My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 157

"Hello? Teacher Liu, I rang the doorbell, are you not at home? I went to school to find you, and the other teacher said you were sick."

"Ah? You ring the doorbell...? I..." Liu Yiqiu panicked all of a sudden. She didn't expect Xu Mo to come to herself at this most embarrassing time, and she was at the door of the house.

I must not let him know!

However, Liu Yiqiu got up from the bed instinctively because of his excessive reaction, causing the wound to be instantly pulled, and the severe pain couldn't help it: "Ah!"

The phone also fell to the side, crying bitterly, clutching her ass and stretching out.

Xu Mo was frightened, and she could hear her crying cry from outside the house. He unscrewed the door lock that looked like a display and broke in. The whole room was full of messy wine bottles...In her vacant room There was a cry of tears, and what made Xu Mo panicked most was the pile of shocking fragments at the door of the room, and one of them was still stained with blood.

After breaking into the room, the painting style didn't seem to be that way... Liu Yiqiu was wearing pajamas, tilting her hips, constantly rubbing and rubbing... Seeing Xu Mo actually broke in, staring at her embarrassment. That mood...really...


"I said... Teacher Liu... all right?" Xu Mo sat on the bedside helplessly.

"Um()*(!@&(**@#!" Liu Yiqiu covered herself with a quilt, and hid under the quilt to talk, which made it impossible to hear what she was talking about.

Xu Mo could understand her embarrassment. After all... When Xu Mo came in, he could think about what part of her injury.It's really embarrassing to let yourself show upright.

Looking at the glass slag at the door again... Xu Mo sighed, but actually didn't think about something like Liu Yiqiu imagined: "Hey, let you not drink so much every day, at wine bottles Litter."

He got up, cleaned all the glass slag, and returned to the bed.

Gently pulled the quilt that was covered, but found that it was being pulled tightly and motionless.

Ah... so cute.

That was a flash of thought by Xu Mo, thinking that Liu Yiqiu, who was under the quilt, was blushing and clinging to the quilt to cover herself and she felt so cute.

"Teacher Liu, I don't know anything, don't you suffocate yourself...?" It may have been too long, I'm really afraid of her suffocation.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yiqiu's willpower is really tenacious. Face is still more important than fate. After struggling in the quilt, he continued to resist stubbornly.

"I learned some medical nursing knowledge when I was in college, let me take care of it for you." Xu Mo is naturally nonsense. He has never studied it before.However, he did want to heal Liu Yiqiu's injury, and the power gained by casually using the double cultivation method was enough to heal the injury without leaving scars.

He didn't want anything left on the girl's snow-white body, it was not halal.

At this time, there really is no other slightly colored ideas.


But after hearing this, Liu Yiqiu fought fiercely under the quilt, seemingly reluctant to allow Mo to do so.

"Ms. Liu, you don't want to leave ugly scars? It's okay, my eyes won't look at other places, I promise, it's pure treatment!" Xu Mo vowed.

Sure enough, the movement in the quilt suddenly calmed down, as if it was an ideological struggle.

After a while, seeming to have succumbed, Liu Yiqiu dropped a little quilt, revealing half of his face.After being bored for too long, her hair was soaked and wet on her forehead, and a pair of pitiful, watery eyes came out. You could see that the skin in the gap was already red. She looked at Xu Mo: " ...Really?"

To express his innocence, Xu Mo nodded solemnly: "Really!"

"...Don't lie."

"Do not lie to you!"




Liu Yiqiu gave in, and she nodded slightly under the quilt, indicating that she agreed to accept Xu Mo's treatment.

Because the main reason is that she does not want to leave scars on her flawless skin.Instead of going to the hospital for a doctor to see, it's better to show it to Xu Mo... Anyway, he has seen it more than once.

Xu Mo couldn’t directly say that he used this inexplicable ability to treat her. He could only continue to say: “Well, I just brought a bottle of my hometown medicated oil with me. The effect is very good. It is used to treat wounds and prevent scars. The effect is very good."

