My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 424

"Another name of Pattaya, the more popular name among Guilao (referring to white people) is'Less. Love Kingdom'. This has the world's largest and most comprehensive red light district. You want what you want, as long as you have money... You can get the most satisfying female companion in your heart. Of course, there are many levels, depending on where it is. The number of soliciting customers on the street is the most, and the majority of Thai girls... Oh, yes, there are many shemales. The most beautiful in Thailand All of the ladyboys are concentrated in Pattaya, and they almost all do skin and flesh trades. Moreover, the relationship between the snack medicine and the place where the operation was performed the day after tomorrow is completely invisible. Among the ten Thai girls who solicit on the street Seven of them are ladyboys... Mr. Xu, please pay attention... There are many ways to get more high-quality women from all over the world. I don’t know the specifics... But I can say that there is everything. What kind of golden cats, ocean horses, Russian babies... are all very common and strange. They are not rare things. Even here, golden cats have been reduced to street bars and can be seen performing striptease, and 20 Thai Baht (5RMB) can be used casually without any comments."

Seeing Api with a blushing face uttering these old drivers' remarks while driving, Xu Mo understood why he had to cover his crotch last night and said pitifully that he was a very traditional virgin.

But... you know so clearly! Hey!

You are pretending!

Maybe he noticed Xu Mo’s eyes, he said hurriedly: "It’s not like this, this, this... this is something everyone living in Thailand knows, I also know this, and I really don’t know more in detail. Now! In addition to what I said, there are so many hidden can think for yourself...that's all...anyway."

"How much does it cost to take pictures with a ladyboy?" Xu Mo just asked him abruptly to try him.

"This is usually twenty baht (5 rmb), but they will let you press your hand on their chest. It is filled with plastic, and it is hard to touch... If you touch it, add 20 baht. Oriental. The ladyboys on the Princess are all beauty pageants, and 20 baht can include touch... Ah, this... this is... I heard."

Sure enough!You know so clearly!

Xu Mo hates hypocritical guys!

In a sense, it seems that you are more interested in this city after knowing this?

PS: The book guest's full attendance rule is that those updated before six o'clock are considered full attendance.So the fourth watch is still going on, this is the second watch...

PS: The small part of the description of Pattaya in the article is exaggerated, after all, it is a novel story.But most of the content is seen through personal experience, only slightly exaggerated, and 80% is true.

The 458th chapter is another magic stick

Say it again, it’s not that I don’t want to change the cover, it’s the editor’s Ching Ming Festival holiday and no one has reviewed the cover.Do you think I don’t want to change!!!!


Pattaya was originally unknown. Until the 1970s, it was still a sparsely populated small fishing village. The locals made a living by growing sweet potatoes.

During that time, Pattaya was an important base for the US Marine Corps, and this US Navy base still exists today.The huge consumption of physical bodies stimulated the physical market in Pattaya and continues to this day.So Pattaya, the Hinayana religious sacred place where Buddhism is a pious belief, became a special case.

Here, these skin and meat transactions are legal, and no one will control it.

Today, the U.S. Navy still chooses to land in Pattaya several times a year. Perhaps it is for this reason that almost all the ghosts who come to Pattaya are in groups.

"If Bangkok is the world of Chaoshan people, then Pattaya is the world of ghosts. All the underground industries here are contracted by ghosts. Even the people who live here are almost all ghosts. The original Thais have long rented out their houses to these people and moved out by themselves. The ghosts come here to spend a lot of time, eat, drink, and enjoy everything that is illegal in their country."

The car was driving all the way, as if it had almost reached its destination.

Finally, Api reminded Xu Mo in a quiet and meaningful voice: "Mr. Xu, in any case, you must choose to go out as little as possible at night. Because this is the place of ghosts, heaven and so on. It’s too big... to hide something more shameful, or to see less. Pattaya does not have a police or even the law is tantamount to being very unfair. There is no death penalty here, and only 20 years for murder, Every year on the King’s birthday, the sentence will be reduced... If you reduce it to kill one person and leave it for six years... Please be careful and safe."

