My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 314

"Xiao Jiu, what did you say to Hao Wenrou just now, why is she so excited?"

Xiao Jiu smiled, and also whispered in Xu Mo's ear: "I and Gentle, let her imagine the football as the enemy's head, and then imagine the goal as a trash can~"

PS: Let me tell you another interesting thing.

The boss next door (who promised to be anonymous) is a working high school teacher, who is with me.Although the book I wrote is not very dirty, it also has a plot like Enen..., and how to say the subject matter, and my job is very subversive.

Then this big guy welcomed a newcomer to today's book friends.

After joining the group, the newcomer clicked on the QQ space of the admired author.

Yep?Isn't this a photo of our school?

Take another look at the QQ avatar, eh?Isn't this teacher X in our class?

Yes, that is a girl in this big boss class!Girl!

Having said that, you can probably make up the plot too.

Both of them must be extremely embarrassing!

I didn't expect you to write this kind of novel, teacher!

I didn't expect you, a female high school student, to read this kind of novel!

Then I made up the plot in my brain, what should I do!

Fortunately, I am a kindergarten teacher and elementary school teacher!There should be no pupils reading my book!

Chapter 350 Football is not a game of eleven people

Xu Mo felt a chill in an instant, and then looked at Xiao Jiu's pure and flawless smile... He always felt panicked!

Have you been infected after staying with Xu Yan for a long time?

This imagination is really bloody... and, is it really useful?

In case it is really useful, it will be more dangerous!

"call out!"

On the other side, Hao Wenrou stood outside the penalty line with the ball in both hands, threw the ball slightly into the sky, and flew up and jumped high.

Especially now she is wearing sweatpants, not the damn skirt, which makes her better!

This is the disgusting head of the enemy!

Kick him away!

Kick where it should be!

Volley shot.

Appeared for the second time.

The action was very chic and handsome, at that moment it seemed to stay in mid-air for a long time.

The football is spinning fast in mid-air, beautiful arc, perfect goal!

Everything is so simple and clean.

"Come again!"

Seeing the ball finally scored, Hao Wenrou became even more excited, just like Xuanmai, unable to stop.

After eating a goal, she is happy and sweet and wants to do it again!More times!

Football, so fun!

Putting the, shooting a football into the goal or something, it's really interesting!

All the strength suffocated during this time broke out, and Ye Lange once again cooperated with her to throw the ball at her feet infinitely.

Hao Wenrou started scoring an unlimited number of times.

And they are all perfect goals.

Not only a volley, but also a variety of shots.

She was already dying with agility, she could do any weird goal posture, and she had amazing strength, and there was nothing wrong with the arc of the shot!

She can even cleverly use the way she leverages strength in the battle to kick out super powerful shots.

720-degree shots, volleys, stepped shots, random shots in mid-air!

More and more skilled.

Ye Diele didn't lose the ball completely at her feet, but started to throw it purposefully, or to the midfield.

Hao Wenrou was still agile and agile, even chasing the ball to the midfield, shooting the ball in an inverted strange posture.

The ball is like an endless cannonball, violently impacting the net in the goal again and again.

Xu Mo stared at Hao Wenrou's perfect performance.

Looking at Xiao Jiu who was smiling beside her, she didn't dare to say a word.

Should we say that Hao Wenrou is really terrible, or Xiao Jiu is terrible?

Anyway... forget it!

At least the goal has been achieved. If Hao Wenrou can do this, scoring should be no problem.

Now, do you want to do other training or something?


It is still the VIP stand area.

"Fuck! What is that!?"

"That little guy took the wrong medicine!?"


That was when Hao Wenrou had just scored the first goal, and the VIP stands exploded.

They watched Hao Wenrou fire all kinds of guns in the sky.

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