My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 409

He saw it all!

And he woke up!

What to doWhat to say?

She didn't know all.

The most capable dean of teaching had become an inexperienced rookie.

"...Ah? I'm sorry, I didn't see anything." Xu Mo looked at her suspiciously, and it took a while to realize that he looked at the embarrassing scene of others like this, and it didn't seem like he turned around in a hurry. avoid.

Although I didn't see Liu Yiqiu's reaction after avoiding it, he was definitely too shy to know what to do, right?

However, there was time for Xu Mo to wake up a little bit, recalling what happened before going to bed last night, and then remembering why neither he nor Liu Yiqiu was wearing any clothes. They noticed this just now.

Then he patted his head.

It was broken. It was like this yesterday. I forgot to help her put on the clothes before going to bed. Now she has seen it, and she can’t explain how to explain it... and her skin is so thin that she can really listen to it. Your own explanation?

Xu Mo was distressed, recalling what happened last night.


In order to prevent Liu Yiqiu from continuing to drink like this unscrupulously, Xu Mo started filling himself with the box of Luzhou Laojiu bottle after bottle.

A whole box, bottle after bottle.

Although he is indeed powerful, it can stimulate the stomach's maximum function to digest the alcohol content and reduce the image on the body, but it is always reduced, and the alcohol content of white wine is so high...Even with this ability, it is difficult to completely break down. .

More or less still remains.

In addition, Xu Mo's alcohol volume was average, and he was almost drunk after a box, but he remained sober because of his strong mental power.

But Liu Yiqiu was completely drunk.

PS: There are very important things in the PS in the previous chapter. For those who haven't read it, please go and see the PS content at the end of the previous chapter. I won't repeat it here. Thank you.

The 439th chapter Liu Yiqiu's cry

When the Luzhou Laojiao was wiped out, Xu Mo was already a little dizzy. Although he maximized his digestive function to decompose alcohol and minimized it, he was still a little drunk in the end.

Usually Xu Mo didn't drink much at first, and when he was drunk at this time, he didn't show Liu Yiqiu's drunk state, but the whole person was already dizzy, and his thinking speed slowed by half.

What I remembered later seemed to be intermittent, and Liu Yiqiu, who was also drunk, started to have a more serious drunken reaction and began to vomit.

When she vomited, she didn't say anything, but also vomited Xu Mo who stumbled to deal with it.

Xu Mo was also drunk. If he hadn't had a strong spirit, he would have wanted to fall asleep, and the sleepiness of being drunk was very strong.

But Liu Yiqiu just threw up like this and he couldn't ignore it. He seemed to have done a lot of things before going to bed completely, relying on his dedication to cleanliness.

For example, I took off my own clothes and Liu Yiqiu's clothes and threw them into the pool on the balcony to soak... As for why I have already taken off my underwear and panties, I was so drunk at that time, and the ghosts knew why these Things are also taken off, perhaps because I want to do indescribable things in my heart, it's all human instinct!

There is also to bring Liu Yiqiu to the bed to sleep with a quilt... and maybe because of the drunk relationship is too sleepy and uncontrollable... I naturally want to find a place to sleep, with the bed in front of me, so naturally... …

The intermittent clips probably remember these, and I must have fallen asleep honestly later!

As for whether there was any dishonest mess when he fell asleep. It is uncertain to touch Xu Mo in a mess, but it is certain that at least he did not overthrow Liu Yiqiu or was overthrown by Liu Yiqiu.

Here we need Teacher Xu Mo to do a simple science popularization for everyone.

The novels written by a few blind people, as well as the drunken disorder in the TV series. Sex is all deceptive and unscientific!

If you drink a little wine and become courageous, there is nothing to say, but this can not be called chaos after drinking. Sex, right?This is purely a premeditated act, and the term sex refers to an accident.