When the words fell, Xu Mogang was about to think about what he meant by this seemingly bluffing remark, and the car stopped in front of a stepped white cabin at the end of the street.

The cottage looks very mini, just like the buildings of most residents around Pattaya.The first floor is about forty or fifty square meters in size and changed to a two-story style.

This is Qiu Yuelong's residence?

Xu Mo got out of the car and confirmed with Appi beside him.

Appy looked at the door in front of him with a look of fear on his face.

"Mr. Xu... This is the studio of Teacher Shui Longjing in Pattaya. That... Then the hotel I told you is waiting for you, if you have something to do, call me! I'm leaving now!" Mo just made the gesture of hesitating whether to press the doorbell, and Api suddenly retreated to the front of the car, and was about to get into the car and drive in seconds.

This kid was frightened and fired, right?

Seeing Api fleeing here, Xu Mo became more nervous.

What kind of child will it be?

Speaking of which, if she is not a student of her own, she is still a fan of her. In the past two years, she has been chasing her works and spent one lonely night after another.

It is not only to meet with my students, but also to meet with my favorite authors.

Both emotions are now combined.

However, to be able to come to this place of right and wrong in order to obtain materials is really professional, even though there has been no progress after three months.

But this spirit is worthy of praise.

Xu Mo pressed the doorbell in a panic.

Once, no one opened.

Two times, still no one opened.

Three times, no one opened.

Xu Mo's hearing was very good, and he did not hear any noise in the room.

No one is there?

While hesitating whether to press the doorbell a few more times to check, there was a faint sound from behind the door: "Eh..."

Turning her head and looking, a girl in casual clothes was looking at him with the same puzzled eyes.

The girl has a delicate appearance, fair complexion, and clear eyes to enhance the overall feeling. The hair is combed on one side, and the temperament is completely gentle, virtuous and educated lady.

Xu Mo noticed that her delicate hands were like jade, reflecting the bright sun, as transparent as if she had a very special feeling, although she was carrying a plastic bag normally at this time.

Could it be that she is... Qiu Yuelong?

When Xu Mo came here, he imagined a lot of her appearance, and still felt incredible when it was visible.

An author who paints 18X works so popular is a sixteen-year-old female high school student. Doesn't his temperament still be such a typical graceful girl?I thought... it was a more unrestrained personality, such as Nan Bing?

Maybe you think too much?It's just temperament, what if the character is not like this on the surface?

"Is that... Huaxia? You are in front of my house. Is there something going on?" The girl even bowed politely.

OMG, still such a polite character?Is that really a good girl?Principal Yan was right. As expected, she was a relative. The girls who went out of their house really... are so gentle and virtuous, elegant and generous.Principal Yan seems to have also said that when she was young, she was the kind that was expected by her family, indicating that the level must be not bad.

Can such a young girl really paint such a work?

Is she the Shui Longjing who painted the "bitch" heroine?It's impossible to imagine going together!

Sure enough... is it the result of a crooked skill book?

Xu Mo was shocked in his mind. It took a long time to remember that he hadn't answered the question of the girl in front of him. He hurriedly scratched his head and said, "Yes, yes...Are you Qiu Yuelong? I am the head teacher of Class A of the second year of Qingye Academy. My name is Xu. "

Hearing that it was the teacher of the Qingye Academy, Qiu Yuelong became more polite, stepped forward and bowed deeply, not forgetting the lady’s etiquette: "Yes, I’m Qiu Yuelong... In this way, I understand Teacher Xu, it’s very embarrassing to ask you to run a long way for me. It’s hot outside, so you can go into the house and talk."

She quickly opened the door and invited Xu Mo in.

Xu Mo didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and that the other party seemed to be a super good girl who communicated well?

Why is it different from the script in your imagination?

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