My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 315

Suddenly there was a perfect goal, which was a bit surprising.

Not only is it scoring goals, but the posture is also very good.

Then there is the'performance' that Hao Wenrou has completely shown.

The players in the stands looked at them with their mouths wide open and speechless.

They have played football since they were young and watched thousands of games of all sizes.

But this is the first time I know that the ball can still be played like this.

Is this playing acrobatics or playing football?These ridiculous moves do not seem to be a serious kick at all, but the kicked ball is perfect in strength and arc, and it can be seen that she can control herself very well.

"Ha...ha! Don't worry! Just a big layman! What is there to worry about when playing acrobatics!? Football! It's a game of eleven people! She can only shoot! Do you think she can get from our team Did you catch the ball at your feet!?"

"Yes...Yes! How could it be possible, our dribbling speed..."

Just below, Xu Mo was going to let Hao Wenrou try to run with the ball or something.

"Hao Wenrou, you just bring the head... ah, no, run the ball, run anywhere, you can run from one end to the other, don't let the ball slip under your feet."

Hao Wenrou was just in a state of excitement, she had nowhere to vent after holding her strength for several days, and running was just what she wanted.

Like an agile thief, he started running with the ball.

About 200 meters back and forth, running at this speed but very steady, the football has really been under her feet all the time.

"Damn! So fast!?"

"She runs track and field!"

"With the ball!"


"Ha...Ha...Ha! Football is a game of eleven people! It is a game of eleven people! She is alone, and we are eleven! And she is a big layman, can really shake the sky!? It's just a strange flower, it's okay!"

"Just... say it!"

"Well, that's right!"

When they said these things, they were already a little emboldened.

But inwardly, they still firmly believe that they can't lose.

As someone said, football is a game of eleven people, and one person cannot do much.

This car won't turn over, it's still very stable.

It's just that Aoba Academy can no longer let them have the feeling of taunting their opponents before the game to boost their morale.

Rao Luoxiang thought the same way. The purpose was no longer effective. Now he would leave with his teammates, otherwise his morale would be lower and lower.

Anyway, Aoba Academy can't beat them, it doesn't matter.

Just when he was about to get up to let the players leave.

Hao Wenrou accidentally slipped her feet and quickly turned over in the air, almost falling.

However, the ball flew out and went straight towards Ye Diele.

Elegy is drinking tea, as if he didn't pay attention.

"Elegy! Watch out for the ball!" Xu Mo shouted.


The audience was silent.

Because they all saw this scene.

When the ball was about to hit Ye Diele, she kicked out.

That kick was like a bolt of thunder, as if the space was broken.

Then, my friend, have you heard of meteors?

It's not the one with children in the family, it's the meteorite falling from the world, the one that will make fire, or the one that will smash a big hole when dropped.

Yes, the moment Ye Elegy kicked the ball into the air, the ball turned into a small meteorite flying in the opposite direction, flying towards the sky, yes, it was a kind of fire.

In the blink of an eye, it was gone.

By the way, the fireball flew across the football lawn, and a large area was burnt.

Don't mention Xu Mo and the others.

VIP stands.

Quiet and terrible, only the sound of swallowing saliva and dripping sweat.

Rao Luoxiang felt that he must be dreaming today.

Why do you see a white-haired non-mainstream player kicking a meteorite ball?

EXM?are you kidding me?

The players can only shiver.

As if running away, they walked out of the football field and came to the bus that they had stopped at the door.

No, you shouldn't be able to call a bus.

Because this stall is no longer known what the hell is... the bus was smashed by something terrible. The car's body was still burning, leaving a circular pit on the road under the car.

White hair is not mainstream, like a white demon.

No, it's death.

Looking at the bursting... bus.

The...round pit on the ground.

None of them dared to speak.

I even felt that whoever the damn talked, the old lady would strangle someone to death.

Who just said that football is a game of eleven people!?I'm not playing!

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