My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 143

Xu Mo glanced at her, and he was in a daze. The sense of serious devotion was slightly reduced, and the tongue that was just sticking out was also taken back, but he still said seriously: "It's not dirty, as your teacher, I It is also necessary to confirm the condition of your body in the fastest time, and to taste the taste with a sensitive tongue can be the fastest to judge whether it is healthy. Blood is all blood in essence, but the place where it comes out It’s different. Although it smells like rust, it’s actually a bitter taste. Um... Concubine, you don’t have a big problem, so..." Xu Mo gently put her underwear down, and Wiped the blood from his hands with toilet paper.

After all, I still didn't was a bit too much, it was the root of the disease that fell before, that sister...

What broke this scene was the sound from outside the infirmary.

It seemed that two students from another class passed by, because the voice of the infirmary was very quiet, and the voices of their chatting were very clear.

"Have you heard? It is Teacher Xu from Class A who is on duty for Teacher Li today. I wish I had a sickness today, so that I can go to the infirmary to contact Teacher Xu."

"Eh? Is that the male teacher? What subject does he teach? I really want to try the male teacher's class... However, we are a girls' school and the male teacher is in the infirmary. Is it a bit... inappropriate?"

"I have met Mr. Xu once. Not only does he look good, but he also has a cold temperament. At first glance, he is a gentleman who is knowledgeable and personable. He who can be our Qingye teacher will definitely not be the kind who can be weird. Acting person. Ahhhh, let me have a stomachache."

"Come on, didn't you just finish that one? Or you can go to the infirmary and ask for a sanitary napkin, hehe."


The voice is far away...

The outgoing Concubine Chen was then rekindled some of her own nature, and said as if she was teasing: "Teacher, it turns out that you have a very good reputation in the eyes of other classmates."

Xu Mo was extremely embarrassed when he heard this conversation.It's okay to praise me for being handsome, but in this kind of situation, even with such a thick-skinned face, I don't want to admit that I am a handsome gentleman.

The girl stood in front of her naked without wearing any lower body clothes, and in her own hand, she pinched her bloody and warm underwear.

"I'll help you find a sanitary napkin first..."

Author's message:

PS: Thanks to the Roman boss, there will be the third women's dress before the 20th...This month, I will be on the monthly ticket list. In order to make the women's pose before the 20th more attractive and make everyone more satisfied, please vote for me soon. !I want a monthly pass!Please, monthly pass!I want a monthly pass!Monthly ticket!

PS: Chapter Tweet Time "The Whistle Before the End of the Coser Live Room" bookers originally also have live broadcasts, you can check it out if you like

Say a few words to everyone (this chapter is free)

Let me talk about it first. Yesterday, Teacher’s Day went out for activities, but yesterday was the first Teacher’s Day in my life and also my farewell party. I drank too much, please forgive me for not updating.

Because today, I took a bunch of gifts from the children on Teacher’s Day... and left.

I was going to a training class for elementary school teacher certification, and I had to choose to leave them.

Before leaving today, other teachers asked me: Do you want to be alone with your children?

I shook my head and said no, I was afraid that I would be reluctant and could not control my emotions.Over time, the children forget about it, so they are more acceptable.

Temporarily leave the innocent children, I have a million reluctant, but also helpless...

Goodbye, children, see you in elementary school.

During this period of time, I myself will concentrate on studying and textual research, and I won’t be able to pull down the updates. I will read more books... well, so be it.

The last part is the daily part, thank you Roman boss (smiling wry). This is the punishment for breaking the change yesterday. It is a side dish. The highlight will be a wave in the near future.

Chapter 178 Interference Magic (Request monthly ticket)

After temporarily standing in the infirmary for a day, it is not considered nothing to do. At least the dysmenorrhea of ​​Concubine Chen has been cured, which is still very fulfilling.

I am a little worried about whether Lori can sit down in her seat at the end of the day, and find her right after school...Huh?Isn't this good? Xu Mo saw Lori's small figure sitting upright in the seat from a distance.Eh, but isn't it the end of get out of class now?

After a closer look, she saw Lori's eyes sluggish, spinning in small circles...

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with you?" Xu Mo patted her on the shoulder, which made her wake up from the dazed state.

"En? En!" She screamed, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the person in front of her was Xu Mo. All of the grievances were all pouring down with Xu Mo. She threw herself into Xu Mo's arms and almost cried. Out.

"My dignified destiny's savior, unexpectedly... I was so ashamed!"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Xu Mo was stunned. Wasn't it just the usual last class? How did it become like this?

