My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 337

However, such a move was stopped by the maid master: "Master, it is the maids' job to serve you."

PS: The dog seller told me yesterday that a group of people molested him and asked if I could help him withdraw the ad.I rightly refused. As a snowman, I talked about the word "integrity". I said that advertising for you is advertising for you. How can I remove it?Regarding your behavior, I can only say mourning (gan) heart (de) disease (piao) crazy (liang)!

Chapter 371 Xu Mo who has experienced 88W

The head maid showed a serious and serious expression, which made Xu Mo feel very embarrassed.

That kind of feeling...It's like I've interrupted other people's work, it's very guilt.

This is indeed their job as maids...Forget it, let them take it.

Xu Mo's "random" plan simply doesn't work in this environment. If you don't attack anything else, you will attack him as a young master. Everyone in the mansion must obey him, even if he has been away from home for more than ten years. , But still the young master at home.

I have never heard of rumors that he severed the relationship or completely separated, and the young lady arranged this way.

"All right then." Xu Mo sighed and stretched his hand back.

The head maid bowed to Xu Mo again: "Thank you, Master, for your understanding. In fact, you don’t have to worry about it. Not only I, but they will also be very happy to be able to serve you. After all, being able to serve Master A rare thing."


After hearing this, Xu Mo realized that the very capable maid with glasses in front of him was a little familiar, but because everyone had grown up in more than ten years, he didn't recognize it.

She calls herself Xiaoyi...

Xu Mo tried his best to recall the scenes of the mansion in the past, and now he saw this familiar face in front of him, only then did he remember who it was.

Xiaoyi...I remember one of the maids who took care of herself when she was a child. Before Nan Bing, she was in charge of taking care of herself.Although she is not a personal maid, but because she is only three years older than herself, Xu Mo never treats her as an outsider. She often takes her to get into trouble in private. Every time she helps herself to deal with the consequences. .

In short, I always think she is a very good young lady and treats herself very well.

More than ten years later, the young lady, the little maid, also became the chief maid in the mansion. She became so decent and able to behave.

This is the biggest surprise that I have found so far after returning home. This kind of old person suddenly appears in front of you, and it feels really amazing that you have grown so much at once.

No wonder she just said that, and in her words, she also revealed her complaint that she had been away for so many years without any news.

"Sister Xiaoyi!" Xu Mo couldn't help but shouted out, but Xiaoyi immediately covered his mouth.

"Please don't say such things, master! This is a taboo!"

Perhaps the only person who directly called a maid as'sister' was the weird young master Xu Mo, but that was how she called it since she was a child, and now she yelled it without thinking that there was anything wrong.

But the old friend in front of her is not the same innocent young lady she used to be. She has become a maid master and learned more rules. As long as she can say and can’t say anything, and in front of these little maids, she must also lead by example. .

Xu Mo called her this way, breaking the taboo and not saying it, and even letting people watch the joke.

"Oh...I didn't pay attention, sorry." Xu Mo realized that he shouldn't call her in front of others, but it was too late, so he said quickly.

Sorry for saying something wrong is a common thing in daily life.

But here, it just doesn't work.

"Please don't apologize!" Xiaoyi said again.

"Okay..." There is one more reason for hating this place. You can't even speak well. She used to be such a good lady... but now she can't say anything.

I thought that the deceased had changed, and the feeling that was once was gone.

But Xu Mo let go of his heart.

Because he noticed that even though Sister Xiaoyi said so, she couldn't help but smile brightly as soon as she finished her words.

Even though you say so, are you still very happy in your heart?

"You are welcome to come back." Little Yi said before taking Xu Mo to the bathroom.

Xu Mo naturally understood what Xiaoyi Sister meant, so he didn't say much, just smiled at her, which was regarded as a response.

After all, as she showed, she is now different from the maid who didn't know anything at the time. She is already the head maid in the family. There are many things that need attention, so she can't just be casual.

The maids took Xu Mo to the big bathroom at home. Although it was called the bathroom, it was nothing like inside.

According to the painting style and urinary nature of the family, the bathroom looks like that anyway. It is magnificent. I'm afraid that gold and silver can't be used as decorations in the bathroom. There is a huge bathroom that is extremely extravagant. Natural hot springs can also be bought for you.

But none of these are needed. It's really a very comfortable thing to have a spacious bath in the bubble.

Before the bathroom, there was a dressing room first, and the maids also came in with Xu Mo, putting all the toiletries in small baskets in an orderly manner before they were ready to exit.

"If you need it, please tell me." Sister Xiaoyi was the last one to go out, and took another look at Xu Mo, then gently closed the sliding door of the bath for him.

Xu Mo can be regarded as a person who has experienced 880,000 characters, and he has experienced all kinds of wind and rain.

I always think that the maids just took themselves to the bath and did nothing but just put down their things and left?

Did you leave like this?

This kind of incredible feeling always feels weird, obviously they are not wrong in doing this!

How could no strange things happen!?

Maybe it was God who took care of me, so that I could finally take a shower comfortably.

Xu Mo thought this way, but just in case he ran to the sliding door and took a look to determine if the door lock was locked.

Very good, locked, brother steady.

He took off his clothes and soaked smoothly in a bath about the size of a small swimming pool, and he was alone, surrounded by pure gold and diamond lion ornaments spraying water.


The tiredness of running all the way without sleeping all night disappeared all at once. It is worthy of this family's bath, which is really a luxury.

This water is certainly not simple, and I don't know where it came from.Xiaoyi controlled the water temperature in a very suitable range, and coupled with the unexplained series of essential oils, it feels different.

It's as if every drop of bath water contains energy that makes people feel comfortable.

Soaking in it is a heavenly enjoyment.

Xu Mo quietly enjoyed the rare tranquility and closed his eyes.

Hmm...comfortable...soaking here alone...!What a ghost!

I knew it!

What shall I say!

I knew it was not that simple!

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