My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 425

What about the girl who said good question?Isn't this... a great girl?As for making Principal Yan and his family helpless, as for making Koupi She so helpless?

God helps me too!Good luck. Classmate Qiu is a good boy and speaks very well. If you go into the house and have a good chat with her, you can definitely persuade her to go back, right?

Her mood suddenly became happy, and she followed Qiu Yuelong into the room.

It felt a little dim when I entered the room, maybe because the curtains were drawn in the room, I don't know why it was so dim in broad daylight.

After not walking a few steps after her, Xu Mo seemed to have stepped on something slippery, and the feeling of stepping in barefoot was stained with a lot of sticky things.

I lower my head to take a closer look at what it is...

A...fat stick covered with strange liquid.

PS: Everyone has a dark history, but very few people expose the dark history.There is a dark history. Now that I see it, I will tremble and get goose bumps all over the floor. You can feel it when it comes out.This is what I made five years ago... I can't bear to look directly at it.For the first time, I hated piracy so much, because I deleted all the genuine ones, but all the piracy could be found by searching, which led to the black history that survived until now.

The cover of Chapter 459 cannot be changed temporarily

A familiar way to wear a stick!Flesh-colored!Made according to the advantages of Europeans!

It looks very powerful when you look at it. With this method of piercing a stick, even fleshy armor can penetrate through and cause damage!

This method wears the stick... and there are a lot of sticky things, so Xu Mo's feet get this.

Xu Mo naturally knows what things are used for, but what the hell is the slime on it!

This amount... is also inexplicably too much, right?fountain?

Wait, why has the style of painting changed again?Didn’t it just become a healing system?Why did I feel that I was pulled back with a little color.

Seeing Xu Mo suddenly stopped, Qiu Yuelong looked back at the ground, and saw the flesh-colored Fa Chuan stick lying quietly beside Xu Mo’s feet, hurriedly came to pick it up from the ground and hold it in his hand. The technique was very proficient, and when he lifted it up, he still passed it back and forth in his hands, even if his hands were covered with strange, unidentified liquids, it didn't matter.

However, she still feels like... a gentle lady?

She apologized holding the law stick: "I'm sorry, Teacher Xu, the house is a little messy, this one was accidentally thrown here, and I thought I couldn't find it..."

Seeing this, Xu Mo was still thinking about the unlikely reason, maybe... her personality is actually natural and dull, this way of wearing a stick... is actually used to pass the sewer?So she doesn't know what this is for?

No no... For a master who paints 18X works, it's impossible not to know...

That’s right, because Qiu Yuelong soon regretfully flipped through the plastic bag she had just brought in, and took out a full attendance package from it, which was exactly the same as the one in her hand. The only difference is that one has a strange liquid and the other does not. He shook his head regretfully, "I thought I couldn't find it... So I rushed to buy another one just now... It seems useless now. Oh."

"Ms. Xu?" The face of a good girl appeared in front of her, and she asked suspiciously, as if she was talking about a very ordinary topic.

Xu Mo didn't know why he would ask such a stupid question: "What are you doing with this...?"

She smiled faintly, put the two sticks in her hand away, and led Xu Mo to the second floor again: "Teacher Xu, are you interested in this? If you are interested, you can come to the second floor with me. Look, the second floor is where I usually work."

I don't know what I was thinking, so the ghosts and gods followed her upstairs.

Opening the door of the cabin on the second floor, it was full of the scent of H. It was not the kind of breath that could be really smelled with the nose, but the smell of H that could be felt from the five senses.

The room is small, forty to fifty square meters, but there are a lot of things.

The pile of waste paper in the corner looks like a draft. From the slightly exposed pictures, it is really exquisite. Even if it is an 18X notebook, Shui Longjing’s style of painting in the industry is also first-class. I am a 18X and cut corners on the painter, but pay more attention to details. The pictures are very comfortable to see, so that I can use it more. tablet, these are all normal, she is also a cartoonist.