It refers to a man and a woman who have drunk alcohol and lost their wits. They can’t think about anything without knowing anything, and they can’t control their bodies. It’s like they’re broken. The relationship happened because of drinking and not being sober, and doing indescribable things.

This kind of scene has been completely used in the plots of many novels and TV series. Everyone is getting used to it. There is nothing wrong with it.

But the truth is this. If you are really drunk and confused, and you can’t control yourself with fragmented thoughts, you can’t say what’s going on with women, but at least men can’t even harden a certain place. You let him drink after drinking. Chaos. What's wrong with sex?When a person loses his ability to think completely while drinking, that is, when he is really drunk, he will go to sleep in all likelihood. How can there be strength and a clear mind. Sex.

I can't even climb up, and I don't have tools for committing crimes. If I don't realize it, is there a sense of sex?Doesn't exist, drunk chaos X is just a smile.

If there really is a fragment and you get up to do this kind of thing... Or is that person actually a zombie?

Therefore, Xu Mo was sure that although he did slept naked all night in a blanket, he and Liu Yiqiu were absolutely innocent, whiter than Xue.

But Liu Yiqiu is different. As a woman, she doesn’t know how male characteristics react when she is drunk, what she will do and what she will not do, and basically she has seen similar plots in many novels. So she believes in this possibility, otherwise she would not rush to wonder whether she is pure or not, even forgetting that there is a sleeping Xu Mo next to her, so she went to get her mobile phone. The place where the camera went to shoot yourself.

Having said that... Liu Yiqiu is still petrifying.

She has such a thin face that she directly let herself see this kind of scene, and it is no wonder that she has become like this.

Xu Mo was a little embarrassed, mainly because he didn't know how to say something to her, or he didn't know where to put his eyes.

After all, she still doesn't wear anything now, and the temporary movement of this petrochemical is really...The other hand is still opening the soft place.

Xu Mo felt that he should turn his head first and speak with his back to Liu Yiqiu.

"Ah... Teacher Liu... I... I really didn't see anything... Don't worry, I promise nothing happened yesterday... Really! I promise!"

After a while, Liu Yiqiu forgot to be angry, forgot to blush, and forgot to petrify, a very special emotion suddenly appeared in his heart as Xu Mo turned around. , What else can it do?

She seemed to be mature and stable on the outside, so she cried behind Xu Mo with her legs closed, and she started to cry uncontrollably when she was aggrieved, and sobbed.

Xu Mo, who was facing her back, naturally heard her, heard her clear crying, aggrieved sobs and the sound of tears falling on her white thighs.

Naturally, I cared very much and wanted to turn back to check her situation: "Ms. Liu?"

But just halfway through, Liu Yiqiu yelled: "Don't... don't turn around!"

Xu Mo immediately turned around again, but didn't see anything in time.

In other words, why did she suddenly cry... Hey... also, for a while, it was useless to explain her personality.

After turning back depressed, I have been listening to Liu Yiqiu's soft sobbing behind him. Although the movement is small and not the kind of crying, I can always hear the voice of tears falling, as if the tears are not stopping.

If Xu Mo could see Liu Yiqiu crying now, he would definitely be shocked. Although it is very unconscionable to say this, it is true... because although Liu Yiqiu was crying very aggrieved and sad, she cried very beautifully.

It's not like her mature temperament on the outside, nor the kind of cuteness in her heart.

Simple is more beautiful than a girl, crying pitifully, and crying beautifully.Because of the tears in the eyes, the eyes became watery and crystal clear, and the aggrieved little mouth was closed tightly and patiently...

PS: It's finally got through to March, so...just like what was said in PS yesterday.But I still hope everyone will send me the items refreshed this month, if you want.The new book will be online before the Ching Ming Festival, because you have to catch up with your good holiday to win some popularity ww, of course, you have a good training before that.

Chapter 440 My Age

Liu Yiqiu's sobbing from time to time turned into a continuous low cry, her eyes closed tightly, her hand covering her mouth, trying to stop the sob.

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