My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 156

Lemon obviously knows her own problems. Rarely, she also seemed a little embarrassed. She frowned and said, "I don't want to, but I don't know how to teach others! Those questions are too silly, I look at them. , The answer comes out in my head, which is right and which is wrong, including the solution program. There is no problem-solving process at all, how would you let me tell them?"

Unexpectedly, Lemon was smart, but too smart. She couldn't express how she solved these problems at all, because she didn't need to solve them at all, and she knew the answers as soon as she scanned them.

I hit a wall on the first day, and this plan is finished on the first day...

It may be a topic that is really embarrassing to him. Lemon took out a document that he had prepared a long time ago and handed it to Xu Mo: "Honestly, no matter if I go to explain it to them or not, everyone's ability to understand is limited. , It’s not a copy of me, and you don’t allow me to use any external technology. It is impossible to improve the performance of these people in a short period of time. I can’t sleep in the morning, get up early, and just organize some things, you Just take a look."

Although that was the case, Xu Mo already knew very well that Lemon was definitely not up early. In other words, she was also a gentle and good boy.

This information is the same as the current study information of everyone in the class, including subjects that are good at, subjects that are not good at, areas that need to be strengthened, and how to start.There are also pentagonal attribute maps, power tables, etc., super detailed, worthy of lemon.

While Xu Mo watched it, Lemon explained clearly: "To sum up the information mentioned above, until the monthly test period, Class A scores first in the whole year, this probability is only 0.5%."

"It's not impossible!" Xu Mo looked at the information and said with a strong smile.

At least there is a possibility of 0.5%. Work hard, there is really hope, not impossible.

"This 0.5% is the overall probability that classes other than Class A have suffered earthquakes, car accidents, all food poisoning, all concussions, all hand injuries... and other accidents. If it is possible, then Class A will not fight. Win and get the first result of the year."

Have you experienced despair?

"Why would you be so stubborn? However, there is another plan, but the odds... I'll still not tell you the odds."

Author's message:

PS: For the new month, ask for monthly pass for subscription, and ask for everything.I was told that my introduction needs to be changed after the line was over. I changed it casually. Is there any condensed sentence that can summarize the book as an introduction?Once adopted, get a box of biscuits made by Cher, hahaha.

PS: Chapter push time "My second element does not need mental abnormal options"

Chapter One Hundred and Five

Lemon took out a piece of white paper again, and while talking to Xu Mo, he quickly wrote and drew on the paper: "If you exclude me first, Nan Bing's physiology class and home economics class scores are among the best in the year. , Biology class scores are also quite outstanding. In Ye Elegy’s words, unexpected Chinese scores are very good, but they are limited to ancient Chinese. Chen Fei’er and Fang Zhizhi’s English scores are also good, probably because the previous school was a special foreign language school Because of this, English is more important."

"Among the seventeen temporary students, Zhumoran has a political background, and his political achievements can be trusted. There is also Ji Xian, who used to be the head of chemical pharmacy at home, and his chemistry grades are also in the forefront of his age. And geography magazines. ..."

If it hadn't been used to the amazing performance that lemons can always give people a long time ago, Xu Mo would definitely not sit in a chair and talk to lemon so calmly.

She actually analyzed the data of everyone in the class and came up with students who are good at each subject.

"In other words..."

Lemon nodded and handed the written paper to Xu Mo: "Well, just as you think. I just re-planned according to your plan. Didn't you ask me to help them? But I am not here. How to teach others, but planned in this way, although their own loopholes are greater, they actually have good subjects that can be ranked in the forefront. As for how to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, it depends on you. But now there is an important question, Taken together, the students who are best at mathematics have not satisfactory grades."

Xu Mo was lost in thought.

Undoubtedly, Lemon gave him good news, and unexpectedly did not expect it to have such potential.Aoba Gakuen is different from ordinary high schools. Students need to develop their studies in an all-round way, and there are also many subjects.At present, there is still one major mathematics subject left in the list... yourself?I am a half-hearted teacher, and I am not a person who is good at mathematics, so I must mislead my children.Lemon is not good, she really can't teach others.The other teachers are even worse. Xu Yan’s new official appointment, how could those old Youzi mathematics teachers come with friendly support to teach math class A?

"Go find your old friend. In terms of mathematics, maybe she is pretty reliable." Lemon pulled out the last piece of information from Xu Mo's hands.

Xu Mo saw that it was Liu Yiqiu, an "old friend".

Although I have known each other for a long time, I went to Japan for a school trip with everyone... But after reading this information, Xu Mo knew that, compared to himself, Lemon seems to have truly analyzed Liu Yiqiu, even the dark history. less.

