My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 132

Of course, Xu Mo didn't see this shocking scene. He was still standing at the door of the bathroom waiting silly, not knowing what was happening inside the bathroom.If you know it, you will definitely question your life.

Perhaps the view of his life on this worldview, Ye Elegy's double cultivation, is already the limit of understanding, if she really lets her see that scene, she may think that it is a young girl who is joking with herself and has changed a magic trick. .

Otherwise can it be understood as an electric shock to promote growth!

How to sell the growth and happiness of this world!

It seems to be off topic.

Wait and wait. After waiting for twenty minutes, Xu Mo finally couldn't wait any longer. He tried to shout for several times without responding, fearing that something might be wrong, for the sake of the young girl, he crept into the women’s toilet... …The scene before him made him even more nervous. There was a small chair on the sink with two cute little shoe prints on it, which should be hers.

However, there is a socket on the sink that has been damaged by leakage to expose the wires. If you look closely, there is still a slight smoke...

The more I watched, the more I felt panicked, but the toilet was so big, I found no trace after searching.

Although Xu Mo's abilities are strong, there is no way to help her find the whereabouts of the young girl. Later, they found Liu Yiqiu, and the two contacted the police again. After a lot of effort, a group of people searched for it...

There is no trace at all.

Even if it turns out that the toilet curtain is missing, the young girl may have left behind the window.However, all the nearby surveillance systems did not find the child.

The police were also a little puzzled, thinking it was Xu Mo and the others' mental problems, which were all fantasised.

So that in the end...

It took too long and shocked everyone on this school trip, because the big guy will take the plane arranged by the school to return to China tomorrow morning to end this school trip. As a result, the two teachers did not come back so late to arrange tomorrow. Matters.

It explains the situation, especially for lemons. At this time, only Doraemon-like lemons have a reliable way.

In fact, it doesn't matter if Xu Mo doesn't do it, but after all, this young girl has not been seen under his own eyes. Why did the living big person disappear like this?Moreover, her parents have not been able to contact her and her whereabouts are unknown.Xu Mo couldn't make it through, worried about what might happen to her. This afternoon, the milky voice called his father's young daughter, he really didn't want bad things to happen.

No matter what, she must be found.

But there are so many cameras, but there are no traces of any children.

Who is she?Could it be that your own illusion was not achieved?

Xu Mo blamed himself very much.

Clever Lemon quietly glanced at Teacher Xu in front of her. No one knew what she was thinking. She seemed to think a little, then pulled Xu Mo to the corner, and said calmly to him alone: ​​"This The child is really interesting. From what you describe, her language seems to be an unknown language, and may not even exist in this world. My translator even includes extinct languages ​​that I personally research. Actually, even the translator can’t analyze it, and it doesn’t sound like nonsense. It’s’s normal language. It’s just that no one has spoken it in this world."

Xu Mo discovered that when Lemon said at the end,'No one has ever said it in this world', his eyes glowed, as if he had discovered a new world.

"It's really interesting... OK, as a researcher, I can only comfort you with scientific methods. Even if my brain is strong, I can't read the world. There are so many unknown things in this world... There is no absolute in everything, and nothing is 100% possible. Even if it is 99.99%, there is also a possibility of zero and one. Perhaps, many things that you don’t believe in exist, it really exists. It will really happen... heh..."

What she said seemed to be immersed in her own world.Xu Mo will not react to what she meant by these words for a while.

Lemon paused, and her petite body walked around gently: "It's useless to stay here, go back to the country as planned. Leave it to me about that child. Japan doesn't know how much favor it owes me. I will let them find, and dig the ground three feet to find people for you, don’t worry."

With this small body, the ability is extraordinary and powerful. Xu Mo felt that he was relying on this loli more and more. It was just a lot of things, and it wouldn't work without her.Moreover, I fully trusted her.

Xu Mo nodded and agreed. This may be the best solution. Now that Lemon has said it, he will definitely do it.

However, in the end, Lemon seemed to say quietly: "I finally found someone younger than me. I will definitely find it for you..."

The wind was too strong, but Xu Mo didn't hear clearly.

The next day, with regrets and guilt for the young girl, Teacher Xu ended this turbulent school trip with a group of people and returned to their place, but, for sure, so much happened. ...... This place in Japan, I will definitely visit again in the future.

On the plane.

