My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 368

But his cousin?Isn't it gone long ago?

I have been away from home for more than ten years, and there is no news at all. If there is any news, my family won’t be upset?

His thinking is so superficial, he feels that everything he thinks is right is right, in fact, it is completely stupid.

If this is the case, then this little maid actually did such a thing to herself without authorization?

Damn, these damn servants.

After recognizing Nan Bing's identity, he was completely confident.

Furiously tumbling his huge body, he forcibly released Nan Bing's hand that was holding his mouth.

Five deep red fingerprints were left on the white and fat skin, just around the lips, looking inexplicably happy.

Nan Bing's blackened state did not let him go, and immediately stepped over and stomped on his feet, making him immobile on the ground.

The fat cousin gritted his teeth, his feet were so painful to be stepped on by such a thin girl... The dog said the following words.

"Hmph, aren't you the personal maid of my cousin? As a maid in the family, you dare to take action against your master's relatives. You are really good. You were born to be the lowest level of trash, just stained I thought I had jumped into the dragon’s door after my family’s light? Come on! Come on! Keep doing it to me! As long as you continue to do it to me, everyone in the family will know this! As a cousin Personal maid, you really have brightened his face!"

The fat cousin showed a very disgusting face, yelling frantically and mocking Nan Bing.

He knew that the maids in the house, especially the experimenters who had been trained in the Gu Worm Project since they were young, had some deep-rooted concepts that would never be forgotten, no matter how long they changed and how long time passed.

Just a little excitement can make these damn servants remember what the Lord is!What is a servant!

"Don’t forget who you are! Who are you? You are my cousin’s personal maid. It’s the honor of your life that you can have my cousin’s light. Without my cousin, you could stand Talk to me here? You are dissatisfied with these things, and you actually do things like beating your relatives. I am afraid that it is not my cousin who will be dragged into the water by you, and will be scorned by others!

The fat cousin scolded, Yu Guang was still observing Nan Bing's expression.

Sure enough, there was a reaction.

Nan Bing's expression slowly changed from blackened gloomy coldness to a kind of silence...Anyone with a discerning eye could see the emotions flashing in her eyes.

It happened that Nan Bing had always had a heart knot because of Xu Mo's affairs. The fat cousin's words completely hit the point, and Nan Bing's heart fell apart and disintegrated.

Even stepping on his feet became weak. The fat cousin caught the opportunity and turned up from the ground like a big tortoise, standing in front of them both in embarrassment.

Although the momentum has been completely returned, the fat cousin still took a few steps back.

"Stop talking..." Nan Bing seemed to be in a bad state, lowered her head... couldn't see her expression clearly.

What he said didn't seem to have any strength at all.

That's why the reaction is right!The more so, the fat cousin absolutely has to continue talking in order to protect himself.

In addition, the nephew with a kidney deficiency also had an advantage in seeing that he was pretending to be a tiger. Standing behind the fat cousin, he began to shout together: "The servant is a servant in this life, and the master is always the master. Don't think you have a good master You can have the right of a master. You will always be a servant with no right to speak! My cousin was all harmed by you, and now everyone knows that his maid beats up relatives! You still use this Talking to us in such a tone, who do you really think you are?"

"Don't...say..." Nan Bing lowered his head, shaking all over.

Zero One worriedly ran over and hugged her body: "Zero Seven...Zero Seven? I'm sorry, Master Biao. This is my responsibility alone, and it has nothing to do with Zero Seven...please. I will let it now. She leaves and I will stay."

"The same with you! Leave? Do you want to let her leave? And you, who do you really think you are? You are a bunch of trash, servants! What I want to do is my business, and you teach me how to do it You just need to be obedient and obey the orders! It’s no wonder that my brother was harmed like that by you, because your mind as a servant has been completely distorted, and you need to brainwash you again! Go? You all have to stay and brainwash. Since his cousin can't educate his maid, I will help his cousin to treat his maid well!" The fat cousin feels that he has completely taken advantage of him. The download has made him hate to the bone, not torturing her personally.

To be on the safe side, he even quietly pressed the signal device hidden in his sleeve. When the relatives who participated in the plan received the signal, they would rush over with them.

It's perfect now.

"What qualifications do you have to say...such a thing. You are not qualified to...comment him!"

"I'm not qualified? What about you? Little maid, don't you really think of yourself as someone? Even if your cousin is there, he will get ahead because of you? It's too late for you to be troublesome, don't make your own mind! What's more, He was gone long ago."

Nan Bing was silent, her eyes hollow.

These words hit her heart again and again, and began to echo in her mind countless times.

The whole person was plunged into endless darkness, and she asked herself, are these... all true?

That's right... I'm just a maid... If I can get a little bit from the teacher... I should be satisfied... These... are all my own wishful thinking.

Originally... As a personal maid, I shouldn't do those deviant things.

For a long time, the gentle man is accommodating himself... but...

In any case, his identity in the eyes of others is like this and cannot be changed.

One day, even though the teacher said that... but it will be troublesome....

The endless darkness, these negative energy things are constantly eroding Nan Bing's body, and there is total darkness in front of him...


"In my heart, you and I have no distinction between master and servant."

"I don't like the pheasant becoming a phoenix, because you are a phoenix."

"We have become a fait accompli. I like you. It is enough if you like me. I will marry you in the future. I don't treat you as a maid. I really like you."

For some reason, when I was the most desperate in my heart, even when I was about to collapse...Xu Mo's voice appeared in Nan Bing's mind.

And repeated what he once said to Nan Bing.

These words seemed to erase the darkness and shine in Nan Bing's heart. The darkness dissipated and Xu Mo's face appeared. Although it was a little beautified, it was not a problem.

Gentle, smile at her in her favorite way.

It's like being comforted by being hugged in his arms.

In an instant, she understood everything.

Although I don't know what this kind of power is about...why can I feel the warmth from the loved one so obviously in my heart.

But there is no doubt that she has eliminated the inner demons and completely does not exist.

The rest is the heart that loves someone deeply.From the faith and strength that this person gave her.


A pair of eyes not far away looked at this place, gently letting go of his hand.

He breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, but fortunately, I learned a few tricks from Wuge Meng before leaving last time.

However, she did not expect that Nan Bing's inner fragility was more serious than she thought, and she had never noticed such a knot.Usually, the one who should be more responsible to appease her is that I blame myself... After I go back, I must compensate her well.

This damn plan, how many people have suffered, even Nan Bing is troubled by such a knot, let it end completely.

Go, my little 07... Oh no, little Nanbing.

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