My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 375

But in fact, she also had some thoughts in her heart. When she sat next to Xu Mo, she secretly looked at this legendary young master up close.

The more important point is that he is still the master of Zero Seven, and the two have already happened...that kind of relationship.

And from Qiqi's words, it seems that the relationship between the two is not the kind of master and servant, and did not treat Qiqi as a maid, but as an ordinary lover.The feelings also seem to be very good...this is the first time she has seen such a young master.

Of course, I am really happy to meet such a young master. Such a rare young master... I am afraid there is only this one in the world. It is really the same as the legend, with a very special personality.

For those young masters before, they were basically the same face, the same look... now it's slightly changed.

If it were those people, how could they care for a girl like this and come to her to take care of her?

"Uh...Is there anything weird on my face?"

Ling Yi looked at Xu Mo for too long, and he was discovered by Xu Mo before he recovered.

So if I keep staring at close range... it is indeed strange.

"No, nothing! Sorry, Master." She pulled her eyes away from Xu Mo in a panic, lowered her head in embarrassment and didn't dare to look again.

Sitting next to Xu Mo, he didn't know where to put his hands.

In her opinion, she is still a bad servant.

Xu Mo was a very casual person. The other party was too embarrassed and he seemed to have nothing to talk about. He looked at her pityful face and said, "Zero one, don't be too restrained. You know I'm still leaving home. I’m running away, so I hope you treat me as an ordinary person, so that’s fine. Relax, and I don’t like others treating me as a master."

"En...Okay...I see, Master." Nodding slightly, even though he agreed, there was no change at all.

Xu Mo sighed slightly in his heart, how could it be said that the Gu Worm Project was too harmful.

These things are completely ingrained.

"I'll take you to see someone in a while, maybe she can help you heal the injury on your face. Don't worry, if it's her, you won't be able to use skin transplantation, and try not to hurt other places. She is a person who pursues perfection." At the end of the speech, Xu Mo's face overflowed with some happy expressions.

After all, I'm talking about someone I like. When I think of this, I think of lemon again.

Originally thought that Zero One would be very happy, but after Xu Mo finished speaking, she only froze for a while, did not make any other expressions, and bowed slightly, "Thank you, Master."

"Why, not happy?"

"This scar is due to my work mistakes. According to the rules, I should carry it all my life... But since it is the request of the young master, I must obey it."

"Huh? Do you still want this scar to remain?"

She nodded without a doubt: "Yes."

Xu Mo was a little speechless, and I felt that I couldn't take it anymore... Helpless, let Nan Bing persuade her to heal, if it was Nan Bing, should he be able to speak well?After all, they are friends who have been familiar for many years, and actually only met with Zero One for the first time today.

There was a moment of silence, but Ling Yi said a word to Xu Mo sincerely. She turned her head and clenched her fist: "Master, thank you so much..."

Xu Mo just nodded, wondering whether she was talking about herself or Nan Bing.

At about twelve o'clock in the evening, Nan Bing woke up. At this moment, the burning had also faded, and the human spirit had gradually recovered. Because it was only fever and fainting caused by too much mental shock, he recovered quickly.

Just resting in bed for more than half an hour is almost the same as normal, and it is not a big problem for the medical maid to check the situation.

After waking up, Xu Mo and Ling Yi were also taking care of them, and they chatted briefly with each other.

However, Zero One could also see that these two people should have some space of their own, and they should speak some words, so they left very wisely.

In the room, only Nan Bing and Xu Mo were left.

At this time, the relationship between the two of them heated up more than a little bit because of breaking the special opportunity, and what they said was all kinds of nasty things. They had never been like this before.What they said was a love story between them, but there shouldn't be any problems with these two people.

Just warmed up the feelings, dry Chai Lie. Huo, under the mutual love, I can't help but want to do some strange things.

Nan Bing was very active and clear when lying on the bed, and Xu Mo was agitated all over.

However, thinking that she had just woke up from fever, and for the sake of her body, she had to forget it.

Although Nan Bing still wanted to say something, seeing Xu Mo persisting in this way, it was also the concern of his lover, and his heart was warm, so he didn't persist anymore.

It’s getting late, and Nan Bing and the maid in his house already know what they are doing. Anyway, no matter what they think, Xu Mo and Nan Bing will no longer have extra thoughts, and Nan Bing will no longer have inferiority. Emotions.

In the evening Xu Mo still wanted to take care of her by her side, so he took Nan Bing to his room to rest. If two people share a room, it is equivalent to formally proving a certain relationship.

Nan Bing didn't mind anything, it seemed that she really passed by.

Nestled in Xu Mo's arms, she was very happy.

"Teacher...really...don't you?" She looked at Xu Mo on Xu Mo's bed with affection.

"Ah... forget it today, you have a good rest. I'll go out to drink some water, and I'll be here soon." Xu Mo is really restless, and if he stays any longer, I'm afraid I really can't help it.

How could this be? She just recovered.

Speaking of drinking water, it's actually just walking around in the hall and restraining my restless heart.


A few hours ago, in Xu Yan's room, there was actually a follow-up episode.

The two maids talked for a long, long time, and Xiao Jiu also understood a lot... things she had never known.

Including Xu Yan's reasons for choosing her in the first place, what he hoped would happen to her and Xu Mo, what kind of relationship he hoped she would become with Xu Mo... Including the night, what is it, and so on.

Although Xu Yan didn't have the detailed description of the maid who was a professional professor, Xiao Jiu had a superficial understanding of the meaning.

PS: The next chapter is triggered by a major event, nuclear energy pay attention.

Chapter 407 The Absurd Occurrence

Xiao Jiu, who had just come into contact with these contents, was naturally extremely shy, unable to speak... It took a long time to digest some shy emotions.

She never thought that she was destined to happen to the young master... something like that happened.

She has seen such a thing.It just happened in the game, but the game was just a game to her. She didn't know what it was like in reality, and she didn't understand it.

For some reason, what happened to the young master and himself appeared in his mind, and his throat was speechless.

Xiafei's cheeks were completely red.

Seeing the pure performance after she understood these things for the first time, Xu Yan felt relieved and funny. To her relief, Xiao Jiu directly accepted it by default, and she showed no resistance at all. It seems that this period of life with her brother During the time, she also really liked her brother.

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to do it. If it’s you, your elder brother will not take the initiative. And Xiao Jiu will not take the initiative, so you can use these. After you go back with your elder brother, you can see the time. It can be used. But it’s best to accept what I said to you. This kind of thing is very important to a woman. If it’s the first time, it’s better to accept it completely before doing it well. Um...but My brother seems to be very proficient. With the help of these things, you don’t need to do anything. Just cooperate with your brother a little bit.” Xu Yan said these topics to Xiao Jiu without a heartbeat, but let him Xiao Jiu's face was once red to the extreme.

What she said that Xiao Jiu could go back and use it was also taken out of the drawer and placed in front of her.

Always talk about how to use it.

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