My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 384

Then it gradually weakened...At least to the extent that they could open their eyes, the two saw the situation in the hatch at this time.

The glass that had been shattered into pieces was restored to its original state at this time. It was not in that fragmented state, but a piece of glass that was intact.

Lemon carefully took it out of the hatch, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, and then showed it to Xu Yan: "It's almost as I thought."

It’s actually the first time that Xu Yan saw the real effect today. He was surprised and surprised, but he also felt strange: "What you mean is that this machine can restore things to their original appearance. Are you not pregnant?"

If this is the case, Xu Yan is really not sure whether he should be happy, or he feels regretful.

Her current view of pregnancy is really complicated, and she doesn't know what she thinks for a while.

Fear and worry... But it is really rare.

If the function of this machine is to make it lose...

"Unfortunately, I said that this machine is not perfect, it is flawed. In this age, it is impossible to improve its function to the level you said." Lemon shook his head and took the piece again. The glass is placed in a small dish.

"You see, it should be soon." Lemon stretched out his finger and pointed at the glass.

Under the gaze of the two of them, in less than a minute, the piece of glass shattered in an instant, and it seemed to be broken in one frame, rather than a little bit of shattering. open.

"What's wrong? Broken again?"

"This is a flaw. Although there is indeed a way to reverse the time of something, there is a time limit, and it will be restored to the previous state within a few minutes."

Lemon explained it this way, but as she said, she took out the glass fragments bit by bit with her hands and placed them on the test bench separately.It really makes people worry that her delicate little hands will accidentally be cut by sharp glass slag.

"Is it a failure?" Xu Yan asked, she didn't understand why Lemon did this.

However, from the look of Lemon, it is still so calm, and it feels...when placing the glass piece by piece, he is deliberately suppressing his excitement.

PS: The unabridged chapter 408 about my sister has been uploaded to all the book friends group files at around 10 o'clock in the evening on the 2.14. You can pick it up if you want to read it.I wrote 4000 words unabridged, which is equivalent to an update of my two chapters.It’s really not easy. You can’t earn a penny by subscribing without censorship. It’s pure benefits. If you like it, please don’t be stingy with the blade rewards or tickets you can spend.

Chapter 415 Test Results

"No failure," Lemon said.

"Look at it." She pointed to the glass shards she had placed.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yan observed for a while, but there was nothing special about these glass shards.

"Although it still became fragments, the size and fragmentation pattern of the fragments are different from the ones I smashed before putting them in the machine. Before I smashed them into three types: large, medium and small, it would be a large piece, six pieces. Medium films, forty-nine small films. Now there are no large films, only twelve medium films and 27 small films."

Xu Yan heard what Lemon said, and re-examined the glass fragments in front of him in surprise.

But I was really taken aback by Lemon, he was the smartest person in the world...Have you even been paying attention to this kind of thing?How did she determine the specific number when she broke the glass just now?

Xu Yan thinks that although IQ is not low, she can't do it at this level.

Reluctantly, after Lemon reminded her, he watched the glass shards again...Although it could not be as fine as the lemon, I did notice that the pieces in front of me seemed to be smaller.There was indeed one piece of the fragments that had not been fed into the machine before, which was larger than the others, which accounted for about one-third of the entire glass, which was clearly recognizable.But now it is gone.

This is weird...

Just now, Lemon smashed the glass and put it in the machine. Then it recovered briefly after starting the machine. The glass was broken into pieces again, but the pieces were completely different.

Lemon directly told Xu Yan the reason: "This machine is indeed defective, and the effect is the same as you can see. It can only be maintained for a short period of more than a minute, and it will become the original one again when the time comes. Look like."

"But according to the point of view put forward in the black box, and my personal view, it is like this. What can be done now, time is always time. According to the laws of the world, human beings are not gods and can only do it, but cannot do it. Omnipotent change. The future result of this imperfect and flawed machine will never be changed. Broken glass is always broken glass. The result of our inability to change something is always the same."

"But... the process is random. Can you understand? Although the result is fixed, it becomes the process of the result. The process from completeness to destruction is repeated because of the machine, so the process is changed. Every time the glass is broken, the fragments cannot be the same. The process has changed, but in the end it still shatters."

"Even a defective machine can do this. Glass has already proved that my theory is correct."

That's the end of the story. Lemon's explanation is already very concise and concise.

Xu Yan is also very smart, and of course she understands the meaning of lemon.

So, now of course, the excitement that can't be concealed in the past is revealed, and the voice sounds trembling. According to Lemon's words...then the hope in his stomach is great.

"So... you mean... ready to use it on me in the same way?"

Lemon nodded, and the machine that was temporarily turned off: "Yes. It's just like the glass test just now. Assuming that the test is your uterus. Temporarily restore your uterus to an unfertilized state, and then what will happen later? The result cannot be changed. Once the time is up, your uterus will still become fertilized, but the process has changed."

"During this process, the sperm and egg in your womb will recombine and become the state of a fertilized egg, and it will return to its current form of one month of pregnancy, and become the original result. If recombined, the embryo's genes will of course It will be reorganized. Although the children you gave birth to with Xu Mo are very likely to be bad results, but there is also a small chance of combining perfect genes. Using this machine, we can have many opportunities to try, although the chances are Vague, but as long as there is a probability, you can always collide once."

Xu Yan smiled, this time he really smiled...not the relaxed smile that he has been pretending to be in these days.

The excitement from the heart, even the eyes are a little moist.

Lemon's words gave her hope that if it really goes so smoothly, then this child can born healthy and healthy.

The crystallization of himself and him is wonderful.

But since God made such a joke to make her pregnant with his child, Xu Yan would definitely not choose to give up this life.

After all, children are innocent.

"Thank you." Xu Yan said thank you from the bottom of his heart if he did that when he found the lemon for the first time.

If it wasn't lemon, then I hope she can't see it at all.

She can only wait fearfully for the day of birth every day. If the result is bad, then she will be depressed for life.

Now she finally saw the dawn of hope, and it was not far away.

Seeing Xu Yan's excitement, Lemon actually couldn't really understand the joy in this state, but felt a strange feeling in her heart. I don't know if it was out of sympathy or her various relationships, she really devoted herself to it. Help her in this matter.

Now she can expect good results, and she is also very happy.

"You have been pregnant for a month. You can take out some samples from your body and analyze it to see the general state of the embryo's genes and judge whether it is good or bad. This is because it is a long-standing medical knowledge and it is not difficult to learn. I have learned it in a few days of free time. I can do it later by constructing some medical equipment."

"However, in fact, don't be optimistic so early." Lemon has always been more rigorous in its research.

"This is just the first successful experiment to prove my theory. To be on the safe side, I will use this week to do several different experiments. I will write down the results and compare the results. And I will use biological experiments when appropriate. , It will be applied to you in the end.” This is also responsible for Xu Yan's body. After all, this machine has flaws and has not been completely completed, and no one can say if there will be any hidden dangers.

It would be very dangerous to use it on humans just for one experiment.

"Anyway, thanks to you this time. If the child is born in the future, you will be her godmother, lemon." Xu Yan just said something unintentionally, but...

It seems that for lemons, the effect is somewhat outstanding.

Her face, which was delicate but calm and calm like a doll, would actually show such a very flustered look, flushed and bewildered.

"Go on it...Godmother?"

PS: I love my sister too~ But don’t worry, everyone, I really like this role, and I will definitely not let her suffer. Xu Yan’s ending will be beautiful.

PS: It's been almost a year, and finally a million words... I am full of emotions. Tomorrow, I will write some free chapters to talk about the stories of writing books over the years. Feel free to talk in my heart.

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