My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 497

"Of course it is true. The results are much better than I expected... Is this really just a draft? It feels like it can be used as the first volume of a new work..."

Qiu Yuelong was full of sweetness and said nothing. He stepped forward and hugged Xu Mo tightly, ignoring that Xu Mo still had something against her.

"Hmm..." This child is really strong, Xu Mo was a little caught off guard by this hug, and it was embarrassing to feel that a certain place had already reacted, she hugged him so close and directly against it. On her lower abdomen.

PS: 2 is more, thanks to the leadership and supervision, I don’t know how long it has not been, and I will continue to cheer tomorrow~~

Chapter 531 The Posture of the Park

According to Qiu Yuelong's idea, this drawing is just an ordinary draft. Although Xu Mo already feels very good, Qiu Yuelong wants to take such a character seriously.

For Qiu Yuelong, this character is an existence created with Xu Mo, who just wants to make it more perfect.

Not in vain Xu Mo's painstaking efforts to himself.

Turns out I didn’t understand that I was wronged and blamed Teacher Xu... It’s...

Therefore, Qiu Yuelong decided to pick up some materials to polish the role, at least to be more brilliant in the plot.

So in the next morning, she ran to the most fringe area of ​​Pattaya alone. It was the nearest ordinary residential area to Pattaya. It didn't seem to be affected by the city that never sleeps. She lives here. They are also ordinary residents and minors who need to isolate the city that never sleeps.

There is a small park in this residential area. Although the park is small, it has all the internal organs. There are many fitness and amusement equipment for the elderly and children.

At this time, Qiu Yuelong was wearing a summer dress and sitting on a bench in the central activity area of ​​the small park. She wore the glasses that she would only wear when she was painting, which would not affect her high appearance. , It's more like a new style, which makes people feel completely new.

Holding a special sketchbook and pen in his hand, I seriously drew something on it.

To be honest, Qiu Yuelong really has a unique personal charm when she is serious at work in this state. She feels like a gentle, skillful and knowledgeable eldest lady. She really deserves to have such a background.

Her figure became a rare beautiful scenery in the park, attracting many people to stop and pay attention to her.

For example, in the distance, two teenagers like high school students stopped and discussed secretly.

"Wow... look, look, classmate Gangmen! There is a beautiful little girl there!"

"Really! I noticed just now. I haven't seen her nearby. Could it be a student who just transferred to Porter University Girls' School?"

"Maybe it doesn’t have to be a girls’ school... Don’t forget that we are in Thailand. There were 23 boys in our class last semester. As a result, there were 18 boys in this semester, and 5 of them went to the summer vacation. Underwent sex reassignment surgery... became a ladyboy."

"Ah... even if it's a ladyboy, such a pretty girl... it doesn't matter anyway. What is she doing? She looks serious, really beautiful..."

"Yes, that's right, if it's a ladyboy... it would be better to say... Hehehehe... Seeing her holding a picture book, she should be drawing, right? School art sketching homework?"

After saying this, another male student next to him apparently trembled all over, glanced at him with a very surprised look, then a faint blush appeared on his face, and he concealed it a little bit shyly, and continued His eyes were placed on Qiu Yuelong in the distance.

Qiu Yuelong didn't care at all. She is now focusing on the works in her hands. She came here early in the morning to collect materials. She came to the park as expected, especially the scenes and equipment here. Let her think of many interesting plots.

It's like saying... She is looking at a wooden swing not far away.

Then the picture drawn on the sketchbook is like this: Teacher Guihu tied the female student on a swing in a park with no one in the middle of the night, and the joints of the female students’ legs were high on the two ropes of the swing. Therefore, the legs of female students can only show the state of M-legs.

Then...the ghost animal teacher tore her clothes, while shaking the swing, while doing what she loves to do, every time she shakes back and forth, he can directly explore a certain place, just by the back and forth rhythm of the swing. , Is it convenient?

What is painted on the painting is exactly this process, but the kind without mosaic.

Qiu Yuelong’s expression was just a faint smile, and the smile was both pleasant and beautiful, she couldn’t see what she was painting... Behind her is the green fence of the park, and no one can stand behind her and see What is she drawing.

In the eyes of the onlookers, such a scene is really beautiful.

Blue sky, green grass, floral fragrance.

The long hair swayed by the breeze and the faint smile of the beauty make people feel relaxed and happy.

How could they think that Qiu Yuelong's paintings are all 18X content?

Qiu Yuelong looked up again, now her gaze was on the side of the seesaw, where there were four or five children playing and having fun.

And Qiu Yuelong saw this scene at this time, and the picture he drew on the sketchbook was like this:'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it is almost finished...Teacher...please do not lift up again...i...' The heroine in the story was tied by the teacher to a seesaw that was unoccupied in the middle of the night. Under the seesaw was a small prop that would vibrate strongly. Every time the seesaw rose, the thing would be opened and vibrated strongly. With the up and down of the seesaw, it is quite entertaining.

Qiu Yuelong saw the slides that the children were playing in the park. The picture he drew was like this: In a park with no one in the middle of the night, the ghost teacher and the female students under his control are naked, and then they are in' Sliding down from the slides in the park in the state of being fit, this kind of rapid installation of the'fitting' impact, but a new feeling that cannot be realized under any circumstances!

Including many other chairs...parallel bars...even sand.

The character that Qiu Yuelong has been polishing and shaping is really a'teacher' who can use many new poses with fantastic ideas.

It's absolutely unheard of, unseen.

Qiu Yuelong smiled as she watched it because it went so well.

In the eyes of the innocent onlookers, Qiu Yuelong's image seems to have been sublimated a lot.

"Look, that pretty girl smiled when she looked at the child... She must be a very caring person."

"Yes, yes, there are not many girls who can be so gentle and caring for children nowadays."

Qiu Yuelong wrote quickly, and the pleasant collection of materials was over immediately.

She was in a good mood, stretched out comfortably, closed the sketchbook and got up from the bench.

Hmm~ I have drawn a lot today, and I found a lot of useful things, so let’s go back first.

"Ah... she seems to be ready to go back after drawing..."

"Walking while humming and jumping around, I look in a good mood... so cute..."

PS: A new book will be opened next week. The new book is mainly for writing practice + adjustment for rehabilitation. It is comfortable to write new things on the old card text, but the update of the new book will be based on the completion of the update of the old book.

New books may not be suitable for late-night viewing and require a lot of vests.

Chapter 532 The Way of Taking Materials

However, it seems that Qiu Yuelong's collection of materials has not ended. Before drawing the official draft, she still wants to get more inspiration, and then select the plot stories to be selected for the official draft.

The way to get inspiration is very difficult, and Xu Mo's help is needed at this time.

It was the evening when he returned from the park, Xu Mo was secretly called by Qiu Yuelong after he fell asleep at about eleven o'clock.

"Teacher, can you accompany me to a place to collect materials?"

This is what Qiu Yuelong requested. Although Xu Mo had lingering fears, he still agreed to help Qiu Yuelong in order to help her.

The night in Pattaya is not stable. If she does not accompany her to go by herself, a little girl will definitely have an accident, and she can't worry about it.

Three thousand people can be at home...

Xu Mo struggled for a long time, and finally chose the ghost animal route, and quietly installed the previously useless camera that was bought without intelligence in the room of 3000.

There are a total of ten cameras installed in the room and several angles outside the door.

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