My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 96 Memories: Leaving You

"Happy Birthday, Quinn!"

Everyone greeted him. He shyly said thank you. They actually don't have guests on his 14th birthday but the Chang Family. Not long after, someone is ringing the doorbell. Ruben Chang who open the door.

"Landon, your visitors are here, " Ruben told him.

"Oh, great! Come on in!" Landon went to the entry porch and greeted their guests.

"Am sorry if we are late. You know, have to settle these kids first."

"That's alright, attorney Andrew. Welcome! How lively to have a big family! Hopefully, we could too." Landon laughs.

"Of course! Hannah and you are both young, not mentioning your name Young." Andrew jested. They laugh.

"Hi, sorry if we will bother you all."

"Of course not, madam Kaye! What are you saying?" Hannah told the madam Lawrence.

"Oh my, what handsome kids! Ah, she is your youngest?" Hannah praises then pointed at Andrea.

"Yes, she is Andrea, she'll turn four years old in months soon," Kaye replied.

"That's nice. Cassandra would be just turning 2 years old. Come," Hannah leads them in the back of the house where they put little birthday decorations.

"Hello, Quinn! Happy Birthday! All of you, greet brother Quinn a happy birthday," Kaye told her five children.

"Karl, put that book down first!" She scolds here eldest son to stops reading and just hold the book. He fixes his glasses.

"Madam Kaye, here is Andrea's bottled milk," a shy girl approach them.

"Oh, thank you, Dana. By the way, Hannah, Dr. Helen, Mrs. Chang… I want you to meet my new assistant, Dana. She just began working for me," Kaye warmly introduced her. Dana just bowed shyly.

"Hi, Dana! Come, here's the plate. Don't be shy!" Hannah handed her a big plate.

"Thank you, ma'am." Dana still shy.

"Don't mention it." Hannah smiled warmly.

Meanwhile, the kids just scattered around. Rudolf who just seated on the ground by the garden and Kier approaches him.

"What are you doing?" he asked. Rudolf just looks up but did not answer. "You know, my dad won't allow us to own one." Kier means the gadget.

"Ah…" What Rudolf just said.

"He just wanted us to read a book. Do you read a book?" Kier asked once more.


"What kind of a book?"

"Bedtime stories…"


"What?" Rudolf's black lines began showing up.

"Dad began ordering us on memorizing the National Constitution."

"This early?" Rudolf is a bit surprised.

"Yeah," Kier replied. "He wanted us to study at Harvard."

"I see," Rudolf did not speak again.

"Can you teach me?" Kier talking at him.



"Isn't your dad won't allow you?" Rudolf doesn't want to be bothered is the truth.

"Well…" Kier stayed quite. "Just during the school break."


"Mom said, you went to the same school as I am. Probably we will be in the same class."

"Wait, isn't you are younger a year?"

"Yup, but I took an advanced exam and I accelerate a year."

Rudolf's mouth twitches, "Genius freak." He murmured.



Quinn just listening silently to their conversation. He is seated on the bench and quietly eating a cake.

"Brother! Can you get us some of that!?" Matt and David approached him.

"Hey! Am your brother! Why you are asking someone else? Can't you see he is sick!?" Kier scolded his younger brothers.

Quinn a little offended by what Kier said, but it's true anyway. "It's okay. Am not that weak." Quinn sat up and walk towards the table. Matt and David just give a tongue to their brother to pissed him off then followed Quinn to get their cakes.

"I'll spank you both later!" he stressed out and his brothers just ignore him.

"Alright, let's take a picture! Kids come on!" Kaye called out her children.

They make the kids have a lot of different poses, they took as much as many.

* * *

A month had passed and the Young have a guest they never imagine it will happen.

"May I know who you are?" Hannah asked the four gentlemen and a woman doctor.

"We would like to personally talk to you ma'am and your husband."

Hannah is hesitant to let them in. "My husband will be home a little while. Please come in."

When Landon arrives, they began conversing with the Young's.

"Mr. Young, Mrs. Young, my name is Dr. Dave Williams, from Williams Research Facility. These are my co-scientists and this is Attorney John Murray."

"What we can do for you, Doctor?" Landon asked coldly.

"The New York Medical Institution notified me about the case of your son, which basically is my grandson."

"What are you implying, Doctor Williams?" Hannah asked sharply.

"Quinn's grandfather and I are first cousins. Quinn's case is a genetic illness. Our family has been studying and developing medicine for it. But since, it is a rare illness we can't find a…"

"A test subject!" Hannah angrily said. Doctor Williams quite for a moment.

"Actually ma'am, the cure we are developing is just compatible for William and De La Rue genetics."

"De La Rue? Quinn's mother's side?" Landon is now confused.

"Lady Larah De La Rue Crow is sharing the same illness with Quinn. Lord Henry Crow, CEO of the Crow Corporation is the biggest investor of this study. He wanted to cure his wife. And since Quinn is a part of the De La Rue house, he wants to consider Quinn's case."

"But you want to make my son like a rat! He's not an animal for your experiments!"

"What percentage is the possibilities that he will be cured?" Landon asked calmly.

"Honey!?" Hannah doesn't want to give in.

"If the chances are higher than 15% result after surgery, then there's no reason we should decline."

"Honey, we both have a course about this!" Hannah did have a few courses about Medicine, she could pursue it to become a doctor.

"Honey, we already talk about this, that we will take everything for Quinn. If it will cure him and live, we won't take that chances for him."

"But we know all the procedures and the pain he must endure!"

"I'll go."

"Quinn!" They were surprised that Quinn was actually listening to their conversation.

"Quinn," Hannah is crying and hugs him very tight.

"I'll be okay Mama," he told her to calm her down.

They heard Cassandra cries, she was sleeping in the Master's bedroom.

"Go to her now, we will talk later." Hannah tried I calm herself, she wipes her tears.

"What's his chances?" Hannah asked.

"Right now, the chances are 38 up to 52 percent. We have a new formula we are developing now, if it is a success, his chances to stay alive is 76%..." Doctor Dave Williams explains.

"I want Dr. Helen to watch him," Hannah requested.

"Of course, ma'am. The New York Institute recommended her to us."

"That's glad to hear." Hannah has calm down now. Landon holds her hand and squeezes lovingly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Young, my family has one request."

"What?" Hannah asked coldly.

"We wanted to file a request for Termination of Adoption, that is why Attorney Murray is here. We want to restore his true identity as Quinn Williams and he no longer as Quinn Young."

Landon and Hannah look at each other.

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