My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 95 Walls of Memories

Greenhouse, Crow Mansion

Cassie is swinging in the hammock when Shun called her to tell her that he will be home a little late but arrives by dinner. They talk a little longer before Shun has to hang up the phone to attend his next meeting.

"Missy! Come have some muffin, I'll make you a coffee." Daichi places the plate of muffins he just baked.

"Hmm... smells good, brother Daichi!" She goes down excitedly from the hammock and walks towards the sofa. She picks up one muffin and begins biting it. "Hmm... you're the best brother Daichi!"

Daichi laughs, "Here's your coffee, Missy." Daichi put down the mug in front of her.

"Thank you," she picks it up and smells the aroma and takes a sip slowly. She looks up and caught Daichi staring at her.

"Is there a problem, brother Daichi?" she asked.

"Hm... nothing Missy. I am just happy seeing you are happy."

"Oh, I am?" Cassie felt her cheeks flushing now, she then smiled to Daichi.

Maybe she truly is happy. In the beginning, she was planning to leave Shun's side. But she has to be a good girl first like what she does to her aunt Lydia.

She's been trying to be a good girl and does everything that they wanted her to do in exchange, they won't tell her uncle that she has been going out and roam around Paris. Then she won't tell her uncle that they have been ordering her to do errands which her uncle strongly of reminding them that they should never let her go out around.

She plans to be a good girl to Shun, tries to follow what he wanted and when she got a chance, she will leave the island and the country... and the person she thinks could help her is Levi. He offers her a hand when she told him of his situation and what plans she's been thinking.

Levi said he will do an investigation about her brother, and since he is going to New York, he will bring her there and help to find her brother, dead or alive... it is all her original plans.

However, things never go with her plans after she left the island. And a lot of things happen after then... above all, she never expects of his confession, and she remembered...

They meet back in Paris. He is the man she bumped into, the same man who saves her from that two teenager boy and gives her Ms. Loura's calling card to attend a French lesson. Also, he is that guy at Mr. Bastien's academy.

His voice. She never forgets his voice.

Yes. She remembered now, in that meeting four years ago, his voice keeps echoing inside her head since then... it was him... and she thinks, maybe it was the beginning that she's falling in love with him... somehow, it feels really strange that her heart is familiar with him, it was like, she knows him a long time ago... but, there are pieces that missing.

Levi... she wondered if he was already in the country. Could he forgive her for not meeting him?

* * *

Rudolf stops his car then press a button, the garage opens and he entered inside. He presses another button and the garage door is closing back. He steps out of his car and opens the back seat to get his grocery shopping.

There are stairs in that garage and he climbs it, put the code to the door to open.

He put the groceries on the counter and listens if he could hear a faint sound. The house is too quiet. That's right. This house once a very lively home when he and the Youngs live together with Quinn.

Although, the whole house was taken down, and Shun builds a new one, the memories still here.

Rudolf march towards a hallway when he passed by that Wall of Memories. It filled with photo frames his mom and Hannah who hangs them all, except for the latest one six years ago, during Cassie's 12th birthday. It was Quinn who hangs the photos.

Cassie has been beautiful ever since. Quinn took a lot of pictures of her during that day of her 12th birthday. It was their first meeting after all since they're apart for 10 years when the Williams took him away.

Rudolf picks up that photo frame on the dresser. It was a picture of him, Quinn, Joanna, and Cassandra. Taken the day Quinn was discharged from the hospital and the same day they move in to live with the Young.

This house may change a lot, but it lefts the memories for a short time he lives with the Young's. Landon is a great person. He is not only stood as Cassandra's father but also stood for Quinn and him.

If only he could build a time machine and things just stayed like that. He sighed.

He put back the photo frame and picks up another. It was Quinn and Cassandra with the puppies from their neighbors they borrowed for days. Cassandra was very amused with the furball Quinn holding.

Rudolf wanders his eyes to the rest of the photos on the wall. There is a photo of Quinn's 14th birthday. Cassandra and Joanna together, then a family pictures. Their first beach after Quinn's first follows up checkup since he was released from the hospital. A photo of him, Quinn and Cassandra at the park when they went out for a picnic.

Memories to look back... after he reminiscing the past, Rudolf entered a room and he pulls a bookshelf and opens a secret door. He entered inside and press a button.The small room stands as an elevator down to an underground of this house.

"Hey, cousin!"

"Mark, how is it going?"

"Ah... nothing much interesting. He still wants to find Miss Cassie to kill her. But I found out something."


"Come and see this..." Mark shows the video records from the surveillance camera inside the UKG building.

"Jason Kang. He seems to always observe his father. Could be possible that he is against his own father's schemes?"

"Could it be? That's very interesting."

"But this one is much interesting!" Mark click another file of the video and then playing on.

The video is recorded during Julius Kang's business meeting with Levi Montfort, this evening. What is he doing? Rudolf murmurs. He heard Mark whistled.

"Don't forget your promise, cousin."

"Yeah. I'll deliver it to New York." He answered.

Mark asked a Montfort latest sportscar as payment of his job installing the new security system at the whole building of UKG Company, pretend he is a new guy from the Security Tech Company. Now, he is watching their whole movements inside, especially Julius Kang's office.

"But I decided to live here," Mark Lao said.

"What did you say?" he wants to repeat what he said.

"I want to live here from now on."

"But your mom?"

"Nah. She'll be okay with it."

Rudolf stayed silent and make a decision inside his head. "Alright, let's talk about it over dinner. I'll go back upstairs to make one."

"Copy!" Then Mark continued typing in one of the computers inside that room.

Rudolf went back upstairs and dialed Shun's phone number.

"Hello?" Shun answered.

"Shun, are you home now?" he asked him first thing.

"I did just arrive yes. What is it?"

"Levi Montfort. He just invested a huge amount at UKG Company," he reported.

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