However, the most critical part was carefully circled with a red pen.

"2013 National Outstanding Teacher Award-High School Mathematics."

"New Young Mathematics Teacher Award."

"Gold Medal in the National Young Mathematics Teachers Excellent Class Appraisal Competition."

There are more than ten awards, large and small, and awards in the field of high school teachers have almost won.

When I first met her, Liu Yiqiu's main job was the teaching dean, and she only took part-time classes.Knowing that as a teacher, she is a teacher with ideas and ability, but she did not expect to be such an elite.

With Liu Yiqiu's help, it would give Xu Mo another glimmer of hope anyway.


With the precious message given by Little Lemon, Xu Mo didn't have much time left, and every second was the most precious.Leaving Lemon, let those students who are good at subjects sum up their learning methods with each other according to the method they just discussed, and as the head teacher, he took Lori and skipped class out of school.

Of course, for convenience, Lori has become that pink gadget, some kind of small toy that vibrates violently.

She seemed to expend too much energy yesterday to study those "mantras" that led to a trance today, and she just turned into a pink egg for Xu Mo to put in her pocket and rest for a while.

According to her, the transformation technique into such a small thing does not seem to consume too much power.

I rushed all the way to the original school, and I didn't come back for a long time. I really missed it.But I didn’t find Liu Yiqiu. I asked my former colleague to find out——

"Ms. Liu? I just called the teacher's office in the morning to take half a month's sick leave."

"Huh? She is sick?"

"Yes, I don't know what happened suddenly... Hmm? Teacher Xu, you still have contact with Teacher Liu after you went to Aoba? Could that rumor be true...? Oh, don't go!" The teacher seemed very gossip, but fortunately Xu Mo had escaped before being dragged.

Xu Mo still remembered Liu Yiqiu's residence, and thought he wouldn't remember it like that. It was a big ups and downs. After finally finding a general, he suddenly became ill?No matter what, you still have to go and see, even if it is not for her help, as a friend with a "good relationship", should this be the case?

Asking his own heart, Xu Mo is actually not sure what he feels about Teacher Liu.


On the other hand, the "ill" teacher Liu was lying uncomfortably in his boudoir, which was full of underwear and a pile of rag dolls, sloppy, and still the same style of painting.

She looked very uncomfortable and very embarrassed, obviously something was wrong.

Liu Yiqiu was also very reluctant to recall... Last night she drank a lot of wine daily, but the bottle was still thrown on the ground. When she woke up in the morning, someone stepped on the sleek bottle without paying attention and sat on it.

The glass slag shattered all over the floor, and even though he leaned sideways hard at the moment he lost his center of gravity, the buttocks were still pierced by the glass, and a gap of about 67 cm appeared.

It hurt... I took a mirror in the bathroom for a long time, and finally saw the wound. I cleaned it up with water and alcohol. There were no other tools to stop the bleeding. I had to take a quick sanitary napkin to temporarily pad it and go. Back to bed.

This kind of embarrassing position and the way of injury, how could she go to the clinic or hospital to let the doctor show her the wound on her buttocks.Just after he was injured, it was difficult to walk because of his hip injury. Liu Yiqiu lied that he was sick and asked for leave from school.

Although the cut is not particularly deep, Liu Yiqiu is also very afraid of scars. After all, a girl, and that kind of place, will it affect her married life in the future? Will it be ugly? Scar...rejected?

Then the brain fills in the picture here. I don't know why the man's style is so similar to Xu Mo's, which caused her to hold her buttocks on the bed and it hurt and embarrassed.

Just as she was thinking about what to do if she left scars in the future, the doorbell suddenly rang.At this time, no one will come to her. Liu Yiqiu said that it should be a courier. If the door is not opened, the courier will put it in the mailbox downstairs by herself, so she ignores it. She is in this state and is temporarily unwilling. Move, move the thigh a little, the wound connected to the buttocks hurts.

After a while, the doorbell stopped ringing as expected.

Just when Liu Yiqiu tried to close his eyes and prepare to let him fall asleep to relieve the pain, the phone rang again.

This made her a little irritable. She was not in a good mood when she was injured, but when she saw the caller's name on her phone, she suddenly became...a bit shy and excited?It was like a girl's throbbing.

Chapter 196 Fengyou Essence?

She was afraid that the phone would hang up for too long, and adjusted her state as quickly as possible, trying not to let him hear that she was wrong. Oh my God, if she let Xu Mo know that she was so stupid that she was pricked by a wine bottle, and Dao wound, I don't want to live anymore.

"Hey...? Call me, why?" She had tried her best to endure the pain, pretending to be natural, but she still looked a lot stiff.

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