The clouds suddenly dimmed, and the light of thunder was faintly hidden, which made people feel very uncomfortable, especially in the air, which felt a bit scary.

Ding Dong——

The plane's notice rang.

"Dear passenger, hello. This flight has encountered a sudden thunderstorm. For your safety, the plane is now starting to lower the flight altitude to avoid lightning, which is slightly bumpy. Please fasten your seat belt and please do not walk, thank you."

What the hell, there are still thunderstorms in broad daylight?

I don't know why, looking at the thunder and lightning outside the window, there is a kind of inexplicable intimacy?

It's weird.

Study Trip · End

[The next chapter will focus on new characters, the second disease (pseudo), the scheming bitch (real girl) and campus life, the younger sister intervenes, the conflicts and pollution... please look forward to it]

Author's message:

PS: Recommend a friend's book "My chastity cannot be easily carried by a dog"


When I woke up and became Ayase Aragaki, I found Kyosuke's sinful hand reaching under my skirt.

After finally staying away from Kyosuke, I found that there was a boy in the same class named Makoto Ito whose mobile desktop was my photo?

A new household named Qiuyue moved in next door. As a teacher, he has two lovely daughters.

When Kirino was sick, I went to the hospital to see her and found that there was a nurse named Nanase Love in this hospital.

After finally persuading Tongno and I to transfer to a girls’ school, there is an older sister named Miyakoji Mizuho.

I was rescued by a Takeshi named Toyama Kinji, who was able to meet robbers when I went to the bank to get money.

So in this world full of human-shaped bulldozers, how can I protect my virginity and Kirino’s happy lily?

Very urgent!Wait online!

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three

The return flight arrived smoothly. After getting off the plane, I finally felt the aura of familiarity with the land again. It seemed that I hadn't returned here for a long time. I really missed it and felt very kind.Sure enough, no matter where you are, it feels best to go home.

Everyone in the group ended this trip with a different mood. Of course, everyone also gained something they hoped for.

However, Xu Mo is not like the students who can go home and rest first after they get off the plane. As the teacher of this trip, he needs to go back to Aoba Academy to report the situation of this school trip to the leader.So after arranging them to go back, Mr. Xu even dragged a bag of luggage and came to the school non-stop.At any rate, it was a trip abroad, and there were some gifts for colleagues in my luggage. After all, I am now in the workplace and I have to learn how to be a human being.

They are all small gifts with Japanese characteristics selected by Xu Mo in the souvenir shop. They are all unique but not too expensive. Of course, there are some toilet seats. It is said that there are many in the school. The young female teacher wanted this very much.

I dragged my big duffel bag and walked to the office building. I saw a few teachers I knew. It seemed that they had returned a little earlier. After a few days of pleasant school trips, the teachers were in a good mood. Everywhere in the office, you can see teachers talking about interesting things about school trips. Of course, these are only those teachers whose destinations are slightly better. The teachers of those shopping groups are all gloomy and gloomy. He was paralyzed in his seat, his body was weak, his eyes were hollow and desperate, and he never thought of the fear of being dominated by shopping guides following the shopping group.

And their shrunk wallets, it feels like a heartbreak.

"Have you heard? The director of the instructor went to the shopping group for a seven-day tour and has not come back. I heard that he was so miserable that all his belongings were robbed, and he was even detained there to prevent him from leaving, and finally he called the police. ...The police can't do anything with the shopping group. In the seems to be filing at the police station of the shopping group."

Several teachers talked in a low voice, but everyone in the office heard it.

Yes, I taught the host, I was assigned to the worst class 7 this time, the destination of the tour was the seven-day shopping group...The magic of the shopping group was ruthlessly drained for seven days!

Thinking of this, even the teachers who were assigned to travel to poor mountains and remote areas, even those teachers who had previously been weak Ge You paralyzed on their chairs, were not so uncomfortable.

The poor dean, I hope she bought the kitchen knife, pearl earrings, and Nuojiya mobile phone from the shopping can use it for a few more days.

Several teachers mentioned class A during this trip to Japan and asked Xu Mo: "Mr. Xu, your class A went to Japan this time and just came back? Is Japan fun? How are you playing, tell us about it. If it’s fun, I will also take my family to have fun this Spring Festival."

Xu Mo suddenly didn’t know how to answer this question. After thinking about it carefully, every day he traveled in Japan, he experienced different experiences. These things felt that everything could not be spoken upright. Just say , Then you will be called to the police

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