My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 521

Now she is actually more like a good girlfriend with a perfect score, and she is very suitable for marriage, the kind used to live a lifetime.

I even care about other girls who are ambiguous with me, this this...

Is this still Nanbing?

Even Xu Mo has a strange feeling. If he really has a harem, then Nan Bing is really going to be the rhythm of managing the harem.

Judging from the incident of Xiao Jiu today, there is really such a posture.

This thought felt so dangerous, Xu Mo hurriedly braked.

On the contrary, Nan Bing blinked his eyes unexpectedly, and then smiled easily and heartily. The smile was very real, and it seemed to come from the heart.

The answer is also very simple, without any extra feelings: "Well, how can I say it, after all, I am also a girl, and I may have a little emotion in my heart. Don't look at me, the surname is Ye... Ye Elegy will have this kind of emotion. They are all women. But the mentality is different. I used to be too afraid of losing you and insecure, so I only want one person to monopolize you, and one person to get all your feelings. "

She laughed and felt a little helpless: "That's no way. Whoever applauds you is like you? I love you, so I hope you can be better. As long as it can help you, it is really good for you. , I can also accept it. What does it matter if it’s exclusive or not? It’s actually pretty good now that it’s so lively, I’m used to it. The most important thing is, I love you, you love me , Enough. I believe you can pour the same affection on me while having others, just like now, right~?"

After that, she stood up on her tiptoes again ambiguously and rubbed Xu Mo with her delicate cheek.

Such a sweet and greasy love offensive is Nan Bing's recent new rhythm.

Xu Mo has a thick-skinned face and will not feel embarrassed. The old husband and wife are old, right? She is the one who'studied' each other the longest in the middle of the night.

But to be honest, what Nan Bing said really moved Xu Mo and didn't know how to answer her at this moment.

It is a great blessing to meet such a confidant in this life.

Xu Mo nodded, hugged her tightly, then gave her a kiss, and kissed the cheek she had just rubbed against her chest.

The touch from the lover will turn into a strong desire when touched the deepest.

Moving is the additive of love, and sex is also the additive of love.

Xu Mo felt a little bit hot when he held her, Nan Bing today really...too many extra points, and the relationship between the two of them has risen a lot.

Should we hurry up and consolidate a vigorous "body game"?

Xu Mo held her closer and closer.

The hands also began to feel a little restless, and actively began to stroke Nan Bing's body.

Her body and Xu Mo's hands are as deep as memories, and they are too familiar.

It is clear which part of the body she likes to touch and which position is most likely to evoke her emotions.

The big hands slowly touched down, and soon they reached where they should be.

According to Nan Bing's previous performance, he has been so proactive. Then the next step must be to go to her room or to start doing business right away. It just happens to be deep in love, isn't it normal?

But... But that's what went wrong.

Nanbing has changed!

She is different from before!

How come this is!?

Xu Mo expressed shock, shocked!

Because when she touched the place and said that she knew what she wanted, Nan Bing...she actually... avoided it!

The eyes were erratic, as if something was difficult to speak with an embarrassed expression, which could not be concealed.

He stubbornly didn't dare to look in his own eyes: " that..."

It's really not like her anymore!

If others don't know, can Xu Mo still know her?

She is the easiest fuel to ignite, and a slight flame can turn her into a raging fire. No matter when, she can easily feel the kind.

After all, this attribute of a slut is reserved.

But... but what happened today?

PS: It's updated in the middle of the night, there are no pigeons, there is one more update, wait a moment~

Chapter 552 Black and Pink

In fact, it is not what Xu Mo imagined.

Nan Bing did avoid what he loved to do, but it was not without feeling.

In such a good atmosphere, when Xu Mo took the initiative to strongly suggest and touched her sensitive area... She felt very much!

She wants to do those things too!

It's flooding!

I can't wait to start fighting right here and let out the longing for many days.


The thing is like this.

This morning, Nan Bing went out for a little while. On the way home, he was handed out a pamphlet. It was the kind of advertising magazine that was often posted on the side of the road. It was actually done by some men’s hospitals or women’s hospitals for advertising. , The contents of the magazine are articles on bisexual topics that make you want to visit the hospital after reading it.

In a hurry, he didn't care about it. In order to avoid trouble, Nan Bing threw it into the bag he was carrying and quickly walked home.

After I got home, I sorted my bags and found that I had brought this junk advertising magazine home. I wanted to throw it away, but before throwing it away, Nan Bing still turned a few pages awkwardly.

Sure enough... the first few pages are all banner advertisements of New Sunshine Women's Hospital.

What introduced Bulgaria's superb technology...glows the second spring of women...blows in the sky.

It was such a magazine that knew it was rubbish, but Nan Bing was completely affected by an article in it.

I don’t know who wrote this article, but it probably looks like this anyway.

From a first-person perspective, the protagonist is a newly married woman. For convenience, I will call her Liu Jifen.

From the perspective of Liu Jifen, the author tells the story of a very miserable couple's life after a happy wedding.The main reason is that Liu Jifen and her husband did not cross the line to do anything strange before getting married, nor did they appreciate each other’s body. Therefore, when the Zhou Gong ceremony was held on the wedding night, the husband looked at his body very much. Annoyed, she felt that she was an impure woman. The reason was that Liu Jifen had a black color underneath. She must have experienced a lot of experience or she would not show this color. Liu Jifen felt wronged. She had only one before marriage The predecessor, who has only had one experience, how can he be so experienced that it turns black?

How Liu Jifen explained, her husband was very angry and didn't believe it at all.

The marriage that had just started suffered a huge setback, and Liu Jifen was desperate... I didn't know what to do.

Finally, she came to the New Sunshine Women's Hospital and, with the help of a Bulgarian doctor, had a perfect genitals brightening beauty!Let yourself change your youth in the place that has been questioned, and become 18-year-old pink again!

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