My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 408

Anxious to know whether he was lost or not, Liu Yiqiu even forgot that Xu Mo was still asleep beside him.I took the phone next to me and turned on the front camera function, and then moved my body out of the quilt.

PS: I have been full attendance for more than half a year, which means that I have not rested for more than half a year. I am a person who hasn't saved my manuscripts and writes very slowly, which is equivalent to writing every day.

This month, I thought I didn't plan to be full attendance, and I wanted to take a good rest for a while to adjust my physical condition, but I was still full attendance... Even the few days I went to Thailand, I was holding my computer in the hotel codeword in the middle of the night.

I can't say that I am a hardworking person, but at least I have maintained full attendance over the past few months, and I feel that I am awesome.

In March, I really wanted to take a break and adjust for a period of time, but it wasn't about breaking changes, it was my bottom line as an author.It's just that March changed from full attendance to incomplete attendance.

Reason 1 is the various diseases and hidden dangers that have been saved over the past year. I studied graphic design in college, and I often do design in the middle of the night. After a long period of time, I will suffer from frozen shoulder.Later, the codeword will still get sick a lot.

And you all know that a finger of my left hand had a problem in January, and the joint misalignment required minor surgery.When the hand was fixed and fixed, I lost one finger to complete the full attendance that month. After the operation, I continued to use one hand to code, because that hand could not move on the day of the anesthetic.The thread that wasn't removed until the ninth day of the new year was considered rehabilitation, but I still can't be too laborious, but I seem to be used to not using that finger to tap the keyboard.

Before I went to Thailand this month, I had a very serious migraine problem almost every night. My mind was very confused. I felt like I almost fell when I stood up. I was really scared... I thought I really wanted to. Promoted.

There are also various physical discomforts. I really want to sleep comfortably all day without code words.

Reason 2 is that I need time to conceive the plot of the story, but it is not so easy to conceive, it is like this for me.

I need time... a lot of time... to think about the story I want to write.

Instead of being constrained by full attendance, Yasuo's thinking time is restricted by Yasuo. He must forcibly suppress the prescribed number of full attendance words every day, otherwise he will not be full attendance.

There is still a big difference between the things written in this way and the things that take time to conceive.

If there is no restriction of full attendance, I think my thinking can be more open, just like a shackle is missing, and it will be liberated at once.

Giving up full attendance means less updates, which means that the manuscript fee is reduced by half and more, which is considered to be a sacrifice of the manuscript fee in March.

However, the body is the capital, and I also want to take a good rest and conceive the plot to raise the body... Money can be earned, and body is the first.

I hope you can understand. Let me rest for a while in March. I won't be interrupted, but I won't be fully attending.

Full attendance will resume in April, so please rest assured.

Thank you, everyone, bow.

Chapter 438 You are also awake

If Liu Yiqiu's home is so messy, there will be no small mirrors. Anyway, the front cameras of mobile phones have good pixels, and there is no problem with using them as mirrors.

She secretly removed her body from the quilt, and couldn't wait to confirm that she had nothing to do with Xu Mofa yesterday.

This is a very important thing for a woman, which determines how she will face Xu Mo in a moment.

Her mind has completely shifted to this matter.

Now that the legs have taken out the quilt and the front camera of the phone has been turned on, everyone must be able to guess what she wants to do next, right?

what?You said she wanted to take a selfie?Come here, drag this guy out and hammer it into Pippi shrimp.

Liu Yiqiu leaned her body against the bed and spread her legs slightly... she put her phone on the center of her legs so that the front camera could take pictures of a certain place.

Then use the other hand to open a soft place a little bit, because in this can see what the situation inside it is through the screen shot by the phone.

If the level of female purity has not been broken, it is theoretically possible to check it in this way. However, some people are a little bit earlier, and some are a little deeper, depending on the individual.

After all, the thing is inside, it's not easy to find at first glance.Moreover, the mobile phone is a little far away and there is no hand to adjust the position, which is not easy to view. Liu Yiqiu tries to open a soft place with one hand, and hold the mobile phone with the other to control the direction. Move it as close as possible so that he can see clearly. some.

She was a little uneasy, and the more she was like this, the more eager she wanted to know what was going on there at this moment.

The symbol of purity is still there.

It's a pity that I haven't seen it clearly... Xu Mo, who was beside him, woke up all at once.

And it's not the kind of slow and normal wakefulness, but the kind that suddenly wakes up.

Turning over from the bed all at once was like a corpse.

This can't be blamed on Xu Mo, who told him that he had dreamed of something incredible just now.

Obviously something like that happened last night...I went to bed very late, why would I still dream of such strange things?

Originally, his mental power was already very powerful, and there were very few dreams... But what the hell was that just now.

Recalling the dream just now, Xu Mo was still trembling.

A humanoid monster with a yellow bull's head, a hoof holding a small skirt, chasing him madly behind him, his eyes shining brightly, and his mouth uttered a "hey hey" laugh, and from time to time Some banknotes, gold and silver slipped on him.

No wonder Xu Mohui suddenly woke up like this, and it was the same for anyone who changed.

When Xu Mo wondered why he had such a strange dream, he subconsciously looked at his side.

By the way, yesterday seemed...

He remembered what happened after yesterday, and he still cared about Liu Yiqiu's current situation.


He saw Liu Yiqiu of Petrochemical.

Liu Yiqiu also opened his mouth and didn't close it, just looking at him like this.

The two are on the same bed, so they are quite close.

Xu Mo rubbed his eyes first, always feeling that he saw something extraordinary after waking up.

Probably because of that dream, I overyen myself?

Open your eyes again...the same scene.

Liu Yiqiu's mouth was slightly open and motionless, her naked body looked very beautiful in the morning sun, but this posture was a little strange.

Separate your legs... Hold the phone in one hand and open the front camera in front of that place... One hand is still slightly separating the soft thing...

This...what are you doing?

Xu Mo's mind was full of question marks, not knowing what Liu Yiqiu was doing when he woke up and saw this scene.

Feeling like...Is it not time to wake up?

Was Teacher Liu so bold?Have a hobby like taking selfies?If you don't mind, you can actually help her take pictures, which might be more convenient.Xu Mo is actually quite confident about this aspect of photography. He has appreciated all of Mr. Chen's works. He feels that he has grasped the essence of it, but God has never given him a chance to practice.

A piece of cloud red began to erode up from Liu Yiqiu's throat quickly, until all the top of her neck turned into a rosy red, and then a piece of steam emerged from the Tianling cover.

"I, I, I, I, I... You, you, you, you, you, you..." Liu Yiqiu wanted to let herself temporarily unconscious, because she wouldn't have to face such a difficult scene for her.

What did I just do...this shameful behavior...

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