This kind of reason is more reasonable and easy to convince her, right, as for medicated oil?It was just a bottle of Fengyoujing that Xu Mo picked up from the medicine cabinet next to her bed.This thing is harmless when painted, and it is almost the same.Just apply force to the wound while applying.

Once accepted, Liu Yiqiu also appeared much better, and would not resist, and seemed to give everything to Xu Mo.

She still covered her face with the quilt, and then turned over again with shame.

Liu Yiqiu felt Xu Mo uncover the quilt behind him, and his pajamas pulled him up. His fiery hand gently touched his lower back, as if looking for his wound.This sudden feeling made her tremble slightly.

She was nervous and didn't know what to say...

It was completely a little sheep.

The touch like a dragonfly made Liu Yiqiu feel a slight burning sensation on his skin, and the place where his fingers touched was irritated like hot needles.

It also seemed that there was a paralyzing electric current conducted through his fingertips and flowed into the heart. Unconsciously, the skin was irritated to start small bumps.Liu Yiqiu only felt hot all over, her heartbeat quickened, and her breathing swiftly. As Xu Mo's hand gently extended to her Xiangyue plump buttocks, she couldn't help clamping her slender and flawless legs.

No, you can't let him touch it anymore, otherwise...

Liu Yiqiu gritted her teeth, she hurriedly stretched out her hand and went back to catch Xu Mo's big hand.

For fear that Xu Mo could not find the wound, his big fiery hand touched his sensitive buttocks too much, Liu Yiqiu put his hand near the wound and gave him a clear reminder.

The wound was found, but it was inside the panties, and most of it had to be taken off to "rub the medicine."

Author's message:

PS: Wow, there are two changes, so awesome

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Seven Continued

Although Xu Mo's thoughts were strongly suppressed, the tension was still there, and his hands were a little unwilling.He gently raised the edge of Fatty, pulled down and began to pull away a little, but it seemed to be stuck by something. Xu Mo wanted to make Liu Yiqiu lift up his buttocks, but he didn't know how to speak such words, for fear of causing her violent reaction. .

Fortunately, Liu Yiqiu was able to understand his intentions, Xiangbutt raised a thread silently, but he was obviously dying shyly.

Xu Mo was about to pull down the panties hard, but he didn't pay attention to Liu Yiqiu's cooperation. He tried too hard and pulled the panties to her thigh, suddenly embarrassing!

What's more exciting is that his dark pull actually aroused Liu Yiqiu's bounce waves. Although the room was slightly dim with the curtains closed, the room was slightly dim, but the silent tremor and the abundance of fluctuations were more faint. Tim temptation.Xu Mo, who ran her fingers across her Xiangyue skin just now, felt a touch and touch that couldn't be described by words. From the fingers straight to the bottom of my heart, the feeling was like electricity, crisp and slippery. In short, it was a unique beauty in the world. I will never forget it in this life.

Through the air, he could feel the heat from her body before touching Liu Yiqiu's body directly.

Faintly, there is also a kind of strange fragrance, permeating the air, refreshing.

Hearing this smell unexpectedly made Xu Mo's thinking suddenly evil, and even reacted.This is the fragrance from Liu Yiqiu's delicate body, making his body reaction completely out of the control of his will, and he is automatically excited.


Perhaps Liu Yiqiu, who felt the wound was exposed to the air and slightly painful, snorted slightly before Xu Mo came back to his senses.

Xu Mo was shocked, and immediately felt that it was better to make a quick fight, otherwise he would not be able to resist... He let go of his worries, and pressed one hand on Liu Yiqiu’s buttocks, while the other hand touched a bit to make her Fengyou, which does not cause doubt, is constantly applied to the vicinity of the wound.Although Xu Mo tried his best to control herself from touching other places, the more he controlled, the less obedient his fingers were, and he often touched her skin unintentionally.The fragrance is really distracting.

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