My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 142

Although Chen Fei'er has a straightforward and outgoing personality, she looks like a boy, but she must be very uncomfortable to see her appearance at this time. Her hands are also cold and cold sweat is constantly flowing down her forehead.

The pain became like this, but he didn't tell himself earlier, and held on by himself.Xu Mo couldn't help but feel a little blaming and asked: "When did it start to hurt?"

Concubine Chen rushed to write a novel all night last night, which led to endocrine disorders and dysmenorrhea. She did not dare to tell Xu Mo directly...

"Yesterday...night... I got better in the morning, but..."

Even though I saw my sister have such problems many times in my youth, it is really rare to see such a severe problem. Xu Mo was worried and distressed in his heart, so he couldn't blame it so much. He sat on the bed and opened the cover to Chen. The quilt on the concubine let her lie down, revealing her slender waist, her smooth belly, and her pink belly button.

"Concubine, dysmenorrhea is a normal thing at your age, but don't hold it back all the time, use the correct method... I'll press it for you first, don't move."

Although the pain did not abate, Chen Fei'er still blushed. How did the Xindao teacher know everything?He even understands such private matters that only girls have...

Under the small pink belly button, a half circle of pure white panties was exposed. Xu Mo's hand pressed it tightly and slowly massaged it on the creamy white jade abdomen. From time to time, he gave Chen Feier a comforting smile. .

Although Concubine Chen is indeed a bit shy, her heart is warm. Seeing Teacher Xu massaging her lower abdomen, she can't help but feel angry and said: "Teacher...thank you, you are so skilled."

It’s really like this. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell from Xu Mo’s skillful movements that it’s not just a few random massages, but a regular massage, and Mr. Xu’s fingertips are slightly hot in the lower abdomen. There is a warm current slowly eroding the intense feeling of pain.

It was also to allow her to say something distracted and stop paying attention to her pain. Xu Mo didn't mind talking about it. Anyway, it was nothing shameful: "Well, my sister used to She also had dysmenorrhea all day when she was your age. So I used to learn how to press, and I haven't pressed it for several years. How is it, does it still hurt?"

Inadvertently, the intense pain is really not so obvious.

"It didn't hurt as much as it was at the beginning... Teacher, you really...ah!" It was fine at first, but Chen Fei'er didn't know what was wrong, she suddenly shrank in the middle of the conversation and let out a deep groan. .Yin...

Just now, Xu Mo did not let go of the movement in his hand. He hasn't pressed it for many years. He accidentally remembered an acupuncture point incorrectly. Pressing it at the place below the belly button, a slight positional deviation is likely to touch... ...Some places that shouldn't be moved.

Xu Mo just felt that he accidentally pressed an unusually slippery place through the white underwear...

He reflected in an instant, but the girl was as weak as she had just been electrocuted, and she was ashamed...Of course, Xu Mo was also embarrassed.

Obviously a very serious massage.

He coughed a few times and wanted to break the embarrassment, but it seemed that it was temporarily useless. After pressing it, it was determined that her pain was almost relieved. Xu Mo got out of the bed and drew the curtain again to make her lie down. In the morning, just lie down here and sleep for a while. Your hands and feet will be cold when you have menstrual cramps. Remember not to stretch out the quilt."

The inadvertent thoughtful reminders are actually deeply imprinted in Chen Fei'er's heart.

After being pressed by Teacher Xu, the lower abdomen was much more comfortable, and finally I was able to sleep peacefully.Concubine Chen seemed to have a beautiful dream. Fang Zhizhi and Teacher Xu were both in the flower field, and the three lay together in the flower field and told each other their hearts.


He was conscious, but was disturbed by a sticky feeling beneath him.

Could it be...

Concubine Chen lifted the quilt carefully, and the slight smell of blood in the air might indicate that she was correct.

The thick menstrual blood did not know when it came out, and I did not put a sanitary napkin before going to bed. It wetted a piece of bed sheet than the thick blood on my body.

This is how to do……

Chapter 177 Licking Blood? (Ask monthly ticket)

This shy thing was conspicuously conspicuous on the white sheets, and for a while, it made Concubine Chen feel at a loss, so she quietly opened the curtain and asked Xu Mo for help: "Teacher, I..."

