My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 393

Is it so good-looking?

Looking back at the other pair of lovers, it should be said that they were lovers. Four or five pairs of lovers cried silently and turned into a ball, and the piles of paper under their feet were high.Even the boys burst into tears and cried with their girlfriends...

It's terrible... Could it be that Gu is in this movie?Or is the aesthetics of modern people suddenly changed and abandoned themselves?

Wait, I suddenly remembered that Liu Yiqiu next to me hadn't spoken for a long time. How could she...

It's over, it really is!

Sure enough, my problem!?

I was abandoned by aesthetics!

At this time, Liu Yiqiu seemed to be deeply touched by the plot of the movie like other audiences, and she cried into tears, the kind of silent, silent.Her face became very red from crying, and her face was a little stiff in order to forcibly contain her tears.But I couldn't stop the flow of tears.

In fact, it is not how Liu Yiqiu thinks this movie is so good that it is so touched and reacted.

It was because of the inexplicable pretending esoteric prologue that the narrator said from the beginning of the film... It was like the middle of her eyebrows that made her fill the plot brain with her and Xu Mo's situation.

"Since I love him, how about being older than him? Years are the best props to test love, but giving up and losing is not only the years..."

PS: After experiencing the Thai three-in-one experience, the first time you feel it

1. Carefully searched and confiscated mobile phones and filming equipment. More than a dozen people patrolled the site

2. See you for a long time, you must come to Thailand

3. People often say that there are not many people who have big dingdings when taking off their pants, right? There are more than 20 shows here. Seven or eight of them are beauties who tease you for a long time. Then when they take off their pants, there are dingdings and big breasts. .

4. A lot of very interesting H programs, as well as the whole fruit acrobatics project is indeed very powerful and exciting, the audience laughed a lot of times.

5. There are many big diaoj hunks because there are also many female audiences, and even let you touch his OO up close

6. It is very welfare for men. There are many golden cats and big ocean horses. There are also many Asian girls. They are all displayed in a circle in front of you. They can be seen from the nearest distance. The venue is very beautiful and it is a transparent stage with a fountain.

7. There is a golden cat mouth beeping ------- (but I didn't go)

8. Damn so good

Chapter 423 Regret

It is precisely because of this sentence that Liu Yiqiu himself has a great resonance and sense of substitution from the very beginning.

During the whole process, regardless of her acting skills, pictures, and plot, she could imagine a lot of things just by listening to the lines.

It is as if she is the heroine of this movie and Xu Mo is the actor.

As long as the lines resonate slightly, she can feel it for a long time.

After all, she was originally a girl with a soft heart and lovely, understandable.

For example, some of the sweet words of the male and female protagonists that occasionally appeared in the movie, about not caring about the age difference between the two, and not caring about the opinions of outsiders, and so on.

And the heroine's affectionate sentence: "I have never been able to express my feelings for you frankly to you... Obviously I am older, but I always look like a child in front of you."

"Compared to face, of course I would choose love, because love has you..."

These numb words can hardly match Liu Yiqiu's current appetite.

So satisfied.

It turned out that she would have such an inexplicable sense of substitution when she watched those siblings love novels, and the movies became even stronger, and Xu Mo is still with her now.

For a moment, I suddenly felt something looking at him. Liu Yiqiu's sixth sense was still very sensitive. He suddenly recovered and looked back at Xu Mo's side.

Compared to the movie, Liu Yiqiu's expression was better just now, so Xu Mo was a little fascinated by it.

Because it's so cute, although I don't know why she is so fascinated by it.

Liu Yiqiu realized that Xu Mo seemed to be looking at him all the time, and he seemed to have a particularly bad expression unintentionally. Now, after returning to his senses, he realized that his eyes were a little swollen when he was crying.

I just connected the things I thought of just now, those lines...

Liu Yiqiu really wanted to say something. He really wanted to dig a hole to bury herself or come with a quilt to cover herself.

She couldn't say it at all. According to her personality, the immediate response was to avoid cover-ups and blush by the way.

It may be because the seat is too small and the impact is too big, she didn't have much reaction at a time.

It's just blushing and hesitating.

But not talking, but making inexplicable sounds like cute little animals.

"Cuckoo..." It was like this.

I really want to come directly from the throat, not released by opening the mouth.

By coincidence, the movie is almost at the end.

It's time to understand the story of the hero and heroine.

There should be a soft tune BGM that is very suitable for love between couples, and then start gently spreading dog food.

Xu Mo and Liu Yiqiu looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the big screen directly opposite was showing the plot.

The heroine embraced the actor: "If you were given another chance to choose, would you still choose me?"

"I am not the best for you, but I can be the one that loves you the most."

"I regret it, can you give me a taste of your regret medicine?"

"I don't need all of your love, I regret it, I just want you... a little bit, just let me feel you by my side... I don't care about the others."

"Since I am in love with you, I will love you seriously. All you need to do is give me a little love."


Xu Mo doesn't know what's wrong. In short, this movie is poisonous. In the ending, he never forgets to spread dog food to the audience like a machine gun.

You know, there are actually many event ticket-given audiences who came to see it!What if they are single!It's so uncomfortable!

But these are not the key points. The key points seem to be very bad for Liu Yiqiu and him.

Obviously, the subject matter is not too familiar, but this line...can't help but care.

Liu Yiqiu is even more obvious.

Every time those lines were said, it seemed that someone beat her heart with a heavy hammer.

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