My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 479

Sanqian was very clever, realizing that Xu Mo was not teaching her about certain items.

So I learned how Xu Mo raised his hand and waved it gently: "Good morning."

"Huh?" Xu Mo was surprised to discover that when he was studying yesterday, three thousand syllables could not be said very well.

It's not like standard Mandarin, but I think there is an accent that foreigners speak Mandarin.

Like a'pillow', it can easily be called a'steal'.

But today, how do you feel that the first sentence she said was very standard, in authentic Mandarin.

Xu Mo felt very surprised, this learning ability is too strong?A born linguist?

Faced with some talents, Xu Mo, a girl born with some extraordinary abilities, is really no wonder, so it's no wonder he has such thoughts.

That's why I think Sanqian is a girl like a "super language genius".

I tried to continue talking to her again. These content words are no longer limited to objects, but adjectives or verbs like'Good Morning' that can make her understand with simple body language.

As imagined, Sanqian really learned very well and very fast, especially the pronunciation no longer felt like yesterday's foreign friends, she is a pure Chinese little sister.

It’s just that the vocabulary may be slightly smaller, and it’s still difficult to express yourself fluently and smoothly.

The milk Xu Mo is really not black, it is really good milk without added, rest assured milk!

Sanqian was very supportive, although it was probably because she didn't understand what Qiu Yuelong said just now. She had breakfast with relish, and she looked grateful to Xu Mo.

She seemed very happy to be able to start such a new life, especially since Xu Mo was always taking care of her.

As a slave, she may really not know her fate, but she was also foreshadowed when she was trained as a slave when she was a child?There are many things that can happen.

It turns out that as a slave, she should have served her master.

It's more like being taken care of now, and she feels a bit sad.

Because Xu Mo discovered that San Qian seemed to have something to do, he didn't know how to express it in his heart.

Of course, those above are only Xu Mo's brain supplements. After all, the three thousand he knows are slaves delivered from the slave market, and they are genuine.

But in fact, who is the real three thousand?

This is not known.

In terms of where I felt it, when I was about to wash myself after eating breakfast, Sanqian very cleverly helped Xu Mo walk to the sink with the dishes.

But Xu Mo just smiled at her, then took the dishes and washed them.

Three thousand seemed a little overwhelmed.

When Xu Mo observed, the dishes had been quickly washed by him.

Looking at 3000 who was a little overwhelmed and eager to try, Xu Mo realized that she was a slave girl again.

She wants to help together, right?

But such a complicated expression cannot be done with the body, Xu Mo can only gently touch her head, trying to make her feel at ease.

How can I express that I didn't see her as a slave, so she didn't need to be too serious and do many things?

For the time being, she can only experience it with the gentleness of her.

This is not a slave. It might be better to treat it as a family member.

Although I still don't know what the attraction on her body is.

If it weren't for a fallout with that person, I really wanted to ask if I had been to Daming Lake and met a woman named Xia Yuhe and made myself a younger sister.

In other words... it really looks a bit like ah!?

When Xu Mo thought of this, he naturally thought of his only sister Xu Yan, and then looked down at Three Thousand.

The two figures can actually overlap dimly.


No way?

Xu Mo pulled Sanqian in front of him and observed the appearance of Sanqian closely. Before, he only thought that she was cute and beautiful, but these features...seem!

No wonder Xu Yan suddenly had the illusion of overlapping figures when thinking of Xu Yan. This is related.

Three thousand eyes were almost exactly the same as Xu Yan's.

It's just that Sanqian's eyes are usually more pure, while Xu Yan's eyes are full of uncertainty, and they seem to be full of unfathomable expressions.

Therefore, the difference in the eyes is not noticed.Observe carefully now, without mentioning anything in the eyes, only from the appearance, it is really the same as carved out of a mold.

The mouth... also seems to be.

When Sanqian laughed, he had dimples, did Xu Yan have it?

It seems there are indeed!

It's just that Xu Mo hasn't seen his sister's brilliant smile for many years, and the dimple hasn't been seen for a long time.


The more Xu Mo saw it, the more familiar it became, San Qian was not only as simple as Xu Yan.

Still like himself!

The nose and myself seem...

Her facial features are now becoming clearer and clearer in front of Xu Mo.

Both of Xu Mo and Xu Yan could find familiar feelings.

So... Is that so?

Xu Mo really felt more and more that San Qian was probably someone who was related to him by blood.

Since this is the case, there is only one possibility that it is half-parents?

Is there any reason?

Could it be him or Xu Yan's child?What an international joke, how old he is, three thousand are so old.

Although he was not confident enough to make a conclusion, Xu Mo believed that his eyes were correct.

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