My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 131

What's wrong?

Xu Mo looked at Liu Yiqiu, who was actually turning his head to ask Xu Mo...

"I! How could I know? Wait...this kid doesn't...does he want to go to the bathroom?" Liu Yiqiu is a female. Although it has been a long time since the period of a young girl, I look at it now. In such a scene, I still remembered something.

It seems that when I was young, I felt that way too?

In contrast, Xu Mo has no clue at all, and there is still a woman here.

Since I want to go to the toilet, can I go to it?Liu Yiqiu is here. She has been a teacher for so many years, and she is also a serious and responsible teaching director. She must know what to do if she is capable?

"What are you looking at me for?"

Liu Yiqiu was uncomfortable seeing Xu Mo staring at her.

"You're the only woman here, should I take her to the bathroom?"

"I don't know this! I...I'm not good at dealing with children!" Liu Yiqiu unexpectedly seemed very flustered, and in order to refuse, even her own weaknesses could easily speak frankly.

Seeing her at a loss, she didn't have the attitude of a strong woman at all. On the contrary, she was like a mother who suddenly became a mother, knowing nothing.

"Aren't you a teacher?"

"That's right! My students don't need me to take them to the bathroom! Teacher, aren't you also a teacher!? You go and you, I... I don't know, I am not good at this kind of thing, I will go wrong. "She panicked, and looked slightly angry and said loudly. She didn't know what she had gone through that made her fear so much about taking care of her children.

"But I'm a man..." Xu Mo said helplessly. Actually... the child is still young, and it doesn't matter anymore, but Liu Yiqiu was angrily denounced before as a young girl who was a big pervert. How dare to touch this now.

"It doesn't matter if this child is so small! Go and go!" Liu Yiqiu seemed to care about that much. Even if Xu Mo was really a sick pervert, he would let him go up quickly and take the young girl to the toilet.

"I really went?" Xu Mo confirmed again, fearing that he would regret it.

"You talk a lot of nonsense, I..."

Of course Xu Mo didn't wait for her to finish speaking and rushed to the public bathroom with her young girl. He really felt like being a dad.

When she came to the bathroom door and put her down, she seemed to be holding back a little bit, her face was very serious.

However, when I arrived at the toilet door, I encountered a new multiple-choice question.

Go to the men's bathroom or the women's bathroom?

Xu Mo was a bit tangled.

Men's toilet... how to put it, there are many reasons, don't want such an innocent young girl to feel the dirt at such a young age?Or don't you want the wretched uncle or something to see when the young girl goes to the toilet?

Ladies' toilet... you know.

Although knowing that she could not answer in words she understood, Xu Mo tentatively squatted down and asked, "Go to the toilet, alone, can you? I'll wait for you outside."

Surprisingly, the young girl nodded her head and showed a proud expression, as if she was saying: I can do it!Going to the women's toilet in strides.

Oh?Is it really okay?That's amazing.

Xu Mo was really not disappointed, really, please trust him.

He just imagined the picture in his mind, how to take her to the toilet, for example, first help her take off the spotless pure white underwear, then squat down and drag her legs with both hands. Separate slowly, then... whistle?

Oh... I don't need to do this by myself, it's... good.


Xu Mo just flew up, waiting at the bathroom door for the cute little girl who went in alone.

The Meng Mengda young girl is quite remarkable. After finishing the solution alone, she put on her panties and walked to the sink in the women's toilet to start washing her hands seriously.

However, she wasn't tall enough, so the wise she moved a small chair on one side and climbed up, stood on it safely, turned on the faucet, and started washing her hands carefully.

Of course, there is no one in the women's toilet.After washing my hands, I accidentally touched the hair dryer placed next to him. The hair dryer fell off the sink, and even the plugged wire was unplugged from the socket.

At that moment, the young girl saw a spark of electric spark when the hair dryer wire was pulled out of the socket.

Her eyes gleamed, as if seeing something that attracted her, causing her to slowly approach involuntarily...

The closer she got closer... Finally, she didn't know why, her body would stretch out her little fleshy hand uncontrollably to touch... the socket hole.

Wet hands, leaking sockets.

Adding the two together, everyone knows that something terrible will happen, let alone happen to such an innocent and lovely young girl, no one wants to see it.

However, it did happen.

At that moment... the whole toilet was illuminated by electric light, the young girl trembled all over, and the strong electric current was ruthlessly rushing through her young body...

However, her skin did not receive any damage. Although her expression was painful and struggling, there was no trace of injury on the surface.

What's even more amazing is that she seemed to be getting bigger...a little bit during the electric shock.

Author's message:

PS: I can't let go of the chapter, I was disgusted by the author, bah.

Chapter 162-Kind Weather

She wanted to make a sound, but she got stuck in her throat and couldn't make a sound. Her small body quickly changed under the lightning.

As the body grew a little bit larger, the electric light passing through her body became weaker and weaker, as if absorbed by her body.Until the electric light disappeared completely, the surface of her body did not suffer any damage... However, now she fell to the ground due to the strong electric shock, curled up, as if very painful.

After a brief fainting, the young girl Mengmenda also seemed to regain consciousness and her body moved slowly...Ah, that’s not right, now she may not be able to call her the title of "Mengmenda young girl" because no matter where you look at it There is no such thing as a touch of the word.

Because she... has grown up?

Because only the term “grown up” can be used to describe what is happening at this moment, other than that, it’s okay to use the ultimate evolution to 80%?

In short, she has grown up. At that moment, after being shocked by a leaking socket by mistake, her body has undergone tremendous changes. Now, she has grown from a harmless and adorable little girl to a fascinating and enticing temptation. Powerful chest elder sister.

That flawless mature figure full of allure, especially the pair of evil jade breasts that can bear half of the body under the pressure, the icy body, white and charming, plump legs.The reason why she is said to be Royal Sister, her figure is one of them, and the other is the overall feeling that she has that kind of mature and beautiful temperament, a kind of big sister's image emerges spontaneously, and the feeling under the face of the allure is that Kind of going through many stories.

Mature, beautiful, tits!

The fiery red hair also grows along with the development of the body, spreading on the chest, just blocking the most important part of the chest, because the girl’s clothes have already been burned to ashes by a strong electric shock, and the strange thing is , The bandage wrapped around her shoulder to arm was safe, and she even felt a slight golden light.

It was strange that he was naked, but still wrapped in a bandage.

Mengmengda...No, the gaze of the chest Yu Jie gradually recovered, she covered her forehead with one hand, frowned, and pressed the other hand to the ground, supporting her body and slowly stood up.

By the way, when the chest left the ground, it shook like a soft pudding several times!

Is it because of growing up?Because she gave people the feeling that her temperament was much worse. It wasn't just her body that grew up, but her mind also grew?

She gradually remembered something, her thoughts were very clear, she looked at the leaky socket that was shocked just now, and then looked at her slender fingers in surprise. Although my whole body was in pain, I limped to the window of the bathroom, took off the curtain cloth as a prop to temporarily cover the body, and disappeared from the window on one side of the body without a trace, I do not know where it is. where.

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