My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 457

Because the slave girl really has an inexplicable attraction that makes herself want to stop.

"Eh, by the way, if she has been signed for, that is to say, teacher, you and she have already...?"

Qiu Yuelong was quite interested in this.

Xu Mo had to explain in a hurry: "Ahem! She just kissed me!"

Qiu Yuelong chuckled a few times with one hand over her mouth, and stretched out relaxedly: "Well, teacher anyway, you should talk to this kid first? Anyway, now she is your slave, the most anxious She is the right person. I will leave you two maids here. I will go upstairs and rest for a while."

With that said, she walked upstairs with a happy expression.

Halfway through, I didn’t forget to remind Xu Mo: “Teacher, in the third drawer under the TV in the living room, there are a few boxes of condoms that I used to collect materials. There are luminous, bumpy, and ultra-thin ones. There are many types. You can use it whatever you want."


Qiu Yuelong has become more and more like an 18X creator since he liberated himself, and it has become more and more dirty.

Xu Mo was speechless.

In any case, Xu Mo has to solve the troublesome things alone.

Inferior, it's like what Qiu Yuelong said...No matter what else, just make the mistake first and then go wrong. Anyway, everyone is here.

Looking at the bewildered slave girl, Xu Mo couldn't help but feel a little pain.

It seems that seeing her showing such an expression makes her feel weak.

In fact, it seems like that?

PS: Zhang Tui 883's new book "The Heroic War"

Chapter 493 Snowman teaches you to play mints

Anyway, at this time, only Xu Mo and the slightly shy slave girl were left in the living room of Qiu Yuelong's house.

If the two are alone, Xu Mo feels even more unable to control himself.

That kind of physical desire drove his body to constantly want to hold the slave girl in his arms, hold her tightly, and even kiss her face.

Yes, face.

The face is enough.

That's it.

The so-called desire that Xu Mo is talking about here really has nothing to do with the desire between men and women. The desire of the opposite sex in the body can be said a little bit, there is no trace, and it does not exist.

Just wanting to hold her because of that special impulse.

In other words, Xu Mo even felt that in front of this slave girl, he was a great saint who was harmless to humans and animals, a white lotus that emerged from the silt without staining.

To put it harder... Xu Mo felt that he was impotent in front of her and couldn't harden it at all!Because there is no such desire at all!

I just really like her and want to hold her in my arms and touch her...

My God, why is this happening.

Is she my biological sister who has been long-lost?

Xu Mo sat in the living room, staring with the slave girl, and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing.

Mainly, he doesn't know what to do better.

Only her was left in her sight, and her mind was full of thoughts like'want to kiss her, touch her, want to hug her'.

Looking at the slave girl, her white face may be slightly reddish because of tension, and she looks very sweet and delicious.

For her, today is the beginning of a new life, and she is the only master in her life, who will live together forever in the future.

Slave education from a young age may also make her feel that she is her own.

Hey... It's really difficult.

Xu Mo tried hard to calm himself down. By the way, it seems that she hasn't heard anything before?

Seeing that the girl was 13 to 45 years old, she was a little immature and grew up in the slave market. She should only speak one or two languages, one of which was the mother tongue before she was sent to the slave market as a child.

Seeing her appearance is indeed the appearance of Huaxia people, and when she was delivered to the door today, she was specially dressed up, which has a Chinese ancient charm.

Of course, in such a big world, there are many people from Asian countries who look similar to Chinese people, and their appearance alone is not enough to determine.

Or try to communicate with her?

Xu Mo really felt that he was a different person in front of a slave girl. With the level of cheeky he has trained, when was he still so nervous in front of a girl?

That's right, I'm so nervous now.

The nervousness was at a loss, and he didn't know how to speak.

It is as if it was the first time that A Zhai, who had lived at home for 20 years and was over 40, was brought out to have a blind date with a girl.

The tense legs are trembling!

When has Xu Mo felt this way over the years?Even in front of her first crush, Summer, this did not happen.

Finally thought about it, raised his head and said to her: "Uh...Chinese?"

The slave girl looked at Xu Mo in confusion, but did not respond, of course she did not respond.

It seems not.

So it must be English, right?


The slave girl still looked a little confused, at a loss, unable to understand Xu Mo's meaning.

Can't speak English either?

Xu Mo doesn't understand it a bit, so what language did Inavan teach her?Xu Mo doesn't understand other languages.

I can't go to the evil slave market and ask...

The key point is that Xu Mo himself only knows these two. He is not a soldier king or some urban immortal cultivator, and he is proficient in one hundred and eighty languages.

So how do I communicate with her now... I didn't expect it to be so difficult even at the beginning.

When Xu Mo was tangled, the slave girl's eyes noticed the mess of things on the table in the living room.

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