My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 171

One minute passed, so good!

Xu Mo almost cheered for joy. This is nothing short of a miracle. If he changed to the Ye Elegy before, he would immediately pass out with a "pop" when he recognized the denomination of the banknote in the first second.

And switched to the perspective of Ye Elegy--

Ye Elegy's eyes fixed on the numbers on it. The first time she stared at such a long string of numbers for so long, this feeling is hard to describe in words, because she had never experienced it before, because even if she saw it , Then one second or something like that will faint unconscious, and I have never had this experience at all.

However, the more she looked at the number, the stranger it became... the original number... did it look like this?I don't know why, she always feels that the numbers don't look like this before, right?

First of all, the first number 1 is a long octopus tentacles, standing long and straight, looking hard as iron.

Then the number 0 at the back is all eggs that look similar...No, what do you say about this egg, it feels soft, with the texture of the skin, with the hard big tentacles of the octopus, and more Like its round and thumping eyes.

Because of Xu Mo's hypnosis, the numbers Ye Elegy saw would automatically become like this.

"Why... won't I faint? This is... one hundred thousand?" Ye Diele said for a long time.

Naturally, Xu Mo is reluctant to tell such a slightly awkward thing directly, and will automatically remove it for her when the exam is over. For everyone, for me, elegy, I'm really sorry!Xu Mo thought so in his heart.

"Well, it seems that the double repair works well, haha!" Xu Mo just slapped haha ​​vaguely.

There are more question marks on Ye Elegy's head, double repair?Didn't fix it?I haven't finished taking off my clothes...?Could it be that the teacher has cultivated a new double cultivation method, and can double cultivation even with clothes apart?So, it's no wonder the teacher had to take off his pants just now... Since ancient times, I have heard of acupuncture in the air. Today, the teacher has practiced the double cultivation in the air.

She looked a little awkward, holding her legs between her legs, but she didn't feel anything at all.

Although this double cultivation is great, the inner Ye Elegy still feels that the traditional double cultivation is better. If you can hug and connect with the teacher happily, your body will become...very happy.

Xu Mo didn't know that Ye Elegy could think of so many messy things, so he wrote all of one to nine.

Ye Elegy still felt nothing and didn't faint.In her sight, these figures are all made up of strong octopus tentacles. After all, they are tentacles. They are very flexible and can assume various poses to represent each number...

Inexplicably... Ye Elegy would be able to watch the long numbers without fainting, but Xu Mo didn't plan to keep this thing for too long.

the reason?Too shame, too wretched.How can my elegy be so dirty?

Author's message:

PS: There was a controversial topic in the last few chapters. What I wrote was: Which continent has the most water resources?The answer I wrote is: Asia

I specially took out the physics outline of my high school. It is indeed Asia, but some people commented that it was Antarctica.

Then I Baidu, the answer is Asia and Antarctica.Is there a high school friend in the book?Analyze and answer

Chapter 212 Special Education of Lily

A new day, lunch break.

At noon, Aoba Academy provides a thoughtful small lounge for students who have not returned home. Each person has a small private room. It is very quiet and comfortable. It is good for taking a nap during the lunch break and for reviewing homework during the lunch break. Students After lunch, I usually choose to rest in the lounge.

Of course, faculty and staff can also use the lounge.But Xu Mo didn’t. During the noon break, he still had to think about the second-stage special teaching plan for the other students. He preferred to go to the top of the teaching building to blow the air instead of going to the lounge. Looking at the campus scenery or something, it's good to keep thinking.

Xu Mo stood behind the barbed wire fence on the high rooftop and looked down at the Qingye Academy at noon. There was a feeling of looking down at the mountains. After all, Qingye was very big.However, Aoba Academy at noon has a sense of leisure and quiet, which makes people feel refreshed and comfortable.

After all, the eldest lady is very obedient, and will not run around during the lunch break.

Although the campus is very wide, Xu Mo has been strengthened by the double cultivation method after all, so his eyes are naturally farther than ordinary people and he can see more clearly.

Bored and looked around casually, but saw a little strange.

A familiar figure appeared in his sight, it was Concubine Chen.Holding her mobile phone in her hand, she hurriedly walked towards the open back mountain of the school.

