My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 363

Even after walking through the underground passage for more than ten minutes, I still haven't seen my head. It seems to be an ordinary bare passage.

"When I escaped, I peeked at the blueprint of the building here. There seems to be a regional passage in front of the main core area with special personnel guarding it. Although it is not a professional guard, it is just those family mates who came to watch it by themselves. I don't believe the guards at all. But be careful not to be discovered by them."

Nan Bing nodded, and was also a big deal with these unreasonable family members.

These people who don't want to move all day are actually forced to the point where they want to be guards themselves.

Do not trust any guards, secretly train guards who absolutely obey the secret order, and have to act as guards themselves.It's funny no matter how you listen.

However, it also shows that they are very well known about this matter, which naturally refers to their own family.They can only come up with this idea if they have a simple mind.

Going forward slightly carefully, they began to enter the state.

Long-term professional training since childhood, sneaking into everything is commonplace.

"Zero One, can you do it?" After all, sneaking is not like walking casually, it is impossible to help her walk.

"Okay, trust me." Zero one gritted her teeth and dived skillfully without any problems.

But when they came to the door of the passage, they found that they were overly worried.

The two big belly relatives here can't call out specific identities.Probably some kind of uncle or uncle of my own cousin, one person comfortably moved a recliner, and swayed to sleep, covered with a goose down quilt, and a little oven next to it, warm.

Even if the two of them walked in openly, the two so-called "guards" would not wake up at all.

Looking at these two, they can only smile bitterly.


On the other side, Xu Mo was already very anxious when it was noon. There was no movement there, and he couldn't find a place to solve it, and Nan Bing didn't know where he went.

"Xu Yan, would you let your people go and see again? It's noon."

"Brother, don't worry, at noon, maybe they just woke up. If there is news, someone will notify us." Xu Yan's expression was relaxed, leisurely.

No one knows what she knows and what she wants to do.

Does Xu Yan really have no idea where the test site is?Maybe... Does she have her own plan again?

PS: Did you guys watch all of them?That's from Nan Bing. If you have any comments, please remember to say, I'll give feedback to the painter.This painter feels that he can work together for a long time and continue to paint other characters.Of course, this is if everyone is basically satisfied~ By the way, please finally get the blade~~

Chapter 394 Supplements

Seeing that the so-called guards are in this style of painting, the two people also seemed helpless, and easily got the magnetic card device to open the door from them.

If it weren’t for their style of painting, Nanbing, they wouldn’t be so courageous. They thought they would stun the guards a bit and sneak in, or see if there are other roads, such as ventilation. Pipes and the like.

But now it seems that these are all superfluous, because the other party is vigilant, but can it be a bit professional!I'm afraid these people don't know what the guards do, they obviously just sleep in a different place...

But perhaps there is no sense of crisis. I feel that there will be no emergencies at all, and nothing has happened for a while. Isn't the main concern that their actions will be discovered by the master?Since there has been no movement all the time, so the alertness is low, so let's be lazy.

"Didi--" The sound of the magnetic card device passing through, although the decibel is not very high, after all, it is in a relatively quiet environment.

Ling Yi and Nan Bing immediately glanced vigilantly at the two people sleeping comfortably on the reclining chair behind them. It was the first time that they had'sneaked in' in such an open manner!None of these emergencies were even thought of.

Fortunately, the two people in the back did not react at all. They were still asleep in a fragrant mood. They were still very proficient in holding the quilt in their hands and making a squeezing motion with both hands. They made a "hehe" laugh. I wonder if it was a dream. What is immersed in it.

The other person was holding the quilt tightly on his body. The expression in his sleep seemed to be very enjoyable, and even his face was slightly reddish, as if he had dreamed of something very pleasant, and his mouth was not a smile. The sound, but vaguely, seems to be saying: "Xiao Hong... Use candles to drop more on my chest hair... Oh... and use your whip to beat me... ravage me..."

The interests of rich people are very wide, but Nan Bing feels a bit nauseous after understanding.

"Let's go." She whispered to Ling Yi next to her, she was taken aback, nodded, and moved on.

