'll find all that I listed."

"Ah..." she is just speechless.

"Is that your only reaction? Like am telling you, this is what a man could do, he will move a mountain. At least I could now look forward to a Love in the Food."

"You only talk about the novel you are reading," Cassie complains. Still, don't get the whole picture.

"Argh! Am glad you didn't translate when I said, a man would dry out the sea."

"Huh? Isn't when the ocean suddenly dry out, it means a Tsunami is coming?"

Joanna was dumbfounded. This girl has really don't have a sense of Romance.

'Good luck, boss Shun!'

Joanna cried inside her head while observing how Cassie can't contain her excitement with the packages Shun sent her. She just shook her head.

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