The predecessor of this back mountain was a garden of rare plants. After the completion of the Qingye Academy, it was preserved, and now it has become an open visiting area for citizens to visit.The door to the back mountain is open, and anyone who wants to visit can come in at any time.

What is she going there for?

Xu Mo's gaze followed her all the time, and her hurried appearance was clearly in contrast to the current leisure campus.

Until the edge of the back mountain, a car slowly drove up.

Is the family coming?Xu Mo thought this way, because Concubine Chen was obviously familiar with the car, and she greeted her when she saw it.

But in the blink of an eye, the plot suddenly changed. The car drove over to Concubine Chen, and the door that was leaning on her suddenly opened. A hand was stretched out to pull her in, but the car didn't stop and shook. This drag did not succeed.

But immediately four or five masked guys got out of the car. They tossed around, took a plastic bag and covered Chen Fei'er's head, sealed her mouth with tape, put them in the car, and drove away quickly. .

"What's the situation?" Xu Mo opened his eyes slightly as he watched the car drive away from the back mountain.

With such a bloody kidnapping plot, the next second is definitely to go up and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. A crushing brutality and handsomely rescued her from the robbers, should it be like this?

I feel a bit ashamed, and this is not the starting point of an urban novel, how could this kind of thing appear and go to the wrong set?

Xu Mo didn't panic at all, not because he was not in a hurry. In fact, he was a little worried when he saw the student abducted somehow.

But there were two points in the scene just now that made Xu Mo feel that he didn't need to panic so much.

First, the few kidnappers were weak in their hands, did not start well, their feet were loose, and their reactions were slow. None of them acted decently. To say that they were kidnappers really insulted other colleagues. Those who really dared to kidnap were so literate Weak and weak.

Second, how can a kidnapper put a plastic bag on the head of a kidnapper who tied a bow at the mouth?Being caught by the police in minutes is so romantic with this leisure time?

Xu Mo observed very carefully. This group of people are even several times more suspicious than the real kidnappers, but what about threats?It doesn't feel at all.

Even if it is a real kidnapper, Xu Mo is not afraid.It's not that he is the protagonist in a certain point of Long Aotian's novels, but that he is also powerful, even if he can't beat him, there is still an elegy!I'll play the elegy, and some of you have to get down and call Dad.

How lonely is invincibility.

Kidnappers or something, really LOW burst, outdated things.

He said that, but Xu Mo still followed up with the responsible person. After all, it was not good to delay the afternoon study, and he also wanted to know what the suspicious group of kidnappers wanted to do.

Slowly and slowly followed the car behind, and the more I followed, the more I wanted to complain. I thought that if this group of people were really kidnappers, they would eat canned herring with Laoshan snake grass water. Yards of speed, obediently obey the traffic rules and stop the traffic lights, make way for kindergarten children, and avoid grandma?

Mom's mentally retarded.

You are not dedicated to your work at all, so you almost never came down to help.

It's not very far to follow all the way like this. It's almost a 20-minute drive away in an abandoned small factory with no people around.

Seeing this, Xu Mo found some comfort in his heart. Fortunately, this group of people also read some urban Long Aotian novels and knew that they would be placed in this kind of abandoned factory when they were kidnapped, not in the residential community.

His mentality has always been very relaxed, just watching from a distance, without hiding his position, he is not afraid of being exposed at all, and this group of people don't know to monitor.I took it to the factory casually, got out of the car in twos and threes, and broke up, leaving a few Concubine Chen with her head covered and taken to a room alone.

Xu Mo followed up the few people who had brought Concubine Chen and left, and the content of their chats also reached his ears.

"What do you think the boss wants to do, buddy, I haven't finished the report yet." The man with a northeastern accent said.

"Hey, Lao Wang, be quiet, be careful that the boss hears it. We work for the boss and don't take care of other people's housework. It's a whole thing...Hey! If I get married, I don't want to be like this." Another man said.

"Well, Lao Wang Lao Li, this is a bit too much. In the afternoon, the company will organize a'Love Me Don't Walk' Cup Swivel Chair Race. I have to hurry back to prepare for the event. Let's take a taxi and go back together. Call a taxi with Didi, you two wait."


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