My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 169

However, the countdown in Xu Mo's heart was almost over, so at this most critical juncture, it was about to reach the most important part, Nan Bing felt that when he was about to experience the feeling of flying again... he stopped again.Just like before, she fixed her hands firmly and couldn't move.

Nan Bing was pulled out of the desperate desire again, and said with a begging expression: "Teacher...can you finish the test before...the test? I...I want it."

Nan Bing has wet hair and flushed face, panting, looking at Xu Mo pitifully.

"No, this is the rule tonight. It's the same as the old one. If you get the correct answer, add five minutes. If you get it wrong, I will go to bed. The question is, what is the main component of the sun?"

Nan Bing was really anxious and helpless, and couldn't get angry with Xu Mo at all.

It's just that the body really couldn't stop... the longer she stopped, the more she couldn't stand the feeling of desire.

So this time searching for the answer to memory was much faster. In less than 30 seconds, Nan Bing gave the correct answer: "Hydrogen and helium! These two components!"

Xu Mo let go of his hand as soon as he heard the answer, and he heard Nan Bing's breath of relief very clearly, and then continued to wrap it up...

The next situation is... Xu Mo seemed to have deliberately played a powerful offensive that he had never used before. Before the main show had begun and the eve had not yet been completed, he had already repeatedly slapped Nan Bing. , Sent her to the top of Flame Mountain again and again, and continued to burn with an inextinguishable flame.

After this wave of offensive, Nan Bing looked soft and feeble on the bed, and she was soaked all over.This is a good explanation of why women are made of water. Under some inexplicable actions, sweat, tears, X water, XX water, indescribable water and the same indescribable water are mixed together, Nanbing At this time, it was like just walking out of the swimming pool.

That's it soon, right!

The pre-play part is finally over!

Right play!Right play!

She looked forward to it, her heart pounding.She is ready.

Then, the poor hands were firmly locked by a certain animal, and a new question and answer session was started for five minutes.

Hey, it seems that the rules are a bit wrong this time, but this statement sounds weird, and pure people don't understand what it means.

"If the answer is correct, go in and out ten times, if it is wrong, I will go to sleep. The natural forming factor is..."

"Latitude position and land and sea position!" Nanbing has now learned to answer!

It was a special lecture that made people cry.

However, the answer was too fast, which made Nan Bing quickly realize that Xu Mo was wrong.

I have been adding five minutes just now. Why did it become ten times in and out this time? What do you mean?

Soon, Xu Mo let go of her hand, hugged deeply with her, and acted as a lovebird again, and she deeply understood what this meant.

Ten times!It's really just ten strokes!

The kind that counts!

For the first time, Nan Bing felt anxious to do this kind of anxious...

How come one question is really ten times!

This is only five or six seconds!

Who can bear this sin!

It stopped immediately after ten blows!A new question-and-answer session...the reward is still ten...

After an indescribable night.

The two turned into lovebirds for more than three hours, but Nan Bing only went to the summit once...

Ask the reason?Haha, what do you think?

I don’t know how many questions I have answered so hard for three hours to let my body finally get vented and satisfied. Now it’s really a bit troublesome to think about this slut physique... But surprisingly, the peak reached this time, But I feel more satisfied than before.

This is the beauty of learning?

can not explain.

Although Teacher Xu Mo had been working hard all night and suffocating Nan Bing, he actually suffocated himself.

It would really explode if it was a normal man's ten to ten pauses.

But finally a big success?This second stage is a bit messy, but the effect is good!

The entire geography book is completed and all answers are correct.

This is the result!Of course, it is not ruled out that, just in case, there will be more "reviews" in the future.

Author's message:

PS: For this feeling of wanting but not being able to go, you can try an electric heating device yourself.(In addition, the sign-in seems to be the old version... I am so stupid by myself, the new version does not seem to have to sign- -)

PS: Update at 4 in the morning. It means waiting for RNG to play SKT all night. If RNG wins, we will start the third shift today!!!!!QAQ if you lose

Chapter 210 The Special Teaching of Elegy

For two consecutive days, Xu Mo and Nan Bing gave such a special lecture. Nan Bing was also painful and happy... After all, she stopped to answer a question once after ten times. It was really too difficult... It turned out that she already had a idiot sleeping. Waking up, I felt that I was stimulated by Xu Mo in the past two days, and I became even more silly.

But the good news is that Nanbing’s weak subjects that need to be memorized by rote are no problem at all. Don’t forget in the next period of time. After reviewing all the subjects, it feels very stable. Then, Nanbing’s second stage It's done.

Five people now only completed the second stage of one person, and the progress is a bit slow.

In order to keep up with the progress, what he wants to solve tonight is the problem of elegy and implement the second phase.

Although Ye Diang was always asleep in class, and because of her natural Guwu physique, she was very unintelligible in learning.Think about it, civil and martial arts are originally two different projects. Except for those who practice martial arts in ancient times, such as jade-faced scholars, or non-mainstream people who use brushes and fans as weapons, it seems that few are literary masters, right?

But this is not a problem. After the double cultivation method, although she is not like Xu Mo in all aspects of her body, she has gained a lot of promotion.If it is a bit more straightforward, it means that the brains that can only accommodate martial arts have become much smarter.

After studying hard for a week, I basically got excellent results in all subjects.It's just a little... math, math...

Mathematics, no need to explain, right?If there are no more than five-digit numbers in the entire examination paper, if there are any... then I will faint instantly.

Don't forget that Ye Elegy has this "problem".

Up to now, she is also secretly saving money, this habit has always been there, even if it is a dime, it is extremely cherished, and she is not willing to spend it casually.

Numbers, she would immediately think of money.If the number is too big... then you will faint because you are too shocked.Obviously, she understands both the question and the method, but if the question or answer has more than five digits, 50% will feel uncomfortable. If it exceeds six digits...

By the way, Elegy’s daily allowance is now twenty yuan.

The problem of digital phobia is indeed very troublesome. Let’s not talk about learning the above. Life alone will bring great inconvenience. For example, the sentence from the last school trip to Japan... Xu Mo tried many times before, but Only barely able to stay at five figures.

Late at night.

After two days of "teaching" Nan Bing was liberated today, and she rarely dared to take the initiative to come to Xu Mo for love.

I found Ye Elegy in the backyard. Since this season, Elegy likes to go to the backyard to rest. Sometimes I lean on the lawn and occasionally lie down comfortably on the book. With her skill, there will be no problems at all. , People slept on the rope like Xiaolongnu.

For Xu Mo, she was also trying to watch the review outline, sitting quietly on the lawn, bathing in the stars, and blowing the comfortable night breeze.

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