My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 376

"These are the rest of the plan when my brother came here. They are useless, they are all left here."

A dazzling array of big and small... all are potent... spring medicine.

Do you still remember Xu Yan's performance when Xu Mogang hurried back?Being good at planning, she not only arranged a planning routine, but also thought that if Xu Mo found something wrong, she could also deliberately expose these things to him and make him believe it.

But Xu Mo was simply fooled, so it was useless.

These are all real guys. Xu Yan collected them from nowhere. All of them are super powerful drugs. If they are really stained, they are not as simple as her performance, and may be more troublesome.

"Although these are all potent drugs, my elder brother's physique should be much stronger than that of ordinary people. If you use it directly, you will have to double it to have an effect. If you count one pack at a time, if you really want to use it, three packs It's almost there. By the way, there is also a stupefying effect, like being drunk."

What's even more powerful for Xu Yan is that she has discovered that Xu Mo's physique has changed.

I wonder if she knows the existence of the double cultivation method?

"Use it if you like. It would be nice if you could have such a relationship with your elder brother earlier. In fact, elder brother just doesn't take the initiative. If Xiao Jiu is concerned, he must really like it.

Xiao Jiu was already embarrassed and speechless, holding those so-called medicines, even more...

She didn't leave Xu Yan's room until Xu Yan fell asleep.

For her today, she has received too much... Her heart is messed up till now.

But the strangest thing is that what makes her more concerned is actually the relationship between Xu Yan and Xu Mo. Xu Yan’s special feelings for Xu Mo are so sad and heartbreaking to see the young lady. The hearts are all screwed together.

As a maid, why don't you hope that the lady can be happy and fulfill her wishes?

Afterwards, the matter of attending the bed and the young master seems to be less concerned in comparison, and I don't know why.

My heart was in a mess, and his face was still red. After Xiao Jiu left Xu Yan's room, he also sat in the outside living room in a daze.

Then, at this time Xu Mo also...

"Little nine?"

"Ah, Shao Shao Shao Shao, Master!" Xiao Jiu stood up in a panic, almost falling over.

This is nothing like her.

"Your face is so red? Are you still asleep?"

"No...nothing, I'll go to sleep after a while..." Xiao Jiu's eyes didn't dare to look at Xu Mo at all, she was evading from start to finish.

What happened to this kid?

Although Xu Mo felt strange, his inner restlessness was still greater at this time.

"Well, if you still don't sleep, please pour me a cup of tea." Xu Mo sat on the sofa a little, and said to Xiao Jiu.

"Okay, okay..." She hurried out and left the living room.

It's strange, what happened to this child today? Where can I see her panic like this?


Xiao Jiu is making tea in the tea room, but his mind is completely out of it.

There was a pan of porridge in her heart, and the heartbroken look of the young lady just now still appeared before her eyes.

Xiao Jiu didn't know what she was thinking at all, it was really like a ghost... she hadn't thought about this problem in her mind... but she put the three packets of powder that Xu Yan gave herself into the tea very neatly.

In her heart, she only thought about how to be good for the master she loved, and she didn't want her to cry and show such an expression... hurt herself and leave so many deep tooth marks.

I hope she... can look at her wish and let her most hopeful things happen.

She didn't know if it was right to do this, but she felt like she was manipulating her body.

Her burden has never been so great.

Everything is still, there is nothing to think about.

When she came back to her senses again--

He had already handed the cup of tea to Xu Mo, and Xu Mo drank it after saying thank you.

As Xu Yan said, even if it is Xu Mo's physique, triple the amount is effective, and there will be a trance effect, as if drunk.

Ten minutes after Xu Mo finished drinking, what he felt was a trance, and his mind was dizzy?

Then from somewhere crazily poured into the whole body restlessness... what's going on?

Unfortunately, while leaving a little self-consciousness, what he said to Xiao Jiu was: "Xiao me go to my room."

Xu Mo's original intention was Nan Bing, to vent the intense agitation caused by the drug stimulation.

After saying this, he could no longer control himself.

Tranced...I was supported by Xiao Jiu, walking step by step.

She even started to mess around on Xiao Jiu's body. He touched it, reached into her neckline, touched something soft and white, and started to wantonly without mercy.

Xiao Jiu didn't feel the same, took him to the door of the room and opened the door for him...

My room... is here?

Nanbing...I need... Nanbing...

The evil fire has eroded.

PS: The bookmakers on the Lantern Festival sent everyone a lucky bag. Everyone must have received it. The blades or rewards from the lucky bag, please take a look and give it to me. I will go to Thailand to visit the slaves immediately. It’s a girl, it’s not easy to pay for it~ QAQ and it’s live broadcast for you!

Chapter 408 German medicine is really developed

Xu Mo had long been unable to control his mentality, and now he was completely dominated by the effects of drugs.

Xiao Jiu helped him open the door of the room... After helping him in, she went out of the room and closed the door.

She deliberately let go of those... not for herself and Xu Mo. In her heart... she just hopes that Miss can realize her wish. If... If this is the case, will Miss not do it again? Is that expression coming?

Just like what the young lady said, she said...she dare not do this...

Xiao Jiu didn't know exactly how she did it. For her, the moment she helped Xu Mo close the door of the room, she completely fell to the ground, and the sweat instantly soaked her clothes and forehead.

From birth to now, she has never done anything so courageous.

The whole body seemed to be collapsed.

But everything has been decided, it has already been done, and it is too late to make it back.

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