After that, there was a long and narrow passage, but the more they walked in, the more dignified their faces became.

They already had some special feelings about the door at the beginning, and the more they walked in, the narrow passage also had some detailed arrangements, even the position of the lights, etc.... They were exactly the same as before.

They lived there from childhood to most of the experimental base that year. They lived there for several years and accompanied them for a whole childhood. They never went out from there.Even after so many years, I can still remember the environment at that time, especially the scene in front of me is completely reproduced, and the memory is clearer.

The Angel Plan is not only about restarting the Gu worm plan that year, but how can even the test base be built exactly the same?

Zero One felt very familiar when she peeked at the design map. After all, it was a design map that was not very intuitive to laypersons, but when she arrived here, she found out... it was exactly the same.Even the places outside the design drawings are as small as the lighting device switches are placed in the same position.

In fact, they are too worried. There is no very special reason why the construction is exactly the same as it was in the past.It is because this group of wealthy people are wealthy and self-willed and don't know how to do it properly, so they can take the previous design drawing and build the plan exactly. There will always be no problems with the same construction, right?

A group of wealthy people with a little rusty heads gather together to do something and don't trust outsiders to help. This is probably the style.

However, this also provided very convenient conditions for the two to sneak in. After all, they all knew what route to take if they wanted to enter the main area and it was not easy to be discovered.

Probably because of the lack of manpower, Nan Bing also discovered that the cameras here were actually not activated. In the previous monitoring room area, there were only machines and no one was staring here.

After passing through a few areas, no one else was watching. The two sleeping fairy at the door were actually the only guards... They were really willful local tyrants.

Also, these people used to be just gathering together to do this kind of activity. It’s good to have two to watch the door, and at this point in time, how many of them will sleep at this time? Still staying in this experimental base?

They walked into the main area openly, unless they finally heard the voice of someone in the distance, otherwise they would definitely not hide by the wall and slowly dive in.

The main area is piled up with many sophisticated experimental equipment as before, all of which are used to conduct various experiments on the'materials' of the Gu worm program, such as testing physical functions, or enhancing training of various physical functions. The position limit...Of course, there are also those used to punish mistakes.

At the center is a large machine about five meters high and eight meters high. It is completely covered with glass-like transparent materials. Only in front of the machine is a high platform, which is designed to allow people to sit on it, and also There is a fixed metal ring.

This machine is huge, and the various sophisticated display switches on it make people never know what it is for.

But after Nan Bing and Zero One sneaked into the main area, their expressions were all the same solemn, and their eyes were constantly aimed at the most central machine.

Because the main area was once the place that brought them the most "unforgettable" memories, the culprit of everything was the machine in the center of the main area.

The name of that machine was never known.

But...they all know the function.

It can erase the memory of the test subject, but this is for the eliminated members at that time.

For general members, this machine also has daily operations.

Being able to gradually erase the subject's feelings towards the outside world, this result is not immediate, but gradual.The machine can gradually stimulate your mind, so that you gradually only know to obey all orders, and slowly delete all the extra personal emotions, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.Let the test subjects become the perfect robots they hope to be.

PS: Make up more!Every time it comes to the beginning of the month, it seems to be as lazy as an aunt, but in fact, if there is a change...the next day, I still have to make up for the change for full attendance. It is a tragic story.

Chapter 395: Has school started?

Although in the Gu Worm Project, all experimental subjects have the effect of gradually erasing their emotions in their usual living environment, the training they have received since childhood and the brainwashing lifestyle will have this effect in it.

However, in order to make them more perfect, the organization became "feelless" in the true sense and only obeyed the command of the owner, so it invested in the use of this machine.Human brainwashing, coupled with machine brainwashing, can make people feel at ease.

But at that time, because the actual operation of this machine was very time-consuming and laborious, it was necessary to invest twelve scientific researchers at the time to operate together to accurately control that degree.So after everyone had gone through the first pass, the subsequent times of organization were all purposeful choices.

A person who is assigned to conduct daily observations of the test target, such as deliberately intolerant of attacking a partner during the prescribed combat training, or personal emotions such as fear and panic, will be included in the list of machine brainwashing.

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