"You said that going to class is to teach and impart knowledge. But at the beginning of the class, a higher-level magician in the mental department constantly released mental interference magic to me, making my mind confused... I vaguely remember the terrible spell——log (a)(M/N)=log(a)(M)-log(a)(N)...... That higher-level magician repeatedly chanted this kind of mental interference magic, which is more terrifying than the witches of the Dark Swamp, I felt dizzy just after hearing it a little bit, until Jane became mentally blank."

"I had already fought her to death and death... But I think everyone in the class has nothing to do? Are they all ordinary humans? Especially the white-haired one, who can still be magical in this kind of spirit system. I fell asleep under the interference... It's terrible, you people in this world. I can't give in to the vastness, so I have to bear it till now... Damn it!"

"..." Xu Mo was speechless, not knowing where it would be better to start complaining, but Lori also described the general process again, and Xu Mo could still understand it.

The so-called higher-level magician in the spiritual department is Li Meiju, Teacher Li, who teaches mathematics as a substitute today.He's over fifty years old and he's not married yet. From another level, it's not wrong to be a magician.

Mathematics text is a bit boring, especially this kind of elderly teachers, there is nothing new in class, just to explain formulas and problems to you. This kind of formulas that have not been touched at all and cannot be understood are in Los Angeles. Leah has become a spell, as for that God TM mental attack...I believe everyone has had the same experience as her, but some people will be immune to hearing too much, at most they will fall asleep like Ye Elegy It's very fragrant.

Only a "young man" like Loria who has just arrived will listen carefully, and it is normal to feel a headache.

After figuring it out, Xu Mo almost laughed out loud. This arrogant savior of destiny has been frustrated after coming here, but seeing her so pitiful, he can barely resist it.

However, it is very surprising that although she has received a severe mental attack, she has actually memorized the formula of the whole paragraph. Maybe she is really talented.


Xu Mo took the frustrated Lori to the back mountain of the school. After almost arriving, he told Lori to take a short rest on this beautiful back mountain, regain her spirit, and come back soon after a while.

If it weren't for Lemon, she suddenly came to her laboratory in the back mountain, and she couldn't be separated from Lori by more than a kilometer, Xu Mo would not have taken her.

I've been here several times, and Xu Mo has already walked into the laboratory with ease.Seeing another small figure, but unlike Lori, Lemon is a real loli, but she always feels that she is very mature.

I don’t know if it’s my own illusion. Every time when Lemon called to meet alone, he either didn’t wear it... or did not wear it. It must be Baisi, who has a soft spot for him, and I remembered the first time it happened with Lemon. Issues……

Standing in front of the small test bench, Lemon seemed to be sorting out some paper documents. Xu Mo stepped forward and asked: "What's the matter? Suddenly called me over?"

Lemon didn't even look at Xu Mo, nor did he answer his words. It was still the same as the previous painting style, and she couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

But he was used to it, Xu Mo stood by and looked at her.

After a while, Lemon handed Xu Mo a few documents sorted out in his hand, and a pen: "I said you write."

Xu Mo took the file she gave and took a look: "Huh? Aoba Academy student performance at school? Does our school have this thing?"

Lemon glared at him cutely: "If you ask you to write, just write and ask so much what to do."

"Oh... good." If it is Lemon's request, Xu Mo can say that she is trying her best to satisfy her. Anyway, as a student, she may be invincible by the standard. On the contrary, Little Lemon can help herself selflessly in many cases. Xu Mo has always been very grateful to her.

There is no more. Because Lemon turned his face and was silent for a while, he said, "My father, they sent me to school for the purpose of hoping that I can be normal and do some things that children should do. The things I do, I earn Money is too scary for them. They can't accept and understand. They are just ordinary parents."

Lemon’s tone was a little helpless, she rarely saw her performance, and sighed: “But I’m not ordinary. I can only try to let them see me as ordinary, and at least let them feel more at ease. This is me. Forgery, you wrote it to them, and you can rest assured that I am in school."

Hearing her say this, Xu Mo felt a little bit in his heart. Lemon indeed has her natural talent, but she also has such helplessness. It is such a good boy to consider her parents like this...

Maybe that's how I thought about it, and I also felt that Lemon was a good boy, so he accidentally hugged her in his arms and sat on his legs.I thought Lemon would mind, but nothing happened. She just sat on her legs like this, with her small hands gripping the corners of her clothes and holding something.

So cute.

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