My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 362

"What are you going to do?"

"I was going to tell everyone to leave before they started, and I will go back to do their experiment. I was also a member of the Gu Worm Project... as long as I can bear it, I don't care. But now everyone has been taken away. I know where their test site is. I will go over and talk to them now and let me come alone..."

"Zero One, since they have taken the people away, it is impossible to let everyone go because you are alone. It doesn't matter, you don't have to face it alone, I will help you rescue everyone together."

Zero One's emotions were too agitated. She hadn't had a chance to take a good rest for more than half a month. The pressure and fatigue on her brain were several times that of ordinary people. Under such circumstances, she could no longer calmly clear her mind.

"Zero Seven, could it need Young Master to help...?"

Zero One heard some news about the young master who ran away from home. It is said that Zero Seven suddenly left because he was looking for him.

After all, Qiqi is the young master's personal maid, could it be...

Nan Bing shook his head regretfully, "Sorry, zero one. Teacher... Master, there are some reasons for him, I can't let him know about it."

"Well, of start Young Master to deal with this matter, indeed..."

Nan Bing wanted to explain something to Zero One about Xu Mo.But the words got stuck in the throat and swallowed, there was no way, for a while, I didn't know how to express clearly.

Nan Bing believed that if Xu Mo knew about this matter, he would help them solve it without saying a word.But as a personal maid, or as a loved one, I don't want to put any burden on the one I love.Those are his side relatives and may also cause unnecessary trouble.

Watching the person you like calmly do what you want to do, it is best to not even see a little bit of filth, that is the best.

"Zero One, you tell me where the test site is, I'll go and bring everyone back." The small child who was once has become very reliable now.

"I'll go with you." Ling Yi stood up from the bed with difficulty. Although Nan Bing gave her a simple dressing, she still looked a little shaky.

"Your injury..."

"It doesn't matter! It's all because of me. If I don't go together... I'll be ashamed to face everyone. The location of the laboratory is very hidden. If you just dictate it, you can't find it. Let me go. Right." Zero one insisted, even if it faltered, she would fall down at any time.

But that responsibility and unwillingness have always supported her body.

Nan Bing didn't say much, and silently lifted one of her arms so that she could lift the injured foot to walk.

Ling Yi was taken aback for a while, looking at Nan Bing, who was supporting her body by her side: "It's really... growing taller..."

"……Let's go."


Nan Bing's skill has never regressed over the years, carrying zero one is not a problem at all.Moreover, there are self-walking stone roads throughout the mansion, which saves a lot of effort.

On the way, perhaps because of Nan Bing's appearance and the vent just now, Ling Yi's tense nerves were slightly relaxed. She also asked Nan Bing a few questions.

"Zero Qi, have you found the young master?"

"Well, I found it."

"Always be with the young master?"


Zero One carefully observed Nan Bing's body, especially staring at her legs for a long time.

These trained people are very observant, and they can easily see things that others can't.

Maybe it was because Kan Lingyi suddenly did not speak and became silent, Nan Bing responded, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing... I really grew up, zero seven..."

Who is Nan Bing? She knows this aspect best, and she knows what the problem is all at once.

Whether it's a virgin or not can be seen.What Zero One said probably means this.

Obviously, Nanbing usually has that kind of personality, and in front of Xu Mo, he doesn't want to be proactive in various postures.

But to her, she was like a close sister. How could she say this shamelessly to her sister, feeling shy is inevitable.

"Eh, this...this is..."

Women's nature is gossip, especially when it comes to this issue.Even at this moment, even though it was on the journey... but Zero One still asked more.



This is very strange again. It is obvious that she did not speak about this matter to other people, such as the little maids in the family, and took the initiative to avoid it.

"Zero Qi, do you like him?"


"Sorry, I haven't met Master. I thought..."

Zero One's worries are completely understandable. After all, she asked this question because she really cared about Nan Bing.

The only thing she knew about Xu Mo was that he was a very strange young master, who had left such a home by herself for many years.It is said that when he was at home, he had a strange personality, and he was a dude.

So Qiqi is of course worried about following such people.

Although Nan Bing is her personal maid, it is natural to do such a thing.

However, Zero One was still worried that if Nan Bing was forced to have a relationship and was forced to take his virginity by the young master, that kind of thing would happen without any emotion... how painful it would be.That's why I asked "Do you like him?" This kind of implicit inquiry.

After all, the painting styles of the young masters he had seen were all the same dirty, unable to make people look directly at them, they specialized in those messy things...Can't bring up any good feelings, were tortured by spirit every day, and could only watch them do evil.

But in fact, everyone knows that this is not what she thinks, and the style of painting is completely different.The strong person is not Xu Mo, but Nan Bing!

Of course, after that, the two people got along really well, Xu Mo also loved Nan Bing very much, and lived very peacefully.

As soon as Zero saw the redness on Nan Bing's face, she understood that her worries were unnecessary.

The two of them were like real two sisters, chatting about Nan Bing and Xu Mo for a while on the journey.

Speaking of some things when I just went to be Xu Mo’s personal maid, how did Xu Mo help her change her original character every day, help her destroy the gu worm, and save everyone... Of course, some things that can’t be said are naturally Skip it.

Only after Zero One knew that the process of ruining the Gu Worm Project was like this.

That young master is really special.There is really a big difference between my family and my relatives.

When I think of that master watch, it's almost...

Xiao Qi, really lucky to be able to meet such a master.

Zero One was very pleased in her heart. Of course, she was actually a little envious, but it was the envy of being a woman, not the envy of the master-servant relationship.

However, this kind of time did not leave them too much. They had already reached the scope of the test area, and they started to concentrate. It seemed that a very complicated concealment was really done here.There is a secret tunnel underground in the grass field, and I don't know when it was built. The space inside is unimaginable.

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