My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 381

Xiao Jiu came back a week ago, and Hao Wenrou was finally okay.

Although I feel that Xiao Jiu hasn't changed much on the surface, but this week... I am not as passionate about myself as before?

From time to time, she would feel that she deliberately escaped, afraid to look directly at her eyes.

Think about it, after all, Xiao Jiu...has already accepted the knowledge about sleeping in, and knows that she is set to be her own sleeping partner anytime, anywhere.

No, I have to find Yue Heifenggao Wuxin to explain to her when she is sleeping that she is definitely not the kind of person who is difficult for a strong man, so that she doesn't mind it so much.Just come and get along as usual, just forget about those things for now.


In fact, one night a few days ago, something happened at the lemon house.

The Lemon House is a whole building, and she lives in the top and highest position.That night, as usual, she began to sit in front of the test bench and input today's research results, and began to use that powerful brain to research and analyze and so on.

Choosing to live in such a high position, the important point is to be very clean, which is the environment that her daily work needs.

A little noisy sound will affect the thinking of a focused person.

Then...the helicopter appeared.

When did there ever be such a violent noise on this floor, but Lemon still seemed very calm, after all, it was her.

The helicopter is very close, otherwise the sound will not be so loud.Pushing the window open, it really was the case, a hovering helicopter was right outside the window of her room.

A girl in a skirt slowly descended from the helicopter. She was not afraid of doing such a dangerous move in such a high place. The expression on her face was as calm as a lemon, with a slight smile.

(Because this scene is a bit big, so in order to polish the description for the convenience of everyone's brains, I specially invited an artist from Milan, Italy to make an illustration for the scene here, which cost a lot of money.)

He easily stood on the windowsill of the room on the top floor of Lemon, and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, can I come in and talk?"


The two people sat face to face, maybe Xu Mo hadn't thought about this kind of scene.

I don't know how terrible it would be.

And in Xu Mo's view, it is completely impossible.These two people who did not meet at say, there is still a bit of hatred in it.At that time, there were lemons on the list of Xu Yan to be expelled.

The two are unfamiliar, but they are not completely unknown.

Lemon was still the calm face with no expression, but Xu Yan kept smiling all the time.

"What's the matter?" Lemon asked coldly. If she didn't know that she was Xu Mo's sister, I'm afraid she wouldn't let her come in and sit in front of her to talk.

"Speaking of it, you have been in love with you for a long time. I have always been interested in you. In my opinion, you are the one who helped him the most in my brother's life."

"Are you here just to say thank you?"

One is the smartest and the other is the smartest. The dialogue between the two has its own profound meaning.You can say it clearly without expressing it.

Xu Yan shook his head: "Of course not, I know the relationship between my brother and you, so this should be right? However, I am looking for you today because of some personal matter. I am afraid that only you can help me with this matter. . But I’ll tell you later, even you... will be surprised, right?"

A helpless smile gradually appeared on her face. I don't know why, she kept touching her belly with her hands from time to time while sitting and talking.

God made a joke with her a month ago, and then told her another big joke a month later.

Xu Yan really can't afford it.

"You said." Lemon's words have always been so short.

"I am pregnant with my brother's child."

The lemon did not fluctuate at all: "This joke was played when you first appeared in front of me."

She still remembered that when Xu Yan first appeared in the class, he said this in front of all Class A.

Xu Yan smiled bitterly and touched his belly again: "You are the smartest person in the world, you can see, am I kidding you."

When she said this, Lemon couldn't help but really start to stare... Gradually, her expression appeared astonished, just like Xu Yan said.

She knows, she will definitely show her expression.

Lemon is already very calm. If you are someone else, you have already...

"I came to you, there is no way to decide. Since I am here, I will tell you everything, you are very smart, I believe you will understand my thoughts. I am not here to declare war or show off. What, this is indeed a joke made by God..."

"But in any case, I have come, and I have only one purpose. I don't want innocent children to be affected in any way. You know, the relationship between my brother and the children that I gave birth is almost always... …"

When it comes to this, Xu Yan can't say anything anymore.

When she found out about it, she never fell asleep properly.

Obviously, I suffered, but another month later, I suffered the second time.

PS: I heard that you are making up your homework these days. I'm sorry, but I am actually assigning homework.

I have suffered severe migraines these days, and I feel very uncomfortable... Sister's Lifan will be delayed by one day, sorry.

Chapter 412 The Solution

The children born from the marriage of the two people in this relationship generally have no good end. History and modern science have confirmed this, and everyone basically knows this situation.

Although there are some very special examples, the children born are very top geniuses.

Probably from a genetic point of view, it is because the genes of the two are too similar, so the genes inherited by the child can easily overlap to the bad, resulting in problems such as the problem of the child being born on one.

In short... it's a very troublesome thing.

Xu Yan has already expressed it very clearly, but for Lemon, it must be another feeling.

Even she, at this moment, feels mixed.

She knew that Xu Mo would associate with many girls, but she didn't mind this. I wonder if her concept of love was affected by this super powerful brain and became very special.But it never expected that Xu Mo-neng and Xu Yan could have such a result.

Even with the smartest mind in the world, she didn't think of any reason for a while.In addition, based on her knowledge of Xu Mo, she is not someone who would easily accept such things.If it were him...Even if he had this guilty heart, he wouldn't have this guts.He has a natural gentleness towards girls, and he can certainly think of his future life.Even if it was for the future that such a thing would not happen, he would not accept it.


There is no such thing as being a little jealous. Now is not the time to be jealous.

The child in the belly of the woman in front of me now has a big relationship...

"Why did you and him..." Lemon raised her own question, and now she is not as cold as she was at the beginning.

It matters.

Xu Yan smiled miserably: "This is a long story, so that you can help me, I will tell you everything. But you promise me...not let the third person know about this, otherwise, as long as I have one more Even if it’s for him, I will use my way to make you forget everything."

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