My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 478

Xu Mo recalled a little bit in his mind. After all, it was not a difficult thing. It was a very simple trick. He quickly raised a finger and then gently nodded on Qiu Yuelong's forehead.

An instant refreshing and comfortable feeling spread throughout Qiu Yuelong's body, and her restless and excited emotions instantly calmed down, her irrational thinking became clearer, and her red face returned to its normal color.

This martial arts seems to be called'Bing Qing Jue'.

Because once the elegy seemed to have dysmenorrhea when I came to my aunt, I couldn’t bear it and wanted to help her. The elegy said that I could help her with some kind of ice clearing technique, but I could not use it on myself, so Xu Mo learned it.

When I learned it, I also learned that Bing Qing Jue had the effect of refreshing the body and calming the mind, so I used it here.

In fact, what Xu Mo didn't know was, would Elegy really cause dysmenorrhea in his aunt?She also used Bing Qing Jue to help Nan Bing.

That's a bad elegy. In order for her beloved man to get in touch with her more, she has become more like a woman.

That can't be regarded as a means, but a way of loving others.

PS: Studying medicine can't save the Chinese, but it can save my laziness.

Chapter 510 Milk tastes good

This light touch directly extinguished Qiu Yuelong's strong desire, eager to see the 36 desires hidden in Xu Mo's pants.

The feeling that she suddenly stretched out all over her body is really great. It turns out that she has barely rested for the past twenty-four hours. She has been lying in front of the case. No matter how strong her body is, she will feel tired, not to mention that she is just a ten. A six-year-old girl, no matter how strong the willpower is, will feel bad.

With a single tap, Xu Mo immediately wiped out these negative states, making her feel refreshed and completely recovered.

The enthusiasm for watching 36CM has finally decreased a lot.

But Bing Qingjue still played a calming role, unlike hypnosis that could change her mind and forget about 36CM.

But at least she should be able to listen to her own words now?Try it out.

Qiu Yuelong’s expression was completely immersed in the comfort that gave her body at that moment. Xu Mo walked over and emphasized her thoughts again in her ear: "This involves personal privacy... so I can’t give you Look! Even if you say anything, I can't promise you! At least when 3000 is here..."

In the first half of Xu Mo's sentence, his righteous words are powerful and unyielding.

But fake, even when he said this, he felt goose bumps all over his body.

In the second half of the sentence, I spoke softly, without confidence, for fear of being heard.

But it's not against my heart, I feel much more comfortable.

In fact, Xu Mo hadn't noticed Sanqian's reaction. When Xu Mo was embarrassed and the first reaction was rejection, a smile flashed under her confused expression.

Qiu Yuelong stood there for a few seconds, not so much that she didn't care about the 36cm anymore, it was better to say that her attention was shifted to other places.

She was so determined by Bing Qing that the thoughts in her mind suddenly became clear. The so-called thinking is like a fountain of thought, maybe she is in this state, and the desire to create suddenly rekindled, like She wanted to create a wonderful story right now, where the strange thing was added to the milk just now.

In this comparison, 36CM seems to be less important now.

She heard what Xu Mo said very clearly. If Sanqian is not there, she can there a chance to agree?

Thinking this way, Qiu Yuelong compromised.

Although it is also very curious, how exactly did Teacher Xu do it, just tap the center of his forehead lightly with a finger to make his body so refreshing and pleasant?

But her character doesn't care about these, nor does she take the initiative to ask.

If she really wants to ask, Xu Mo's answer must be ambiguous, "This is a legendary point!Chinese medicine is unfathomable!'Or' For the teacher, I applied the centuries-old essence of the ancestral spirit on the fingers of my teacher.'Such an answer.

Qiu Yuelong made a posture like stretching her waist and intimately hooked her hand on Xu Mo's shoulder: "Since the teacher has said so, then I can only... reluctantly agree, although it seems that I don't understand What happened, but the 36cm stuff teacher must keep his promise and show me next time."

"Shhh!!" She said so loudly, Xu Mo quickly made a gesture to let him down quietly to remind her that Sanqian was still watching.

There are some things that cannot be said in front of her!

Teaching bad children how to do, although 3000 is already regarded as a miniature girl in their respective sense, and not within the scope of a child, Xu Mo is still treated as a child.

After all, from the inside out, I want to take good care of her. This feeling is like getting a daughter worthy of love.

"Okay, okay, I know. Then the teacher will continue to tell the story of 3000 creation. I am looking forward to it, and I won't disturb you. Thanks to the teacher, I feel that I am in perfect condition now. I will go upstairs first. The sketches are gone.” Qiu Yuelong, who was passionate about creation, seemed to be a different person, completely abandoning the image of a knowledgeable lady she was born with and became the way she is now.

Qiu Yuelong, who was vigorous and resolute, would go straight upstairs after finishing her words.

Xu Mo is still a teacher who cares about the students and hurriedly stopped her: "Hey, wait, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I have made your portion together. Eat first before painting. Breakfast is good for the stomach."

Qiu Yuelong responded to Xu Mo's request and returned to bypass Xu Mo and picked up the glass of milk that had just been poured.

It was poured into three thousand cups for three thousand.

After leaving it for a while, it was already warm and not burning, so Qiu Yuelong drank the cup of milk smoothly.

After drinking, I felt a little surprised: "Huh? There is no smell at all? It seems that Teacher Xu is really different. It means that it is healthy and there is no peculiar smell. Even when mixed in milk, it seems perfect. It's the same."

This is probably a compliment to Xu Mo, for her.

Xu Mo expressed shock. What does Qiu Yuelong... mean?

There is no doubt that she felt 100% that she had some special sticky substance mixed in that glass of milk.(In fact, did not do this)

Then why are you still taking the initiative to drink up that glass of milk?

Qiu Yuelong took the initiative to explain very generously: "I have made so many fakes, I wanted to try it for a long time, um...Is that the original feeling? After all, the fakes can only simulate what you can see with the naked eye. It feels, but there is no way to appreciate the taste and taste. It’s all for creating a more immersive story. Besides, isn’t it said that this thing has the effect of beautifying Yang Yuan's body? It’s great, Mr. Xu~ Alright, me Go up first, bye."

By the way, she was very sorry to come back as if she had forgotten something, and said in front of Sanqian: "Sorry, Xiaosanqian, I drank your milk first when I was excited, but I guarantee the teacher he is full of energy now It is not difficult to make a cup..."

She smiled and walked upstairs contentedly, with her tongue still in her mouth trying to taste some special flavors in the glass of milk just now.

But, it really doesn't seem to be?Is the teacher's one colorless and tasteless?Drink it again next time.

There was... Xu Mo who was confused and didn't know where to start complaining.

PS: 22 rounds brought out the three boats that were up in the event. Is it average?

Chapter 511 Xia Yuhe!

Where should I start complaining?

Xu Mo took a deep breath, forget it... It's so difficult to explain, and the explanation can't make sense.

Qiu Yuelong would not believe it.

Looking at the three thousand in a daze ahead, Xu Mo's heart eased a lot, and now he still cares about the most practical of three thousand.

This child, didn't he understand it just now, would it scare her?

I blame myself, I have to teach 36cm if I teach anything bad.

"Good morning." Xu Mo made a gentle expression and waved to her.

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