My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 382

At the end of the day, her eyes had completely turned bloodshot red.

"Since you are here, you must believe me."

"Lemon, the two of us really look alike... well, maybe this story is a bit long. It will take some time to start from the beginning. I hope you don't feel boring.

"No, let's talk." Where does Lemon feel dull, even the shocking thing Xu Yan told her just now is enough to keep her mentally awake for a week.

As a result, the two people who would never get involved at all began a long night talk.

From the night to the late night, Xu Yan took the whole story from the beginning...from when he was a child, until he grew up.

The feelings for Xu Mo, the story between them, what happened.

Finally, how did God make that joke a month ago.

I told her everything in great detail, and told her what I thought about it in my heart.

Including Xu Mo and Xu Yan's family background are involved, but Xu Yan is not as naive as Xu Mo thought. If it is Lemon, in fact, they should have known their family background a long time ago, so it doesn't matter to say it.

After all, Lemon is actually not interested in those and doesn't care.

After hearing what Xu Yan said, Lemon took a deep breath, got up from the chair, walked to the drinking fountain and poured a glass of water for Xu Yan.

"What you said, I probably understand."

Xu Yan nodded, took the water glass but did not drink, his eyes were fixed on Lemon.

Because she has not yet agreed.

"I don't like to persuade others to change their minds, but you really decided to do it? You don't think about the consequences after he knows it? Maybe he will hate you for a lifetime and will never accept you."

Xu Yan shook his head: "It's all like this, I won't regret it. If he really hates me, it's just my own choice. If... I still have her in the future, I can continue to live."

He lowered his head and stroked his belly again.

Why must it be considered a girl?

Perhaps this is the natural instinct of a woman.

"You really gave me a big problem, you brother and sister are really the same." Lemon said faintly, but he took out his own characteristic technology-sense mobile phone from his pocket and slid it on it. .

"I think you are complimenting me." Xu Yan smiled.

"..." Lemon glanced at her and began to fiddle with the phone in silence.

"You want the child in your stomach to be born safe and sound."


"Although I may be able to do it, I have not really contacted and studied genetics. Even if I start researching day and night from now on... I don’t know how long it will take. I can’t give you an accurate Reply. But your belly will get bigger day by day, it can’t wait. Moreover, if you want to start with genes, the sooner the better. Wait until the child really develops in the embryo...I’m afraid even me, It is impossible to change this fait accompli."

Lemon was right. She needed time, but Xu Yan's situation... couldn't stand the test of time. After a few months, no one can change anything after the embryo is formed.

But this kind of thing involving human reproduction genes is not so easy. Lemon cannot guarantee when she will have the results of the research.

"I know... I already guessed the result before I came here. I came here with the last hope to try. Two months later, if there is no result, then I can only accept my fate and gamble on that. It's a little bit lucky." Xu Yan obviously started to lose her tone. She knew the facts, but she was a little unwilling to face it.

That little chance, if you go with the flow... can you really bet it?Just like buying lottery tickets, no one can tell.

Lemon meditated and sat back in front of Xu Yan again.

The two of them were silent.

Until the dawn of the sky, Lemon thought of another solution.

Maybe you can try it... Although the original intention of that thing is not used for this kind of thing.

Regarding the large machine she has been keeping in the school laboratory...

If it can come in handy, I'm afraid it can really...

PS: Yesterday I saw a great barrage. When Xu Yan gave Xu Mo's blood-colored velvet sealed with crystals,'Red is not a ruthless thing, it turns into a talisman and protects the Lord' is great, thank you guys friend.

Chapter 413 Xu Yan's Choice

Lemon said his thoughts about the large machine.

And he didn't hesitate to tell the origin of the machine. After all, Xu Yan had told her her story, and it didn't matter if she said it.

That is the secret under the hidden switch in the black box sealed by Mensa. It is a semi-finished product. After Lemon takes it in his hand, it has been successfully completed by the brain cells that Mensa participated in this research. Some, but not 100% perfect.

Because I was not too anxious, the lemons were actually left aside temporarily after roughly laying the research.

If you look at the percentage of completion of this research, it is only 20% when you open the box and get it in your hand, but it becomes 80% after the lemon's hand is perfected.

Because he has only done theoretical experiments, in fact, Lemon cannot give an absolute answer whether it can be useful in Xu Yan's case.

If Lemon works a little harder, it is confident that the research progress of this machine will be increased to about 90%, which will probably be usable. The remaining 10% are uncertain factors. After all, the factual effect of this thing is also in Lemon’s heart There is no bottom.

In other words, Xu Yan now has two options to choose from, because there is only one lemon, and her time is limited, so she can only focus on choosing one of the methods to try.

One is to challenge and research a suitable way of altering human genes within two months.

The other is to use that machine to block fate in what the machine might be able to achieve.

But currently... that machine is not yet complete.

"Lemon, if it were you... which one would you choose?"

Xu Yan was not surprised by the incredible machine, but after listening to Lemon's words, he asked such a question after careful consideration.

"The two choices are actually about the same probability. It's up to you to choose."

In fact, Lemon lied. In fact, she deliberately chose the second method in her heart. She had to give a reason, which can only be said to be instinct.

However, Xu Yan did not consider how long, and chose the second method.

She didn't say much to ask the reason, perhaps because the second method had something to do with Xu Mo.After all, he got the black box of the machine and gave it to the lemon.

"I know, I will try it. Give me three days, I will perfect the machine to 90%."

"Lemon, thank you." Xu Yan stood up and bowed slightly to Lemon.

"I'm not helping you."

Xu Yan smiled, "I know, but I can also understand why my brother likes you so much."


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