My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 170

A white hair felt shining in the moonlight, and Xu Mo found her at a glance.

"Elegy, let's double repair."

Xu Mo walked into her, sat gently beside her, and said calmly.

"En?" Ye Lange was a little surprised. Although she was not as active as Nan Bing in the love between lovers, as a girl, she can naturally appreciate the beauty and pleasure of it. She is usually not as good as Nan Bing. Take the initiative, martial arts practitioners are more casual in this aspect, and occasionally they are interested in it, but it is not impossible...what about it, because the teacher is not too proactive in that aspect.

Ye Elegy's mind is pure, like white water.She did not know the meaning of double repair before.It was only when the third level of the double repair was carried out that she really realized the deeper meaning of the double repair with her body.Although the understanding is only superficial, not very understanding, knowing that it is love between men and women, and I don't know what the thirty-six postures are, but now when the two of them mention double cultivation, they will think of that in their minds.

Although I don’t know why the teacher suddenly wants to do double cultivation today, the simple elegy thought to himself: Although this double cultivation method has been practiced to the third level, the two are already double cultivation couples in this life, but in order to maintain the love of the couple, it is also Always...practice.

This is the record of the double cultivation method.

She didn't ask much, nodded a little bit shyly, put away the book gently, walked to Xu Mo, and stroked the white and flawless dress with her hand at nowhere, like an innocent person. You have to let Xu Mo dispose of it.

A gentle elegy, since Xu Mo wants it, she will give it.

As for this is the big lawn in the backyard?It doesn’t matter. It’s not because of openness, but because martial arts practitioners walk across the world with swords, beloved confidantes, and the heavens are the bed of the earth. Since ancient times, these people have fought many times in field battles, fighting and killing all day long. How can I sleep in a five-star inn every day.

"I researched these two cultivation methods a little bit, and found something different, let's try it?" Xu Mo gently pulled her little hand across, putting herself closer.

There are no people around this area, and even here, no one will find it. Besides, if someone breaks into the neighborhood unintentionally, Ye Elegy will immediately notice it, so there is no need to worry.

"En." Elegy replied softly, and his fiery body was also close to Xu Mo.

Of course, Xu Mo's purpose is to heal her fear of numbers. This double repair is only a part of the second phase of the plan and is very important.

So first, let her "relax" a little bit.

Otherwise, Xu Mo cannot guarantee the success rate.

Xu Mo tilted his body and gently rubbed Ye Elegy's white neck, making Ye Elegy feel numb, Xu Mo's hand kept touching her delicate hand.

Ye Elegy suddenly felt Xu Mo's tongue licking on his neck, itchy, it was difficult and had a different kind of pleasure, it was wonderful.

The other hand touched her back, slowly unbuttoning her pure white dress, and poking in from the slit. Soon, through the underwear that Xu Mo personally selected, Xu Mo's fingers I touched her soft little rabbit through the clothes, maybe it was too sudden and sensitive, making Ye Diele tremble suddenly.

"Is it cold?"

"It's not cold." Ye Elegy whispered.

Her voice sounded a little trembling, and the mere licking of her neck by Xu Mo made her happy.

She really doesn't know much about this aspect. Shuangxiu is the love combination of two people. Although it is beautiful to be licked like this, but in fact... in Ye Elegy, who has been slapped with affection, she still hopes to get...

From the time she met Xu Mo, she still didn't know what that behavior was called, but after one time, she liked the feeling.Including because of this, attachment to Xu Mo.Xu Mo also used this to comfort her most desperate... Now she knew what that behavior was called, and it was a kiss over there.

What she has always liked very much is the sweet kiss, so she dare to ask for it.Even before the real relationship, she often asked for this sweet feeling.

"Teacher, I want you to kiss me." She said boldly.

Xu Mo did not make a sound, but obeyed and responded to her request with practical actions.

Close to Ye Diange's face, her lips moved urgently. The next second, her hot lips were already pressed together.

Author's message:

PS: Because of the promotion of the book guest operator, the recent explosion of new book friends...Want to celebrate?Let me see if I can write more tomorrow, and finish the chapters of special teaching in one go.

Chapter 211 The Special Teaching of Elegy ②

Ye Elegy is the favorite of this ordinary kissing feeling, and she can feel it comfortably for a long time every time.

Naturally, Xu Mo knew her preferences well, so he just maintained this kind of action.

