My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 383

The two people are actually connected because of this bizarre thing, and the relationship is very strange.Xu Mo didn't even know, and continued to live a seemingly ordinary life.

Lemon hasn't gone to school for three days. She thought she was too busy and didn't care much.In fact, this is a very common thing. Lemon does not come to class very often.

On the third day, Xu Mo quietly called Lemon and wanted to care about it, but she didn't seem to be very emotional on her end, and she hung up after saying a few coldly, not knowing why.Psychologically comforted, maybe the research is too busy.

But in fact, when she hung up Xu Mo's phone, her younger sister Xu Yan was watching her. The two of them are now in Lemon’s laboratory at the back of the school. In the past three days, they have hardly been from here. I've walked out, and all the food and accommodation are here.

The three days of getting along all the time did not seem to make the two people who should have no intersection between them feel deeper. On the contrary, it feels more like a pair of same-sex magnets that can't get together.For some reason, they were forced to advance.

Xu Yan looked at the lemon who was sitting next to him concentrating on the large machine with a funny look and said: "If you want to talk to him, just say a few more words. Don't be embarrassed because I'm here. If you are like this, he is It will be sad."

"I have always been like this."

"Okay, okay. But my sister really has no status. It's been more than a month, and I haven't called me a single call."

"...He doesn't know the situation!"

Lemon's calm tone suddenly improved, as if he wanted to explain something to Xu Mo.

"I can't know."

"..." Lemon fell into silence again, and turned his attention to the machine again.

In three days, she devoted herself to the development of this machine, and the progress was increased to 90% as expected. This is the limit that Lemon can do now. If you want to develop more perfect, even if it is She couldn't finish it in this era. After all, this thing was originally an extremely anti-scientific machine, and it was not easy to achieve a little performance.

You know, what Mensa hides in the black box is just a little speculation theory about this thing.

It’s the lemon that really realizes it.

"It's almost there, but the energy source to start the machine is not enough. Now the world can only use tritium for a little bit, but in fact, if this machine wants to run perfectly... it probably needs a kind of energy that has not yet appeared in the world. To promote it, so tritium was used instead, reaching the 90% completion degree of the limit."

"Hydrogen is the super-heavy hydrogen? Because of the rare material produced by cosmic rays, nuclear weapons will also use a little bit. If I remember correctly, one gram is worth about $100,000."

"you know?"

"I have dabbled a little bit." Xu Yan replied.

The communication between the two is the same as that of a fairy, which is completely incomprehensible.

Xu Yan was able to talk to Lemon about this, as an ordinary human being was already very good, and the ghost knew what she had learned.

"By the way, how much hydrogen is needed?"

"Because it is just barely used to replace the material, the cost is also relatively large. It will take several experiments, and I can't guarantee it. It seems that you need to prepare 50,000 grams first."

"It's cheap. Give me an account and I'll call you. Or, should I buy it directly?" This is a local tyrant.

"I can afford it." Lemon is also a super local tyrant.

"My family does not owe favors. If you help me like this, I already owe you a favor. At least don't shirk me when it comes to money." Xu Yan manipulated the phone and swiped the phone for a few times, and he had A large amount of money was transferred to Lemon's account.

Lemon is not good at evading people, and said nothing.

This money is used to burn the energy to run the machine. Whether it can succeed... it depends on the next chapter.

PS: Happy Valentine's Day, don’t worry, and dove for a few more hours.Uncensored will be released on Valentine's Day!

Chapter 414 The Excitement of Lemon

As soon as the money was in place, the speed was really fast. The materials needed were delivered to Lemon's laboratory the next day. After all, she had used this material in other research before, so there were certain ways to obtain it.

Today is obviously going to be the first experiment, but the atmosphere between the two is still like this, it seems that it is more relaxed than expected?

Even when Lemon was debugging the machine, Xu Yan did not forget to look at the teaching school district from the laboratory and joked: "Lemon, do you want to know what he is doing now?"

"I'm not interested in things like peeping."

"As for me, in fact, if you act more actively with him, he might like you more. Lemon, in fact, you also want him to do more to you? This is not okay." Xu Yan did not Forget the taste of teasing.

I don't know why, the more you fall into this critical juncture, the more relaxed she will be.There is still time to joke with lemon here.

Perhaps, in fact, she was very nervous inside, and she didn't want to show it too much, she did it deliberately just to make herself look less nervous.

Lemon continued to remain silent, finishing the preparations at hand.

Xu Yan continued to look at the direction of the school's teaching building, and he was actually thinking of Xu Mo in his heart.A piece of crystal was also hung around her neck, and a blood-colored velvet was also sealed inside, but the middle seemed to be torn apart and divided into two.

Until Lemon finished the preparations, he said: "Okay."

Xu Yan turned his eyes away from the distance.

Standing in front of the machine and looking at it, Xu Yan has been staring at the machine just like Lemon these days, but he can't see the specific doorway.

Now it can only be demonstrated by lemons.

"Let's test my theory first. From the current point of view, this machine has such a function, but because of the limited materials it pushes, it is a substitute, there will be flaws that cannot achieve perfect results."

This machine found its theory in that box, and it was related to time.

To be precise, the original intention of this machine should be a time machine.

However, with the technology of this era, even lemons cannot make a real time-traveling effect, the kind of time machine that everyone generally recognizes.

Well, I said it is just an imperfect defective product, which can have a little similar effect, and there are also defects.

Xu Yan quietly stood by and watched. Although her expression appeared calm and she gave a faint smile, she was obviously very nervous from the slight trembling of her hand stroking her lower abdomen.

It matters a lot, whether the baby in the belly can be a healthy baby.

Lemon picked up a palm-sized piece of glass, knocked it into pieces on the tabletop, then sorted it together and sent it to a small hatch in the machine.

The hatch is located in the middle of this large machine, its size can be adjusted freely, and it should extend to a range of one meter to two meters at most.

However, a small piece of glass obviously does not need that much space, so the lemon is just set up as a small cube like a display stand.

The rays of twelve colors gathered at one point to the center glass fragment, and the machine began to run.

During the operation, the energy transmission on the top gave out a strong impact, blowing up the hair of both of them completely. If it weren’t for the lemon, Xu Yan would be prepared to grab the table with his hands in advance, I’m afraid he would fall down. Ground.

The machine also made a very loud noise, which made people feel very uncomfortable.Even if you cover your ears... it doesn't work.

"There's no way... it's a substitute material after all." Lemon struggled to cover her ears with her little hand, and said to Xu Yan next to her.

There is also an unpleasant smell than burnt smell, which really makes people worry about the life of this machine.

Fortunately, it seems to be working. In the hatch, the twelve rays are continuously transformed and shot on the glass shards, and the condensed white light is increasing.

After about ten seconds, the glare reached its limit and burst open, dyeing the entire laboratory white.

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