My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 158

Although her wound is not big, if she wants to heal quickly without leaving any scars, she really needs Xu Mo's help.

Xu Mo has always felt that this kind of treatment method transmits some strength to the body of ordinary people to heal wounds, and it should be insensible.But he accidentally chose Fengyoujing as the medium, and the effect was different.

When he secretly input a trace of the special power obtained by the double cultivation method into the wound, Liu Yiqiu immediately felt a strange feeling. She felt a strong burning in the hind buttocks, which penetrated from the wound.

Liu Yiqiu's body was trembling with excitement, and yelled.

She stretched out her hand anxiously to stop his behavior, but she did not pull her arm, but touched the place between Xu Mo's legs. The place was stimulated so she reacted. The strange touch made her feel ashamed. .

"It may be a little bit hot, a little irritating... but these are all medicinal effects, bear with it." Xu Mo thought it was because of the reaction of being coated with Fengyoujing near the wound... Actually, it was more severe.

Liu Yiqiu was shy enough to be quietly exposed somewhere in the air because of Xiao Nenei's thigh pulled apart.I just want to bear it a little bit and lower my hips a little bit.

Unexpectedly, when there was a shock, a lot of the fengyou essence applied as a cover slipped down the hind buttocks, slowly slid across the sensitive edge, and slid down the indescribable place... it was just a little touched, It feels like flying to heaven in an instant... that location is hot, constantly stimulating the most sensitive place, refreshing and uncontrollable.She didn't know how this happened, and now she just wanted to reach out and wipe the place, and she felt that the place was now horrible, and even her limbs were weak and weak.But Xu Mo was just watching, how could she make the action of touching that place, she would be mistaken as a woman of silver chaos?

"It hurts! Don't apply it!" Liu Yiqiu desperately clamped his legs and twisted his waist desperately, trying to make the intolerable position a little more comfortable.

"It's just a little bit, just another minute." Of course Xu Mo can't fall short of his success now. He has endured all the embarrassments before, and now he has to give up at the last minute?Most importantly, he did not notice that the Fengyoujing used to cover up quietly dropped.

Liu Yiqiu couldn't bear the scorching heat of Xu Mo's fingers and the sensation of the cool wind and oil flowing in. He instinctively grasped Xu Mo's hand, pulled it into the quilt, opened his mouth and bit his arm, forcing himself not to groan.

When Xu Mo saw her body trembling, he thought she was really hurting so badly, and he felt compassionate.

She actually gave her the magical power obtained by the double cultivation method more vigorously to restore her pain... This is even more self-defeating, although the restoring power of the power is constantly entering the wound power, as the medium of Fengyoujing, also by the way They were transported into her body together, stimulating the area under the lower abdomen.

In the quilt, Liu Yiqiu can imagine what an indescribable process she has gone through.That kind of constant joy, and the constant flying into the sky... When did she experience it, she doesn’t know what’s wrong with herself, even if she drank, she wouldn’t be so YD, and today she is so uncontrollable in front of Xu Mo , Just because she touched herself and applied medicine to herself?

She didn't have the thought to think about it, and she was forced to be constantly immersed in another drunken world.

In order to prevent her unpleasant sound from making a bad sound, she could only bite Xu Mo's arm hard, but Xu Mo didn't have to be afraid of the pain at all.

The treatment is over and the wound has completely recovered.As soon as Xu Mo let go, Liu Yiqiu hurriedly pulled up the quilt to cover her body, without waiting to pull on the panties...The room was filled with a dark fragrance, floating in the bottom of my heart, not only Xu Mo, but also Liu Yiqiu herself. She could smell it, of course she knew where the special scent was the heaviest in her body. She smelled it with her little nose, thinking that the guy must smell it clearly, and her face burned and she was too shy.

"Okay, take a nap tomorrow and take a look again. It won't leave scars." Xu Mo could only pretend that he didn't know anything, and pretended to be serious. In order not to be embarrassed, he prepared to get up and wash his hands in the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, she got up and threw Lolia out of her pocket, and fell into Liu Yiqiu's bed.

Of course, it was Lori in the form of a little pink toy.

She seemed to be smashed and woke up.

"Wow? Where am I? So dark?" When I turned into a pink toy, I couldn't speak human words, and the way I spoke was... violent vibration.

"Xu Mo, you are perverted! I! I don't need this!" Liu Yiqiu was ashamed and angry. She thought Xu Mo had seen something and threw this shameful thing to herself so that she could solve it by herself, and suddenly burst into anger. , Threw the little pink toy to Xu Mo.

Only when Xu Mo knew that it was Lori, the cold sweat came down from shock, this... if you missed it, you would fall to death!

"I feel like I'm flying..." The little pink toy vibrated.

Author's message:

PS: In the new month, ask for monthly pass, ask for reward, ask for subscription, ask for brother-in-law.

Chapter 198 Literature and Art Films (with words at the end)

Fortunately, Xu Mo's eyesight was quick and he took "Loria" back as fast as he could, patted through the pocket, and whispered, "You sleep a little longer, don't make any noise."

It may be because of the conclusion of the contract that Xu Mo could understand the vibrating sound after Lori became a little pink toy.After Lori made a few protests, she returned to her sleep mode.

