My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 496

Therefore, Xu Mo just let her give her full play and try not to disturb her. During this period, she also ate the food Xu Mo sent.

It is now the next night. Although she has not lost her mind, she has been working continuously for a long time. Would you like to go up and remind her that she needs a little rest?

"Sanqian, wait for me obediently, I will go upstairs to find Sister Qiu." Xu Mo glanced upstairs again, then turned his head and said to Sanqian gently.


Sanqian nodded very obediently. She really felt relieved. If it were true, Xu Mo really hoped that his daughter would be like her in the future.

Sure enough, there is still no way to resist her well. San Qian laughed like this, feeling that his whole heart was going to be crisp.

By the way, it’s just like this kind of dialogue. In the past two days, Xu Mo didn’t do much else. They were communicating with her. It’s a miraculous existence. In Xu Mo’s view, the speed of 3,000 The naked eye can see that long sentences that were not well understood before can be understood by Xu Mo, and Xu Mo no longer has to bother to simplify what she wants to say.

Sure enough, the language talent of 3000 must be in Class A.

There is no problem. In this regard, Xu Mo also believes that San Qian will be able to exercise very well in a very short time.

After talking with Sanqian, Xu Mo took some egg tarts and juice made with Sanqian at night and went upstairs.

After Xu Mo went upstairs, the three thousand people in the living room turned into a state that Xu Mo had never seen before, his eyes became a little hesitant, and he looked at Xu Mo upstairs very worriedly. A pair of small hands kept touching the red velvet in his pocket.



As soon as Xu Mo pushed aside the studio on the second floor, Qiu Yuelong's body slammed into it directly. Xu Mo was fine, but Qiu Yuelong was knocked down instead.

Quickly helped her up from the ground: "It doesn't hurt, right?"

Qiu Yuelong didn't care about it at all. At this time, some ink used in painting was glued to her white face, and she said with excitement: "Ms. Xu! Me, me, I...I'm done! "

"What?" Xu Mo only cared about how she made herself like this...not only her face, but her arms were all black ink marks.

"That's right! It's the representative character that you said let me create, I have done it!"

She was extremely excited, and directly pulled Xu Mo to her workbench, and handed Xu Mo a bunch of new manuscripts.

PS: Under the supervision of the leader... Now the double update is temporarily resumed, and the update time is about afternoon to evening, that's it.

Chapter 530 Shaping Characters

Although Xu Mo almost guessed that it was because of her own words that she was immersed in a new creative passion after waking up, but she really did not expect...Even if she gave her a challenge that she had never tried, Painting things that I have never touched before, changing the rhythm of the plot, can all be done at this speed.

And after Xu Mo read this stack of manuscripts, the admiration in his heart became even stronger.

In terms of understanding, she did understand all of her layman's advice, and she did very well, much better than she thought.

In terms of character creation, as an 18X book painter, she is even better than many literary writers.

Others use words to shape a character, and rely more on the reader's own imagination to complete the image of a character in the mind.And Qiu Yuelong can use his own paintings to complete this polishing process, so that such images can be directly expressed into the readers' minds.

This manuscript is just what Xu Mo said, a short story that creates a memorable character. She is undoubtedly a perfect one. Xu Mo remembered the character completely after reading it, and...mainly thought it was quite good. interesting.

There is an urge to watch more stories about this character.

As an iconic character, it's really perfect.


Why is this character so similar to my own setting!

Xu Mo even felt that this character was the self in Qiu Yuelong's fantasy, and he looked a bit similar to himself, but it was the version with extreme beauty, and even felt a little disgusting and handsome.

In the setting, this character also has the ability to attract women naturally, and even if he wants to, he can use special hypnotic techniques to make women estrus... Honestly, Xu Mo was shocked when he saw the setting of hypnosis. I thought that when I was exposed to Qiu Yuelong, but thinking about it carefully, it should be a coincidence. There are only a handful of people who know about hypnotism, and it is impossible for Qiu Yuelong to know.

This character is a well-dressed animal on the surface, so the external character is very gentle and gentle, but once she comes into contact with a female, he will expose the character of ghosts and animals and do a lot of ghosts and animals.

This person seems to have a bit of artistic quality, and feels that he is an artist...Of course it is art in that area, so the way he treats female ghosts, even if it is a direct sex, is that they have never seen a variety of art. Very strong, new posture with perfect creative points.

There are many other works of the same ghost animal character, but this one is really so magical and humorous like this character.

It is easy to attract people all at once. I wonder what kind of profession this character is in the next story, what kind of heroine he will meet, what kind of ghosts and animals he will do, what kind of novel poses he will use...

Qiu Yuelong was really clever and didn't portray this character as a female, which Xu Mo had never thought of before.

Come to think of it, if it is really set to be a female, no matter how well the characters are portrayed, no new plot can be described with different males in each new story... there is no meaning at all.

Originally, the selling point of the 18X book was women. Unless Lily comics, it would be much better to set men.

It turns out that men are very indifferent in the 18X theme. It seems that when you are watching a small movie, do you still care whether the male protagonist is handsome or not?care?I'm afraid it's not GV Yo.

This way, a male protagonist who can penetrate the hearts of the people is very good, and everyone's attention will be more concentrated on the new heroine and the new plot. His existence is also important, and you can have both.


By the way, the most important setting for this character is...

As long as he takes off his pants and reveals the 36CM props for any woman to see, from an eight-year-old girl to a 70-year-old woman, they will fall in love with him unscrupulously.

And the character in the first story is a middle school teacher!

Put up a girl who loves painting!

The painting is great, great!It is even higher than her previous level, and with this role setting, Xu Mo's sense of substitution is very strong.

Qiu Yuelong has been looking forward to Xu Mo’s answer in front of Xu Mo. This manuscript is not only drawn with such creative enthusiasm, but for Qiu Yuelong, it’s more like a feeling that fills her heart. It is completely poured into this drawing.

If it is said that there is the color of love. Affection is the real color. Affection, this drawing can be full of love.

Xu Mo felt it, felt it strongly, and could already see it from the character's shaping.

After reading the drawing, the emotions in my heart are difficult to calm down, and the expression is a bit subtle, I don't know what to say.

The body is still honest, as everyone knows that Qiu Yuelong has been staring at a certain position of Xu Mo. When she saw that Xu Mo was looking at the drawing, she had already raised a tent, and she had set up a tent, and she was already relieved and relieved. That's ninety percent.

It's sweet in my heart, just like eating honey.

"It's perfect..." Xu Mo didn't even notice the embarrassing reaction of his body.

Except for this evaluation, Xu Mo can't give any other opinions.

Just like lemon's full score paper, although it is a one-hundred-point paper, each question also comes with six different solutions, which far exceed the expected value by several times.

"Really!?" Qiu Yuelong received Xu Mo's admiration. Although it was only three words, she noticed that Xu Mo's tent was already high, which was already the biggest compliment.

Her pretty face flushed suddenly, and she became slightly shy again.

She worked so hard to draw this drawing, and talked about all her feelings. In her opinion, it was not only a drawing, but also a special love letter of her own style.

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