I don't know how long it took for the lips to divide, and then I felt a little reluctant. After all, Elegy's lips are so smooth and delicate, just sticking it tightly, you can feel her tenderness like water.

But today is here to do business, not the time to indulge in this...

To solve the problem of dizziness when seeing long numbers in elegy.

Xu Mo's method is actually very simple.

In the period from knowing her until now, Xu Mo hasn't tried it, but all the methods tried have failed. It just has some subtle effects. It is useless to really solve this problem.He is not a powerful genius doctor, and there is no good way, so... he can only look at this problem in a different way of thinking.

Since there is really no way to cure this problem now, then try to make her forget the long number and replace it with something else?

Xu Mo's hypnosis skills have not been used for a long time. If Ye Elegy were to use hypnosis to give Ye Elegy a hint like forgetting the numbers, it would not be impossible to substitute something else for the hint, and his mental power is currently in full swing.

But the problem is that Ye Elegy's absolutely powerful physical strength is in front of her. After double cultivation, her own cultivation techniques have advanced by leaps and bounds, and no one knows how terrifying she is now.The prerequisite for Xu Mo to successfully perform hypnosis is that he needs the other's spirit to invade successfully without precautions.

Although Ye Diele had no hostility towards him, he would obediently agree to whatever he said.But protection itself is a bodily instinct, she can't control it herself.

Therefore, Xu Mo said that she was going to double cultivation, and when she started kissing, her body gradually heated and relaxed, and her instinctive physical and mental reactions were also slightly slowed down.

It’s been done before, but now it’s...the last point.

The last point of hypnosis is to need something that can make the hypnotized person pay attention to a point. In fact, if it is Ye Elegy, it is very simple, just use a one dollar coin.

But this will not play any role in the subsequent replacement numbers. Coins are still numbers after all, and can only replace 0.

Xu Mo has the most suitable thing for hypnosis to replace numbers. Please trust him, this is definitely not a bad idea, he is an honest person.

After a kiss, Xu Mo took off his trousers as quickly as possible...Yes, it was the kind that was taken off completely, standing in front of Ye Elegy with bare buttocks, moon and black wind.

Suddenly, Ye Elegy was naturally taken aback, and his subconscious gaze would naturally turn towards something hidden under Xu Mo...

She is too innocent. She never knew what this thing was before. She always understood that Xu Mo had a huge octopus tentacles in his crotch, with two big round eyes. The most frightening thing is that it will also emit white venom.

Later, because of the double cultivation, she gradually realized that it was not an octopus, but something that linked the body of a lover, and a good thing that could give her a different feeling. If it was an octopus, then It must be a good octopus.

For an instant, her eyes focused on the things under Xu Mo's body. Xu Mo naturally did not lose such a good opportunity. He immediately gave a hypnotic suggestion and dived into Ye Elegy's spirit of revealing flaws in an instant, and her understanding of big numbers Replaced with this stuff under him.

Although it is difficult to tell...but there is really nothing more appropriate than this. If it were replaced with something else, Ye Elegy would not concentrate all the energy to pay attention to it in an instant.

Very good, it seems that the hypnosis was successful. Xu Mo felt his body was hollowed out for a moment, and it was really difficult to attack Ye Elegy's spirit to hypnotize.

Xu Mo hurriedly put on his pants. This was not a general shame. Suddenly taking off his pants in front of a beautiful girl outdoors, this kind of behavior is obviously only done by fools and perverted exhibitionists!

Ye Elegy was puzzled, after all, she didn't feel it at all.When she saw the teacher suddenly take off her pants to reveal the long-lost octopus, she was still a bit shy, thinking about what to do next to cooperate with the double repair, the teacher had already put on the pants and apologized slightly Said: "Elegy, I'm sorry, I lied to you. Actually, today's double training is a part of special teaching. Now we need your cooperation, you wait."

Ye Diane looked puzzled and didn't quite understand what was going on.

Xu Mo had prepared an Indonesian coin with a denomination of 100,000 yuan in advance, and slowly placed it in front of Ye Elegy, unfolding the coin... Although it was a currency that had never been seen before, just look at the denomination on it. ...One zero...Two zeros...Three zeros...Four zeros...Five zeros...This is one hundred thousand yuan!

Ye Elegy, who is extremely sensitive to the smell of money, immediately saw her face. She was as if someone had performed a fixation technique. She stood still and motionless, staring at the banknote.

One second passed, no dizziness!

Two seconds passed, still no dizziness!

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