Xu Mo's cold sweat has come down, and it must be no good to transform into this kind of shit.

"Ah... you take a rest, I'll go to the bathroom!" In order to avoid embarrassment, I can only find a reason to leave the room for the time being.

Seeing Xu Mo grabbing the door and fleeing, Liu Yiqiu slowly pulled down the quilt after a while and looked around. When she was sure Xu Mo would not come in for a while, she quickly opened the quilt and took off her panties. , Quickly took a wet tissue to wipe the place...

What kind of potion is’s too weird, it’s not spicy, and even now when Liu Yiqiu wipes the paper, she still has that cool and bony feeling. As a virgin, she also vaguely feels that strange effect. What is it.

While rubbing, recalling what happened just now.

Is this silly guy intentional or unintentional?I actually took off all my underwear... Pull it off a little bit and you can see the wound, I have to take off the whole piece, sure... It must be intentional, right?

She was lying on the bed, thinking about the ambiguous scene just now, and couldn't help but blush.

People who are rushing for three are actually as unproficient and full of fantasy in thinking about love as girls.She didn't realize this by herself. Instead, the potential heart kept asking herself, if she was usually herself, if there was a man who wanted to deliberately touch her hand, she slapped it a second before, how could Xu Mo do this? Tricked...Although he was helping himself, there was no anger at all, and even...a little excitement?

It must be too much alcohol.

But... the wound?

She only noticed now that there was no trace of pain in the wound.Because I didn't feel the pain when I moved my body just now, I didn't notice it.

Is this potion so magical?Liu Yiqiu cautiously reached out and touched the original wound. The opening scratched by the broken wine bottle was actually scarred, and he would not feel any pain after gently wiping and walking around.

Liu Yiqiu didn't know, but it was completely healed.The scar was actually a layer of dust that Xu Mo had condensed casually, and it felt like a condensed scar, so as not to be too exaggerated and cause her thoughts.


Xu Mo outside the house didn’t know what to do. He came today to invite rescuers. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen. I’m afraid it’s a bit embarrassing to make a request now, but fortunately, Liu Yiqiu owes himself a favor now. Waiting for a while is embarrassing. After dismissal, go to discuss it. As an old friend, she wouldn't even help herself with such a small favor, right?

Bored, sitting on the sofa in Liu Yiqiu's living room to pass the time, turned on the TV and adjusted a few.Now there are no good programs in the early morning. Most of them are 998 TV shopping programs.There was no channel to watch when I flipped through it. Just when I was about to give up, I suddenly found that the smart TV was connected to a USB flash drive.

It's not that I want to turn people's privacy, but when I adjust the channel, I automatically switch to the video selection page of the U disk, and there is a folder on it, which says "movie".

Have a movie to watch?Xu Mo just clicked in.This is normal. Most residences now use smart TVs that can plug in a USB flash drive. Movies downloaded from the Internet can be watched on the TV directly after they are dropped into the USB flash drive.

He just wanted to find a movie to watch and pass the time.

There are a lot of movies, but most of them are literary and artistic films, such as "Farewell My Concubine", "Midnight Paris", "She"... These are all old movies that have been seen since childhood. They are also literary films. Xu Mo has nothing to do. interest.

Keep flipping and flipping... the more you flip, the more you feel that the movie you turn to... the stranger?Some of them were really not seen by Xu Mo.

From "Love at the Night Pu", "Chunjiao and Zhiming", "Lust Caution" and other movies that are still a little rubbish, to "All the way to the west", "33D when peaches mature", "Duck King"...

You can understand the title as soon as you read it, and there are many such films, but fortunately, there is no such kind of island film. At most, it is a normal fancy movie, well... it is understandable.

Teacher Liu usually plays so many such movies?

Xu Mo swallowed his saliva, secretly muted the sound of the TV, and then clicked on a "serious" movie that was recently released and was popular on the Internet. It was shown in the movie theaters in Hong Kong. !It’s just that we can’t broadcast it here!

The name is "X Futon: Elysium", this kind of movie is the most suitable to pass the boring time to tell the truth, because no matter how bad the plot is, how hot the film is, you will know what it is like. To watch the movie with a hundred and twenty minutes spirit.

Take advantage of Teacher Liu to come out, secretly watch for a while, right?

Although there was no sound, Xu Mo still enjoyed watching it. Although the real "story" hadn't even begun, he saw that the protagonist Wei Yangsheng met the heroine Tie Yuxiang. The two of them were about to worship and marry, but they actually watched it. I have already made up the positive film after getting married.

Because I was too involved, my reaction was much slower. I didn't even hear the sound of Liu Yiqiu turning the door and walking out until he saw a ghost flashing in front of him. He picked up the remote control as quickly as possible to turn off the display. At that time, the infrared signal of the remote control was just blocked by Liu Yiqiu in front of him...

"What are you doing?" Liu Yiqiu asked. She had already arranged her mood in the room and worked hard to settle down. Then she walked out of the room. In order not to cause the embarrassment just now, neither of them would mention it. The incident just now found myself guilty.

Xu Mo felt guilty and pressed his hand a few more times, but it was a pity that he couldn't turn it off, and his face was ugly and he muffled: "Sitting is bored...just...just look for a movie."

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