My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 377

She couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if she did this, she simply cared about the master's impulse...

She pressed tightly to the door, and couldn't tell what was happening inside.


Xu Mo said to Xiao Jiu before he lost his self-consciousness and was in a trance. He helped him go to his room in order to have such a strong physical agitation. The first thing he thought of was her.And within a hundred li, only Nanbing can.

The kind of restlessness that is about to break out is completely unbearable, like a hungry wolf, who must hunt for food.

Maybe in this state, he subconsciously felt that this is his room, Nan Bing is sleeping on the bed right now?

But in fact, what Xiao Jiu took him to was not his room, but...Xu Yan's.

Xu Yan cried and cried today, vented and vented, and said what was in his heart with Xiao Jiu.A little tired, she had already rested in bed early.

The room was pitch black and I couldn't see everything.

But Xu Mo, who was already dominated by desire at this time, could feel the fragrance of the opposite sex not far from his five senses. At this moment, it seemed to him that it was fresh meat that was about to reach his mouth, exuding an alluring taste.

The fragrance of the opposite sex, at this time, under the action of the drug, its effect rose several levels, stimulating and stimulating every cell in Xu Mo's body.

His body now has only one purpose, and that is mating.

Otherwise, the flame burning in the body is about to explode and there is no place to vent.

Follow the fragrance of the opposite sex and approach.


Xu Yan slept very soundly today, probably because he was tired after venting his feelings with Xiao Jiu. Xu Mo entered the door and didn't notice it yet, still breathing evenly.

In her dream, she dreamed of the person she loves most, her brother.

But she didn't do anything, she just hugged him quietly, just like Xu Mo was holding Nan Bing today.

It allows him to show himself that...the caring look between the opposite sex, not between brother and sister.

This is a good dream.

Suddenly, she felt that someone opened her quilt, and even touched her back with her hands, as if torn her clothes very roughly, which made her wake up from her dream all at once.

I subconsciously felt that I was being violated and raised my hand to resist. I couldn’t see anything at the moment I woke up in the dark, I couldn’t be sure, but the moment I raised my hand was still blocked by the aggressor and pinched hard. She held her arm heavily under her body, unable to move.

Her arms were tightly controlled by the person who ran into her bed in the dark. The anxious man was short of breath and was very urgent... Xu Yan's limbs were firmly fixed and pressed on top of him, and then he could clearly see the people coming. Looks like.

She looked at Xu Mo with eyes wide open, and she was smart enough to understand what was going on in just a few seconds.

"You are... really an incompetent maid..." She smiled bitterly and said to herself. Although she said that, she was serious at this time... The extremely complex emotions lingered, and she had no idea at all.

If it were a stranger who really violated her, countless people would come to rescue her instantly when the secret level was activated, but... she knew that Xu Mo became like this because of what it is, how could someone come to see this scene again.

People who have been ignited by the fire can't do what they love, and Xu Mo can't control what he is doing now. He has only one purpose now, let alone Xu Yan who is pressing under him.

Hot eyes stared at Xu Yan's complicated thoughts, Xu Mo found her lips and kissed them fiercely.

Xu Mo blocked her cherry mouth, Xu Yan didn't have the strength to resist at all. She was very smart, and knew that it was useless to resist.But... is this really good?At this time, she kissed Xu Mo deeply for the first time, she was only concerned about feeling this different meaning, and could not think calmly.

Because he was controlled by the power of the medicine, Xu Mo's movements were very direct..., even if he kissed, it actually suits Xu Yan's appetite.

She was kissed and her body trembled, her beautiful eyes blurred, her cheeks flushed like fire, and she even took the initiative to stretch out her soft and smooth tongue.

This kind of ambiguous and taboo stimulation made her feel a little bit more uncontrollable... her mind couldn't turn.

Xu Mo kissed Xu Mo's cherry lips again, and kept combing Xu Yan's silky and flowing hair with his hands up and down, sliding along the back of the crystal ears, across the velvety soft neck, touching Xu Yan. Pink fragrant shoulders.The blushing, embarrassing natural reaction is getting stronger and stronger.

