My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 459

Especially in front of the closest person.

For know.

Even in this seemingly ordinary and warm occasion, the weird impulse in Xu Mo's heart still did not disappear.

But this time it was not an impulsive desire to hold her, but...

For example, you should pass the candy to the girl at normal times.

And Xu Mo didn't do that, he didn't know it himself, it was the kind of weird impulse to slave girls.

Xu Mo helped her remove the outer packaging of the mint candy, smiled and brought the mint candy body to her mouth... just like this, he wanted to feed her.

No matter how you think about it, the strange behavior is obviously the girl you just met.

It's a mess of ghosts.

However, although the slave girl hesitated for a few seconds, she still opened her attractive little mouth with an angelic smile, allowing Xu Mo to put the mint finger in her mouth.

At that moment, Xu Mo's fingers might be slightly out of size compared to her mouth. When he put down the mint and took it out, he even touched her teeth, stained with a little girly fragrance.

This alone made Xu Mo's heart excited.

Of course, it's just pure excitement, no one with male hormones.

Not only that, after the mint was in her mouth, the slave girl also showed a beautiful smile from her heart to express to Xu Mo the deliciousness of mint... This smile made Xu Mo almost want to kneel down and thank the heavens.

What am I doing?Lost and crazy?The girl is so happy with a smile?

Xu Mo realized it, but couldn't control it.

Seeing her smile, I couldn't control the smile and made a fool.

Can I...touch her?

Such an impulse emerged in my heart.

The slave girl was innocently tasting the mint in front of Xu Mo at this time. She didn't know the meaning of the mint in this house. It was great to be able to eat this way.

She was defenseless, Xu Mo was a wolf whose impulse grew stronger.

The kind of wolf that has animal desires but no dick.

When Xu Mo reacted, his right hand already held the slave girl's warm little hand.

At the beginning, the girl didn't react a bit, but then she seemed to think that this was pretty good, and she held Xu Mo's hand tightly.

Boom boom... boom boom...

This is Xu Mo's heartbeat.

The reason and impulse in Xu Mo's heart, at this time the impulse had already prevailed, and at the moment when he held her little hand, the reason or something ceased.

At this moment, all Xu Mo's mind was filled with the kind of natural and weird impulse, urging him to do something.

Xu Mo took the slave girl's little hand and walked out.

Two hours later-

Panting Xu Mo pulled the confused slave girl back into the living room again, watching the busy workers in the house move things up and down.

During these two hours, Xu Mo completely lost his mind and took the slave girl to a nearby shopping mall and bought something worth more than 100,000 RMB.

There are furniture, clothes, ornaments...

Xu Mo almost got back everything that a girl of this age should have.

For real chickens in Thailand, Alipay can be used everywhere.

If it were not for the daily limit of 100,000, Xu Mo could spend more.

Spending money for slave girls?It's worth it!

She is happy, she is so important!


That's it!

This is Xu Mo who was impulsive just now.

Now sitting back in the living room, I suddenly regained my senses.

"Dear Sir, your room has been arranged according to your requirements. You and your slave lady will definitely like it very much. You are welcome to visit our Jill department store next time. Please give it to me if it is convenient. A five-star praise."

I don’t know why, not only can you use Alipay everywhere in Thailand, but also why everyone wants five-star reviews?

Forget it, forget it.

Holding the slave girl's little hand, Xu Mo also wanted to see what he did impulsively just now...

PS: Yesterday you actually understood that the comforter had the upper hand... The thief was accidental. In fact, I intended to make you complain about it.Forget it, I am very touched, today 521, I love you all.

Chapter 495 I've been there, there is plenty of water

This is a room next to the first floor. It turned out that Qiu Yuelong seemed to be used as a guest room, but after Xu Mo was dazzled by the impulse just now, he went to the department store and took the fastest time. What it looks like now.

This not-so-small room was carefully arranged and used as a slave girl's room.

Even if he knew that Qiu Yuelong would return to China after finishing her creation, it might be a day or two, but Xu Mo felt that the money was worth it, and she couldn't wrong her.

He was not buying a slave at all, it was more like buying a daughter.

Although there are indeed a lot of wealthy people who come to Pattaya to buy young slaves and will treat them like this, but they are all for the last time to play a father-daughter play or something more substituting, not like Xu Mo at all. Having animal desires from the heart but not having surname desires.

Of course, Xu Mo didn't know what was going on.

The room layout is a little more childish, and the wallpaper is in pink and cartoon style.

At least this color system should make people feel warm and comfortable in the room.

Naturally, the necessary furniture is indispensable in the room. Previously, this room was a vacant room, which was only used to pile up some debris.

Now Xu Mo has bought a bed, a small sofa, a TV, a table lamp... he has all the furniture he could think of just now.

The main color is also warm and comfortable pink, and of course, piles of dolls are indispensable. I am afraid that in terms of quantity, they will almost catch up with Liu Yiqiu's room.

In short, Xu Mo created this room with a perfect girl's heart under his impulse, and it was naturally prepared for the slave girl.

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