My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 394

It just so happened that her gaze was staring at Xu Mo at this time, and the two of them were facing each other.

The right time, the right place, and the harmony, as if it were godly help, it was the will of the gods...The strong feeling that emerged in her heart continued to push Liu Yiqiu's heart, causing her to even slightly speak to Xu Mo.

It's like when she asked Xu Mo and Xia Xia's relationship, Xu Mo told her... it was no different from asking her to make a choice.

There are only two answers, A and B, but she chose C.

Choose indefinite silence and avoidance.

Neither face the reality nor choose the answer.


She looked at Xu Mo deeply, her eyes were already in state.

In conjunction with the beautiful ending BGMT that sounded in the theater at this time...

"I regret..." Liu Yiqiu plucked up the courage and said it according to the strong impulse and instinct in his heart, although the voice was like a mosquito.

But I still said... well, half of it.

Because the affectionate section is halfway through, I want to see Xu Mo's reaction.

At least don't say it seriously, you should also look into the eyes of others.

Obviously I am telling you such an important thing!How much courage to muster up!

But Xu Mo looked absent-minded, his eyes had long been out of her sight and dangled to other places.

In fact, this is no wonder Xu Mo, once this person's hearing has developed, he will inevitably choose something to listen to.

Before Liu Yiqiu spoke, Xu Mo had heard that a couple in the left back row had already begun to kiss passionately...Ah, had already begun to undress?B cup!

What...No...Is it so bold?It just started in the movie theater?Huh?Is that so?Really learned...Huh?Not ready yet?The young man can do it, and the light will turn on when the subtitles are scrolled.

Hearing these things, Xu Mo was of course absent-minded.

Liu Yiqiu's affectionate half-sentence was too small, and she really didn't hear it.

She just heard that she seemed to say something.

Looking at her confusedly, she also didn't know why she looked at herself in an aggrieved manner, which was ten times more aggrieved than usual.

He even pouted his mouth, angry and wronged.

Obviously... Obviously such a good opportunity... it was finally revealed by others!

PS: The update is complete, it's midnight.Pattaya in the middle of the night is the busiest time in the city, and various industries have already begun to operate. This is how the reputation of the city that never sleeps comes from.I have prepared the beautiful sword and I am going to go to the underground slave trading center to open my eyes and collect materials. When I come back~ slave girl or something, I can only pay for the beautiful sword that I mixed in, I can’t buy... What is the situation, I will tell you.

Four hundred and twenty-four chapters plus points

"Um... Teacher Liu, don't be angry. It's not good for me to not listen to you carefully, but let me know what you just said, so that you will feel more comfortable." Xu Mo followed Liu Yiqiu a little embarrassed. Walking down the street behind him.

But Liu Yiqiu walked ahead with a straight face, completely ignoring Xu Mo, his face was full of displeased expressions.

No, it can be described as very unhappy.

Just now, she finally took the opportunity of the movie atmosphere and her inner impulse to say something in her heart. For her, she didn't know how much courage she put in... But Xu Mo was actually distracted, so she didn't hear it!My heart was suddenly filled with infinite grievance and anger. After I got out of the movie theater, it became like this.

Leaving Xu Mo alone, he only knew to move forward.

Xu Mo didn't think she was arrogant. It was true that she did something wrong just now. There must be something very important to say. Why did she go and listen to that... It's really good luck.

In any case, let Liu Yiqiu be advised to come back first.

According to Xu Mo’s understanding of her, Liu Yiqiu is a very cute little girl in her heart. Although she is very proficient in the workplace and work, she is the same as the sixteen-year-old girl in love. It is the first time and lacks. Love experience.So it should be okay to coax a little.

To be honest, Xu Mo didn't feel uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, he really enjoyed the feeling of being angry and coaxing her, as if she was in love again.

Ok?It seems that I have never been in love?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that my love is strange and the process is not ordinary at all.

And this kind of clips of coaxing girls is often seen in ordinary love, as if I have never experienced it.

Liu Yiqiu was angry, and Xu Mo pretended not to hear anything she said, only knowing that she was walking forward in a daze.

It was already over nine o'clock after watching the movie, and the traffic flow in the downtown area at night was still very large. Xu Mo was really afraid that she would walk so quickly on the road.

So he ran a few steps quickly, ran behind her and grabbed her with a hand to make her stop.

Feeling that her hand was being held by Xu Mo, Liu Yiqiu’s first reaction was of course to free her hand, but if Xu Mo wanted to hold her and prevent her from moving forward, she would naturally not be able to break free so easily. .

She exhausted her strength and couldn't get her hands free, and she didn't feel Xu Mo's strength, and her hands didn't feel any pain at all.

And the feeling of being held by her like this is very embarrassing.

Soon Liu Yiqiu gave up resisting, but the temperature in her hands rose higher and higher, and the temperature on her face naturally... She stared sharply at Xu Mo and wanted to stare at him like a student who usually stares at him. But when he stared at Xu Mo, his eyes were still mixed with a one-third tenderness and ambiguity.

People don't know if they are arguing or flirting.

Of course the face is still red, and I don't know how many times it is today.

If Xu Mo is really with her, he doesn't know when he will get used to it.

It's not okay to be so frank all the time.

Xu Mo didn't have the right to think that, because when he was frank, he was distracted and didn't hear it.

"Let go..." I want to scream seriously, and become weak and weak when I say the first word, just like acting like a baby.

The little hand said that he tried to break free under Xu Mo's big hand and took note, but Xu Mo could only feel the delicate and velvet feeling in her palm, and I wish she could try a few more times.

Teacher Liu is very beautiful, and Xu Mo has always felt that way.

And there are many bonus elements in this beauty, such as the maturity that she usually shows, and the inner cuteness that is not frank.

Even though she is indeed five or six years older than herself, she is a young lady who is about to be established within two years, but she can't see this in any way.

Even though she usually wears this black rigid and serious professional suit, and shows it capable and serious, it is only to make herself look more mature, in order to meet her current age.

In fact, these are unnecessary. She is really young, and the skin on her body feels even more so.

Having said that, in fact, because of all kinds of accidents, Xu Mo saw and touched her body. Even though more shameful things have happened, how could she be so shy.

To say so shy, she is better than elegy.

Although the elegy was a little bit like this at first, it soon adapted and became more and more active.

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