My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 367

The mountain of meat weighing more than four hundred kilograms swayed violently in front of Ling Yi kneeling down. The swaying was really eye-catching.

Getting angry is completely an unreasonable wayward ghost, arrogant.He was even cured of his breathlessness, and he was sloppy when he was angry.

There is no way to vent the angry feelings well, and there is no place for the flesh of the whole body to show...In addition, Zero One is kneeling in front of him at this time, although he can only see his stomach from the top.

However, he directly lifted the fat legs that were as wide as Tie Zhu, ready to kick towards Zero One.

But don't say that the fat man has no attack power. That body is not a display. Although it is very slow, it will be very uncomfortable to stand still and let the fat person suffer.Whatever you have to say is brute force.

The fists always carry a certain weight, just like a small hammer.

Not to mention the four hundred catties in front of him at this moment.

If you just play hard on Zero One, there is no doubt that Zero One will end up very badly.

And this foot is actually directed towards the face...

Ling Yi closed her eyes, and if she wanted to hide, she would definitely be able to avoid this slow attack.

But she absolutely can't hide. If she hides, there will be no room for negotiation. She should have been punished like this... As long as she can let everyone go, as long as Master Watch can open a side... She doesn't care.

Perhaps if Master Biao vented his anger, he could also discuss it.

The skin on his face already felt the oncoming wind.

"Pa." A dull voice, but not loud.

It's not like being kicked on something, but like being easily resolved by something.

A small hand is really not in the same style as this fat foot, but that small hand easily blocked the fat cousin's foot.

It seemed that he didn't make much effort at all. One hand was just slightly against the upper, while the other hand tried to pull Zero One off the ground.

The fat cousin was really furious. When I was a kid, even my dad never beat me, so I became so angry that I beat myself!Now you, you... You, someone who appeared here inexplicably, dare to stop me from doing it?

He was so angry that his stomach made a grunt of hunger, and he became more and more angry.

I want to continue kicking the second foot, even with the guy who is blocking me... But I feel like my foot is firmly fixed by something. I can't kick it out, and I can't take it back. I stand with one foot against him. Such a fat person is a very serious burden, completely out of balance.


Roshan leaned back heavily and fell to the ground.

Although this is not very serious, there is a lot of flesh anyway... But it's not that easy for a chubby figure to get up from the ground.

"You!!!" The fat cousin, who was lying on the ground and unable to get up, was actually guilty in his heart. After all, he was too afraid of death, otherwise he would not tinker with this angel plan.Who is the stranger in front of you... Obviously she has a lot of skills, if she really wants to beat or kill herself, what should I do...

The nephew with kidney deficiency next to him was dumbfounded. It was useless at all. He saw that his uncle, who was more than 400 kilograms, was directly overturned by Ren Nan Bing. He suddenly had an urge to spit white foam.

"Well you one! You not only did these things! You also brought people to attack the master?! I understand, you must want me to end up like my brother, you damn trash! Maggots! My brother became the culprit of this ghost look!" Even though the fat cousin is lying on the ground and can't get up, he still behaves very angry and abuses Zero One.

When a person is in a crisis, IQ will always go online for a few minutes.

The fat cousin actually doesn't have the intention to scold Zero One in his heart. He did this to stimulate Zero One more, disgusting Zero One, and talk about the things that are most sensitive to her.

Although these people are wasteful, they still have a deep-rooted concept of loyalty, and Zero One has been very self-blaming since that incident.Just to stimulate her, to stimulate her fiercely, so that the people she brought dare not treat themselves anymore...


Nan Bing's mind was completely involuntarily controlled by his own thoughts. What the fat cousin did to Zero One and what he vomited out of his stinky mouth made Nan Bing want to tear him up immediately.

In this case, they rushed out and rescued Xiao Si, how could they have considered so much just now.

Completely... eroded by hatred.

She struggling to pinch the fat cousin's mouth with her hand, revealing a blackened expression of horror, and a terrifying killing intent was revealed everywhere on her body: "You...shut your dog's mouth!"

Her fingers pinched the fat cousin's mouth and sank deeply, using a lot of strength.

The thick fat can't stop it.

It hurts... It hurts... It hurts!

In normal times, if the fat cousin let the chair fall a little, it would make a day and vent his body pain.

No one has beaten him since he was a child, only he beat people.

The pain is extremely sensitive and uncomfortable to him.

But now, there is only trembling and fear.

This woman... after all...

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zero One hurried over to grab Nan Bing's shoulder: "Zero Qi...Don't do this...I can't give you to this matter...Let me talk to Master Biao.

talk?What else to talk about?

In the eyes of the fat cousin, those things that Zero One said were as ridiculous as joking.

Even if you are wrong, it will not change. Otherwise, where do you put your face as a master?

This servant who has committed a serious crime dares to talk to himself one after another?

One person?Stop laughing, I'm a master.

who are you?Security personnel, subordinate.

But Zero One's words made him discover the clue, and his mind moved quickly.


A familiar name.

PS: The first thing I heard when I visited a Japanese high school in Japan is that Japanese teachers can punish students casually. If you make a mistake, the teacher will reward you with a big mouth. You can hit casually, and the parents are supported by thieves. Corporal punishment is allowed.It turns out that Lifanli is not a lie. In a sense, the plots of the teachers and students in Lifan are...a kind of corporal punishment?After all, it will bleed.

Chapter 399 I am his lover

By the way, isn't Zero Seven the close maid of his cousin back then?After being selected by the family from the Gu Worm Project, he followed his cousin as his personal maid.The cousin smashed the Eighth Achievement of the Experimental Base back then had nothing to do with her, otherwise Xu Mo, who was only in his teens at that time, didn't know about the Gu Worm Project.

However, after my cousin ran away from home, he didn't take her with her, and this close-knit maid seemed to be only a name.

This is his personal understanding. As a close relative, he doesn't know what the specific situation of his family is like.

In his opinion, since his family hadn't found Xu Mo back for so many years, he must have lost his whereabouts.How powerful is this family, they can't help it, what can this little maid do?This close maid would naturally be abolished without the master, otherwise, how could there be a close maid who would not go to the subordinate organization to be the leader?

If the cousin is still alive now, this little maid is his personal maid, and I really dare not take her to anything.

After all, although he was older, he and Xu Mo had already been born between three and six or nine, and he could finish the game with a single order.

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