My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 338

Opening his eyes again, Xu Mo was no longer alone in the bath.

On the opposite side of the bath, a few little maids came in from nowhere, wrapped in white bath towels, exposing other body parts, holding onto the place where the bath towels were tied tightly for fear of falling, and standing there with blushing face , A look eager to try.

PS: Tomorrow will be 89W. After the normal update in the past few months, the speed is really fast. At this speed, you can write new books and play in more than half a year.

The current progress of the Pure Land of Bliss is 56/100, and the title has changed from a dance to a square dance.

Still need to work hard.

The 372nd chapter is implicit, do you understand?

Xu Mo had been petrified in the bath and didn't know what to say. The little maids came in one by one, and it seemed that they finally stopped when they came in the sixth one.

Now there are actually six little maids wrapped in white bath towels standing in front of him with beautiful faces, and Xu Mo believes that as long as he has an idea, he can do whatever he wants at this time...even six. There is no problem all together.

Since they came in the bathroom, they must be prepared for this kind of mentality.

So... this kind of local tyrant's setting is very annoying!Why are there six maids here even for a bath?I think I entered the fake bathroom, I just want to take a quiet and ordinary bath!You don’t need someone to serve!

Although Xu Mo had already begun to spit out frantically in his heart, he still didn't say it, staring dumbfounded.

Aren't these six little maids who just helped pick things with Sister Xiaoyi?

One of the maids tremblingly blushed and whispered: "Young master...we are here to serve bathe."

After she finished speaking, the other five little maids, who were already too shy to say anything, also nodded like a rattle.

These children are basically 13 or 14-year-old newcomer maids, who have been trained by the maid for less than two years, regardless of their age and experience, they are still very immature.

Maid is generally regarded as a formal maid after more than three years of internship since childhood. How fast or slow depends on personal quality.

Serving the bath is to serve the bath, but they are wrapped in a towel all over their bodies, and they don’t wear anything inside, which makes them want to be fanciful, let alone such a healthy man.

As for why Xu Mo knew that there was nothing under the towels wrapped around them?That's because a lot of water mist in the bathroom soaked the bath towels tightly wrapped around their bodies, and the white bath towels had long become transparent.

Maybe they hadn't noticed it themselves, but from Xu Mo's perspective, the powdery skin under the towel was clearly visible.

The young age really has such an advantage, although the growth is not fast, but the skin is really tender.

And their appearance is also very potential, they are tender and lovely at this age, and I don't know how the family goes to get so many such high-quality girls to be maids every year.

This has always been an unsolved mystery.

They said they came to'serve and bathe', but in this case Xu Mo had to think more about evil things in.Looking at their shy appearance, it is definitely not their own initiative, but just obedience to fate, so it is this kind of expectation that is both shy and willing to try unknown things.

Who is it?Xu Yan is still...Sister Xiaoyi?Probably not... Sister Xiaoyi has now become the head maid of the family. As I saw just now, she strictly abides by the rules, and she should not be able to do this kind of thing.

Then it must be Xu Yan, this little sister...really, when can I become a little more serious?Who really thinks her brother is!

In fact, Xu Mo gave Xu Yan a big scapegoat.

Xu Yan hadn't instructed such a thing, just let the maids take Xu Mo to take a bath, and didn't say much else.

And it was Xiao Yi who was waiting quietly outside the bathroom at this moment who arranged for these little maids to come in to'serve in the shower'.

Xiaoyi stood upright in front of the bathroom, with a bright smile on her face.

I thought to myself: Master must be very happy at this time, right?

For her, this is not a matter of unruly, on the contrary, it is a matter that is very consistent with the responsibility of a maid.

The maid must be considerate of the master anytime and anywhere, to satisfy all the preferences of the master, and the master can get a pleasant experience, which is the greatest happiness of the maid.

Xiaoyi did this just to agree with Xu Mo's hobby, so she felt there was nothing wrong with Xu Mo, and Xu Mo would like it very much.

This concept was formed when I was with Xu Mo since childhood.

Because Xu Mo also recalled before, when he was a kid, he always brought Xiaoyi into troubles and mischiefs, and he did a lot of things that Xiaoyi helped carry.

What exactly did this do?

I am afraid that the number is not clear, but I can give a few examples to illustrate the situation.

Although Xu Mo was only seven or eight years old at that time, his style of painting had begun to become very surprising, showing his talent as a veteran driver in the future.

"Sister Xiaoyi, when taking a bath with your maid maid, is there a black forest on her body? This is what the book says, but I don’t understand what it means. It’s so funny. Humans can actually grow Here are the plants! Can you help me see? By the way, this is the pinhole camera I used to get Abuna, so remember to take a picture and show it to me."

"Sister Xiaoyi, can you help me bring me a pair of the underwear of the new maid Miss Lan, I'm kind of useful. Oh, just look at what kind of fabric the underwear of Miss Lan is made of, it looks It looks very good."

"Sister Xiaoyi, can you put on these stockings and show me why they say they look good?"

"Sister Xiaoyi, can I see how you go to the bathroom?"

"Sister Xiaoyi, can you take me to the maid dressing room? I just hide in the cabinet, just play a game of hide and seek."

"Sister Xiaoyi, can I take a bath with you? It's boring to do it alone."

"Sister Xiaoyi, I..."

Probably this is the style of painting, there is no doubt that the childhood completely collapsed.

Moreover, the following years have become more and more intense, otherwise there will be no stories about the original flavor behind him and Xiao Qi.

The true nature of an old driver has been very good since childhood.

So it's no wonder that Sister Xiaoyi still remembers Xu Mo's "likes" still fresh when she grows up now, so she arranges this kind of bathing service.

Indeed, according to the previous style of painting, Xu Mo is really happy at this time, and can’t wait to start playing in the bathroom with six little girls.’ Find goldfish in the bathroom. Goldfish' game too.

But people can grow up after all. When they were children, they were innocent and innocent. They didn't understand the subtlety and restraint, and they said anything without thinking about them.

Now that I have grown up, and if I still have this style of painting as an ordinary person, I will be scolded for "dead abnormal" and be arrested and hanged by the police uncle.

Although the psychology does think so, but it must be implicit, do you know implicitly!Xu Mo showed righteous eyes, as if he were a pure little angel.

PS: PS4 is here today. I have studied it for a long time, but I haven't studied it thoroughly yet.But how do I add this PSN account?Do you need a name or an email address?

My PSN mailbox is:

[email protected]

The name of PSN is: li xueren

I don't know if this can be added.

PPS: Next door, Qi Mengmiao also announced his departure from the group. Our grass powder army has another glorious fire fighter. Let us throw the torch in our hands together. Congratulations.

Chapter 373 What's the use of not being tied!

Xiaoyi’s special ‘gift’ Xu Mo didn’t know the real reason. If he knew it, he would really cry without tears.

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