Even so, my brother is...very gentle...

It turns out that this is what it feels like to be loved by you?

If you really can’t prevent things from happening, then you really can only...

Even if you want to resist or change anything, it is completely useless. Xu Mo has been completely corroded, and Xu Yan has already made him wanton because of his kisses.

Although I know that he must not hear anything now, it is not because he likes himself...loves he did such a thing with himself.

But really...she wanted to have such a relationship with Xu Mo...I wanted to dream about it.

Because, in her life, she will only like the one who should not like the least.

Forbidden love affair, will there be results, do not know at all.

She closed her eyes and made no resistance.

"Brother, I love you……"

Said softly.

A line of crystal clear tears had slipped silently, mixed with Xu Yan's thoughts about Xu Mo.

After being severely stripped of the quilt, Xu Yan wore only a thin close-fitting pajama, covering his beautiful and delicate body. The girl's powder milk was quite plump, not too big or too small.Two proud blushes protruded high, and as she breathed a little bit faster, she trembled and swayed, like a seductive pudding.

The white panties gently cover her delicate body, concealing the most fascinating spring scenery, a shadow is faintly visible, lining the snow-white skin, it is really inexhaustible to describe the beauty of spring, and it is indescribable. Soul, maddening.

Xu Yan’s smooth and tender jade back was pressed against the warm and comfortable bed. At first, she struggled a bit, but after seeing the reason, she knew that it was useless and she had to give up... Xu Mo encroached, and Xu Yan suddenly felt a strange but not unfamiliar feeling. This feeling was mixed with excitement, timidity, shame, and some complicated emotions that could not be described in words.

The extremely complex emotional entanglement lingered, invisibly increased the pleasure of the body, Xu Yan's desire broke out, the spring heart was rippling, and he only felt that his whole body was hot, Ji Lingling was hot and warm, and the moist oozes silky silky greasy and slippery.

Xu Yan's body trembled suddenly, and a line of crystal clear tears had slipped silently. Under Xu Mo's touch, her whole body was hot, like a stove, the rising flame stirred her deep inside and suppressed the long-term spring love Desire.

The tears on her face are still there, but Xu Yan has been fascinated by the lustful god, and her willpower has gradually collapsed, replacing it with indulgence.

In the daze, there seemed to be two hands that exuded a scorching scent to gently caress his smooth and watery carcass, pampering and loving, the soft and tingling feeling, which is not more than the real beauty of orgasm.

The pajamas slipped down suddenly, Xu Yanyu's body was soft and weak, and his body was lying on the bed, with a shy expression on his face.

Xu Yan's slender jade hands couldn't stop the big hands that wandered around him. In the increasingly fierce and high-pitched groan, it melted away like Chunxue meets the scorching sun.

As she suppressed the more and more rapid panting, Xu Yan gritted her teeth to prevent herself from groaning. She knew that as long as she screamed, it seemed to ignite Xu Mo whose mind was corroded by drugs.

Xu Yanchun's heart is rippling, lusting flames.

Xu Mo tore open her pajamas, and two jade rabbits bounced out, shaking quite a bit. The two pink buds exuding alluring colors are so delicate and beautiful.The wrapped white underwear faded away from a pair of round, slender, snow-white firm matte thighs, and the most mysterious part of women was immediately exposed to the cold air. The fragrant grasses, the hills and valleys, the two slender tenderness. The meat, with fresh and attractive slits in the middle, forms an extremely magnificent scene.

Soon, Xu Yan began to feel hot all over, his lips were dry, and there were many thoughts in his brain, and his eyes became confused.

Xu Mo couldn't control his current self-consciousness at all, picking up Xu Yan's soft body and pressing it on the bed.

After Xu Yan touched her with the kiss, her sensitive carcass was already soft and hot, letting the fish fill her body. She softly let Xu Mo kiss her fragrant lips, and even invaded her mouth to search for the intoxicating fragrant tongue.

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