My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 56 Through The Night M

Mainland International Airport


Meisha makes a long stride towards the EXIT door totally ignoring all the eyes who are curiously following him. His 6'2 foot tall is such an eye-catching with a combination of his Russian looks and a built body. With his plain white T-shirt paired to jeans, no one would have thought he is an Executive of a giant Corporation in this world.

With his fingers, he combs his long hair, and his eyes began wandering to find that familiar face he longs to see.

He was almost at the door when his sight caught that shiny yellow Ferrari parked across the airport road. He grinned.

He went outside and stand in the sidewalk of the road and content himself to stare to the woman across him. The woman leans on the Ferrari and busy tapping her phone totally ignoring the onlookers which, mostly staring at her long silky white legs. She's wearing an earphone so forget calling out her.

He scanned her from foot to head. She drives a Ferrari but she only wears a common slipper paired to her denim short skirts and a white tank top. And only applying a lip gloss.

Meisha a bit surprised to see that woman again. That woman who drives him crazy for being stubborn all the time. The woman who made him skip his precious sleep and rest because he is listening to a car's engine running away in the middle of the night from the Crow Villa in Hawaii. That girl again.

Then he'd force to drag himself out of the bed to follow that teenager girl on her 20's. That even after a long lecture from him because she skipped her training in the hotel, here she goes again. He has no choice but to follow her which made her so annoyed.


Blaire was occupied herself texting the girls about the upcoming Bella Collection Fashion Show two days from now. Anna sent the photos she wanted them to choose for Jean. It was in a sudden so they have to choose what is available. Since the news came out about Kier being married, Jean has to be his date that night. So the girl-power are all in full force to help Jean.

Jean who refuses to attend as she felt she doesn't belong to that star-studded night event, but they won't allow her not to go.

Blaire looks up and she was surprised to see that bad boy get up of the guy across her. Wearing faded pants and a denim jacket, her heart jumps out from her chest and flew away towards that handsome man now walking towards her.

She can't help to grin. He was still that annoying guardian of her who's following her around when she tries to escape to join a street Race in the next town.

Still fresh to her mind that looking tired man still on his business suit suddenly arrived in the place and drag her home. He won't mind driving for hours after an all-nighter just to bring her home safe.

She admits how upset she is every time this guy would scold her for being irresponsible and not taking care of herself as a lady. Forget being the lady. She only wears converse shoes, jeans or short pants paired to a denim jacket and never imagine to wear those high heels.

But she already has a crush on him ever since of their first meeting.

"Hey, lady? Can I have a ride?"

"Hmm... I'll think about it... What I could get in return after driving you home?"

Meisha throws his bag on the backseat and took off his denim jacket. He put it around her shoulder then grab her in the waist.

"I'll be yours forever..."

It was like music plays on her ears that melted her heart and make her knees weak.

Meisha claimed her lips and give her a deep passionate kiss. She's falling in love with her husband all over again. After that long intense kiss, finally, Meisha parted their lips.

"Let's go home and made me yours tonight and be only yours forever."

Blaire blushes and nodded. Even they are married for almost two years now, her heart still flutters with his sweet words. Even though how often Meisha travels to do his rounds of inspection in every hotel Crow owns, when they are together, Meisha making sure to make her happy.


After arriving home. Blaire and Meisha immediately lock themselves on their bedroom. Right after the bedroom door close, Meisha grabs Blaire and pinned her in the door. He showers her with his burning kisses and let his hand wander to his wife's body.

Blaire responded to his hot kisses. He grabbed her buttocks and making sure his wife felt how much he needed her. Blaire unbuckled his belt and satisfy that part of his body. He undresses his wife then carried her and put above to the closest dresser inside the Master's bedroom.

Now he began taking off his T-shirt and kick his pants in the floor. His hands trailed into his wife's smooth legs up to her chest and rested there for a long time while he's giving her deep kisses.

"Let's continue on our bed," he whispered into her ears. Blaire nodded.

Meisha carried her one more time and put her down into the bed gently then continued kissing her from her lips down to her neck and between the napes of her shoulders.

"Blaire," Meisha is panting softly into her ears.

"I love you."

And she's melted again. She grabbed him and planted a kiss to her husband's lips.

"Blaire, maybe it is time?" Meisha asked her.

"Hmm? What time?" she asked feverishly.

"Am just thinking that maybe, this mansion should have that little voices and cute giggles running around?"

Blaire tried to process what he said before an excitement shone on her eyes.

"I won't use any protection tonight."

She nodded happily. Blaire thinks she is now ready. She looks forward to that small Meisha version running around the mansion. Meisha thinks the same way too. He can't wait for that small cute version of Blaire. He already looks forward to that day that he will run around to follow their little girl who will inherit her stubbornness from her mommy.

He has a beautiful story to tell to their children of how they fall in love and how he falls in love to that stubborn teenager girl who gives him a lot of headache for sneaking around from his sight just to join a Drag Race somewhere.

Meisha grabs his wife's arm and lets their hand intertwined. He planted a kiss on her lips then hold her one leg upward before he made a loving long trust inside his wife's body through the night.

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