My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 458

This house was originally rented by Qiu Yuelong when he was in Pattaya. There were many amazing props. As a creator, she naturally did not have the time to tidy up, so piles of them It also seemed normal there.

Although there is not a serious thing among the pile of things as high as a hill on the desktop.

The pile of things was not far away from her. She watched for a long time, then gently stretched out her little hand, looked at Xu Mo and said with a little disbelief: "Sugar..."

"Huh?" Xu Mo suddenly raised his head.

Is this Chinese?

She just said sugar?

Xu Mo stood up and looked in the direction of the slave girl's little finger. Sure enough... there was a pack of pink items in the pile of debris on the tabletop, which looked very beautiful and packaged beautifully.

Although she was very moved, she seemed to have spoken a sentence in Chinese, but embarrassingly, this candy-like thing is not sugar...

Xu Mo took the thing in his hand, pointed a little awkwardly, and confirmed with the slave girl.

The slave girl reacted, nodded cutely, and her little tongue was greedy: "Sugar~"

Ah... she really can say.

But... this is not sugar.

Some two-sex drugs will also be packaged like this very beautifully and gorgeously and sold out... The package she misunderstood is “very strong”.

Fortunately, she was so behaved that she didn't take it to eat by herself. She just asked Xu Mo tentatively and asked for Xu Mo's consent.

If the girl accidentally eats this thing, the consequences are really unimaginable.

"This can't be eaten." Xu Mo said to her.

However, the girl obviously didn't understand it completely, and shook her head to indicate that she did not understand.

"No...?" Her Sang Xin was sweet and lovely, just like her appearance.

Especially when such a lovely voice spoke, it moved Xu Mo's soul even more.

That kind of infinite attraction raised two levels even more, and even made Xu Mo unable to refuse any request she made now.

If she said she wanted Xu Mo to pick stars in the sky, Xu Mo would agree.

Sugar... sugar, right?

Xu Mo rummaged in the pile of debris.

Because the girl wants to eat sweets, she must satisfy him.

Now I only have this idea in my mind.

In the end, Xu Mo really found sugar...Although it was strange, at least it was the kind that could be eaten!


Smooth and round mints!


Seeing this, some people are very puzzled. Why would mints become the material props of Qiu Yuelong, the creator of 18X?

There are many ways to correct mints, one of the most famous is from Dongguan, my country.

One of the thirty-six formulas is called "Fan Jiang Da Hai".

The correct posture is--

Put the mint into the py and feel it with your heart. If you want to take it out, you need to use the flexible thing in your mouth. The saliva will melt the mint, the mint... you know.

So you will go to heaven.

Do you understand?

PS: Benghuai III ID: 33800264 Add me!Apple’s, the name is Ula Snowman

Chapter 494 I am very impulsive!

Although the meaning of this sugar appearing here is very strange, but its essence is still a good sugar, as long as you don't look at it with dirty eyes.

But Xu Mo couldn’t use a pure eye to look at this moment that seemed ordinary... In fact, it was actually a mint candy, but the powerful attraction of the slave girl was too weird to refuse her little Request, everything wants to satisfy her.

Xu Mo held the mint in his hand and looked at her.

Having said that, what exactly is this kid's language ability...?

Before figuring it out, Xu Mo could only judge from previous judgments that what she acquired in the slave market should be another language.And she should be a Chinese talent. She was able to speak a little bit of Chinese just now, but they were all intermittent words, and it was a bit difficult to understand her own words.

It should have been a little bit of language memory saved before being sent to the slave market when I was a child, and it’s good to remember a little bit now.

In short, give her the sugar first.

Xu Mo actually started to become stubborn, and he didn't know what was going on.

Obviously facing girls, especially girls of this age, he should be the best at it now.

How can you feel this way?

Xu Mo tried to calm himself down, looking at the slave girl's eyes... By the way, saying that she was a girl, in fact, seemed a little underage.

The appearance of the slave girl is smaller than that of Elegy Nanbing and the others, but bigger than the lemon.

Above Lori, the girl is not satisfied with this feeling.

Let's just call it a girl.

After a short pause, the slave girl was very well-behaved, quietly watching Xu Mo's eyes waiting, she seemed to have relaxed a lot.

Get accustomed to Xu Mo's appearance and the intense eyes that look at yourself.

Xu Mo smiled friendly at her. If the language doesn't work right now, at least her body language can make her feel more at ease.

The slave girl looked at Xu Mo holding the mint and smiled. She also showed the same smile, which was more natural than Xu Mo's smile.

Beckoned to her, the slave girl quickly realized and walked over cautiously.

Xu Mo squatted on the ground, maintaining the same height as her, and seeing her face more clearly.Such facial features are of course beautiful...but I always feel like I have seen it somewhere, before I came to Pattaya.

Especially this eyebrow, this eye... where did you see it?

As a human being, in many cases it will be much slower than usual.

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