The two high-magnification telescopes next to the window that seem to be used to observe the stars will not be mentioned for the time being. The computer is pausing the 18X game screen, and the TV on one side is not paused. It is showing a love action movie, and the sound is still on unscrupulously. , Xu Mo went upstairs and stood here, Qiu Yuelong's face did not appear to be wrong, but more natural.

She has always been very ladylike, and it's true that people can't find a reason to say her.

But ladies... are they the kind of people who will be calm in this situation?

18X magazines on the ground, all kinds of H-books, pull beads, ropes, different lengths of method to wear sticks, 1:1 silicone human body that looks sure to be expensive and not cheap, all kinds of sexy clothes...some of them also Bringing something that hasn't dried up makes it impossible not to think about crookedness.

TV ear is coming 'Um um um ah ...... ah ah ah ah' sound, is a very calm and smiling in front of Qiu Yue Long.

Xu Mo couldn't be absolutely calm, and he definitely felt drunk in his heart, but... this kind of occasion would not make him show too much expression and surprise.

To be simple is embarrassment, I don't know where to start complaining first.

A few minutes passed, the more Xu Mo did not show too much unexpected expression, and the longer Qiu Yuelong's eyes stayed on him.

Until she took the initiative to say: "It's really unexpected. After all, this room of mine is special. I thought Teacher Xu would be more unacceptable if he is a more traditional person. You just... don't you have any special feelings?"

This question, if you really want Xu Mo to tell the truth, it actually feels helpless.

Because, Xu Mo, the 18X game that was suspended on her computer, has played and cleared the game. The guide I watched at the time seems to be written by Xiao Jiu.

The action movies on TV are quite classic adaptations, and Xu Mo can tell them the serial number, let alone watch it many times.

I don't know how many of the things on the floor are of the same style as Nan Bing. I have played them personally. No wonder.

I really felt surprised and embarrassed. The surprise was because of the contrast Qiu Yuelong gave him. A child with an image of an obedient girl and a lady behaved in such two extreme styles.As for embarrassment... it would definitely be embarrassing to be alone in this kind of room with a girl who was her student for the first time.

"It doesn't feel any special." I was mentally prepared before, if I fell down at the beginning, I would not be a male pig's foot.

"Ms. Xu... is a little different from other teachers. I became interested in you. Sit down and talk. For example, what did you call me today?" She pulled out two of the H magazines. One of the pads was spread under him, and the other was handed to Xu Mo.

Although she still looks gentle and virtuous, she always feels that her attitude has warmed up a little bit from the beginning?

The blinking frequency of the eyes is faster. I don't know if it is an illusion. When we first met, Xu Mo felt that this girl was pretty good everywhere, but why didn't her eyes blink? I haven't seen her blinking for a long time.

PS: 4 more...Oh...I went to bed, I haven't stayed up all night for a month. QAQ

The four hundred and sixtieth chapter is no problem, the disease is in PS

After sitting down, Xu Mo's heart actually calmed down a lot.

The first impression was too strong, and it was wrong to define her directly as an obedient girl, knowledgeable, gentle and virtuous.Don't forget, she is the Shui Longjing... That 18X book domain exists like a god, and the room is in this style... Isn't it normal!

And she came to Pattaya for materials, for materials!

Api also introduced it before. Pattaya was originally called the "Kingdom of Sex and Love". It's normal for her to come here to collect materials.

"Ah, Teacher Xu, I forgot to pour you tea, please wait a moment... Well, I only have milk left here, okay?" She hurriedly got up and took another bottle of milk on the messy table nearby. .

"En." It doesn't matter what you drink, but Qiu Yuelong's performance has always retained her previous behavior as a lady.

For example, someone who is very sensible serves tea for the guests...Well, there is no problem with replacing the tea with any beverage.

There was originally a glass of milk in a cup next to the milk, with a chopstick stuck in it. She didn't know what it was for. Did she drink the rest?I heard that Thai milk is very good, but from the outside, the glass of milk in her hand seems to be not milky white, but with a little yellowish color.

Oh, banana milk, right?

She took the cup of banana milk that she had, and then took the empty cup to help Xu Mo also pour a cup.

He politely served Xu Mo, and then sat down again.

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