Xu Mo was summoned by her, and as soon as he approached, he smelled a fishy rust.Concubine Chen sat there awkwardly, the thick blood under her body was stained with red, and it was hard not to see it.

This is indeed too difficult to tell for an adolescent girl.

"I'm sorry...Teacher, I'll take it and wash it..." Concubine Chen climbed out of the bed in a strange posture, preparing to remove the sheets, her tone of voice was even more embarrassing, her eyes flushed.

Xu Mo gently pushed her behind him a little, and he did not mind taking down the sheet that was stained with the girl’s menstrual blood: “It’s okay, because of dysmenorrhea, it will flow out naturally without warning. Don’t care if it’s inevitable."

There are still people in the school who are responsible for cleaning. Xu Mo put the sheets away and put them aside.Then she directed Concubine Chen very seriously and took the initiative to hold her hands.

Concubine Chen was still a little surprised, how did the teacher suddenly hold her... and she looked very serious.

"Well, the hands have warmed a lot, and it seems that one press is still effective." Of course, Xu Mo was concerned about her dysmenorrhea.

In this field, Xu Mo is very serious.

There is no other meaning, or after entering the state, I just want to help her relieve her dysmenorrhea, and have no other ideas.

"Take off your underwear." Xu Mo himself didn't even realize what he was talking about, he was too serious.

Just now, I know that blood shed without a sanitary napkin. The blood in that place is much thicker than ordinary blood. So much wetness on the underwear and outer pants is obviously very comfortable, and The blood also has the effect of expelling germs from women during menstruation. The bacteria are on the top. It sticks to the underwear for a long time and comes in contact with some delicate parts, which will inevitably cause other problems.So you have to take off the underwear, it is best to wipe it with a wet towel, and then put on new underwear.

But Concubine Chen was shocked by such lines, standing in front of Xu Mo at this moment like a wooden person, motionless.

"Hey." Xu Mo squatted down directly and pulled down the school skirt she was wearing outside.


She inevitably disturbed the girl, but soon Xu Mo quickly took off her underwear and pulled it off her thigh smoothly. Concubine Chen didn’t know that she was so obedient when she was frightened, and she was subconsciously sober. Coming over, the blushing pure white underwear appeared in the hands of the teacher who had just confessed, and his lower body was already smooth and clean, and there was no clothing.

But she saw that the teacher did not stare at the place where she had disappeared at this time, but gently spread the underwear that she had just taken off with both hands, the bright and dazzling blood color made the girl's face blush.

Teacher, what on earth is he doing... Isn't he... he has that kind of habit?

Even Chen Fei'er, who has a good impression of Xu Mo, has this kind of thought at this time, it is inevitable that others... Because at this time Xu Mo's behavior is really too gentle, if it is not clear what this is doing People in, will definitely think Xu Mo is a pervert.

Xu Mo leaned close to the center of the underwear. The tip of the dyed red piece almost touched the fabric of the underwear. He sniffed and nodded.

Do you still say it tastes good?

Of course not!

Although, there is really a unique fragrance of a young girl, it feels like a lily fragrance, different from the heavier smell of rust, the smell of blood, and it is lighter.

But this is mainly to judge whether her menstrual blood is normal by smell, Xu Mo is very professional.

But the girl's thoughts may have drifted beyond the clouds, the man in front of him was smelling with his underwear, and he was already shy and speechless.

"Teacher, you are... this kind of hobby?"

Maybe it’s because I don’t want to be misunderstood. Even in a serious state, I still replied: "Just judge whether the smell is normal. If the smell is sweet and greasy, it may be abnormal, but if you don’t, it’s quite normal. of."

Xu Mo said, the movements in his hand did not stop. He stretched out his thumb and index finger and swept lightly at the center of the underwear, and swept some of the blood on his fingers: "Blood during menstruation is worse than ordinary blood. It smells fresh, and it's very sticky, you see." The thumb and index finger were gently pressed together, and the sticky blood had not even separated.

"No... don't touch it..." The protest seemed weak.

Even Xu Mo has stretched out the tip of his tongue, ready to lick the red stain.

No, this definitely won't work!

Obviously it's that kind of thing, how can the teacher...

"Teacher, it's dirty, you..." It was the first time that Concubine Chen showed this expression, trembling and even crying.

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